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EXPLAINED: What is an Italian notary and what do they do?

What do Italy's notaries do, exactly? Why are their services so expensive? And is this really a profession that's only open to an elite few? Reporter Jessica Lionnel finds out more about the 'world's oldest' notariat.

EXPLAINED: What is an Italian notary and what do they do?
A statue representing Justice outside a court in Milan. (Photo by Giuseppe CACACE / AFP)

Italy’s international residents are often unsure about what the work of a notary (notaio) actually involves. And you may also have heard people say that Italian notaries are members of an elite profession – perhaps even one that’s open only to members of the nobility.

It’s no secret that notaries are an important part of Italian bureaucracy. Whether you’re buying a new house or want to legalise something within a business, chances are you will need a notary to sign and validate your documents –  a service which can cost anything from around €500 to €5,000.

This is a lot steeper in price compared to the UK or US, where generally the figure for getting documents notarised is around $100 or lower.

But Italian notaries themselves say there are two reasons for the dramatically higher sum: the model used and the length of training.

“It is a very old profession. In the 1200s many teachers were notaries at the University of Bologna,” says notary Carmelo di Marco. “But the role didn’t really evolve until the Renaissance period when more documents and paperwork were being produced.”

Di Marco has been a notary for almost 30 years and has his office Di Marco Carmelo Studio Notarile in Milan.

He says the Italian notariat is widely considered the oldest in the world and, because of this, 86 countries at present follow the Italian-born, Latin notary model. The model means notaries must be appointed by the state, trained in law and, above all, must be impartial. 

A man shows his ID before signing a document in front of a notary. (Photo by GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP)

“The same cannot be said for the UK or the US which operate under common law and therefore do not have a Latin notary model,” he says.

“There, the notary is only responsible for the authentication of signatures. Here the notary’s work is more in-depth and we operate in different matters such as real estate, family, companies and commerce.

“The notary’s role is to act as a third person. For instance buying a home and applying for a mortgage, donating your home to your child, setting up a company, or making a will.

“What are the risks in carrying out these operations? Can one be aware of all the obstacles and pitfalls caused by constantly evolving laws that are not always easy to understand?”

The road to becoming a trained notary is just as in-depth, and it’s perhaps for this reason that the profession is seen as being elite, as it is costly and time-consuming.

Similarly to the UK and elsewhere, you need to be trained in law to enter the field. Upon graduation, notary trainees need to undertake an 18-month-long apprenticeship.

It doesn’t end there. In the third and final stage, the trainees enter a concorso (‘competition’) run by the Ministry of Justice, in which they complete three written and oral tests in Rome.


If they pass, the Ministry of Justice assigns an office to the newly qualified notaries. If they don’t, they can retake the exam when it opens again. This final step can be done five times maximum.

“The timeline for the competition is subjective,” Di Marco adds. “Firstly, the Ministry of Justice says when there is enough space for the competition to be open again so the dates aren’t concrete.  

“Secondly, you have to be accepted to enrol in the competition, which is a competition in itself. Then you have to wait for the results of the competition which can take more or less one year.”

The process should take five years, but Di Marco says this could take longer for some people. 

Today, technology and increased global movement are changing the field.

While Di Marco says technology helps speed up the process of finding information and signing document, and this makes the job easier, global movement has made it more complex.

“The world seems to be a bit more accessible now than it was back in 1200,” he says.

“We have to be aware of people from other countries, too. Take these examples: you get married to a foreign national or you want to buy a second home in Italy but don’t live here. We notaries have to be aware of laws surrounding this before validating documents.

“Global movement has added more strands to our work. I predict this area will grow more in the future.”

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How to get by in Italy if you have food allergies and dietary restrictions

Typical Italian cuisine includes plenty of gluten and dairy products. But if you’re among the millions of people worldwide who suffer from food allergies, intolerances or are under strict dietary restrictions, don’t despair.

How to get by in Italy if you have food allergies and dietary restrictions

Food limitations needn’t stop you from enjoying one of life’s greatest pleasures: eating in Italy. 

According to Food Allergy Italia, the essential ingredients of Italy’s Mediterranean-based diet are “durum wheat pasta, milk, cheese, egg, meat, shellfish and fish, vegetables, fruits and nuts (often used for preparing desserts, cakes and ice creams).”

If the list of food and/or ingredients above contains foods you must avoid – whether because of a medical condition or lifestyle choice – here are some tips and advice to help you eat well and safely in Italy.

‘Non posso mangiarlo’

If you have allergies or hypersensitivities to certain foods, suffer from diabetes or have celiac disease, it’s important to understand which Italian dishes have the potential to contain the allergens or ingredients that may cause a reaction.

If you’re allergic to nuts

Avoid ordering fried foods as many restaurants cook with peanut oil.

Keep in mind that pesto contains pine nuts (as well as parmesan cheese, a no-no for the lactose-intolerant).

Mortadella has thinly sliced pieces of pistachio and chocolate cake could be hiding hazelnuts.

People with celiac disease or gluten intolerances

Because there is a high rate of celiac disease among the Italian population, you’ll find a wide variety of gluten-free products available in supermarkets and even at local grocers. In many restaurants in Italy, it’s possible to substitute regular pasta for a gluten-free kind.  

The good news is that food producers such as GROM, a chain of Italian gelateria are completely gluten-free, offering pure and authentic Italian ice cream. 

If you’re diabetic

Although the incidence of diabetes is increasing among the Italian population, the country hasn’t quite caught up to the growing demand for sugar-free items.

A typical Italian breakfast consists of a cornetto with a cappuccino, however some bars offer grano integrale (whole wheat) pastries, which are much lower in sugar content. Be sure to ask for a vuoto (empty) that’s not filled with crema (sweet cream) or marmellata (jam).   

READ ALSO: Six key tips to save money on groceries in Italy

When shopping, check packages carefully. Fruit preserves may say senza zucchero (without sugar) but may mean “no sugar added” (senza zucchero aggiunto). Look for the words like fruttosio (fructose), saccarosio (sucrose) and destrosio (dextrose), which are all forms of sugar. Packaged foods are known for putting sugar where none is expected or needed (such as on dry-roasted, salted cashews).

If you’re vegan or can’t digest dairy

Ask your barista for a cappuccino or caffe latte di soia (soy).

Be aware that many kinds of pasta – especially ribbon ones – are made with egg, as is the classic Roman fare spaghetti alla carbonara. If you aren’t sure, ask.

READ ALSO: Vegan Nutella to hit supermarket shelves in Italy

Tips for managing your food limitations in Italy

Take care to always read food labels. The European Union requires food sold within the EU to provide essential ingredients information to inform consumers about their purchases. The information must be accurate, easy to see and understand, not misleading, and indelible.

Shop at outdoor farmer’s markets, which tend to sell food that is home-grown, organic and pure.

Call ahead and ask the restaurant if their menu includes dishes that meet your dietary requirements, i.e., vegan and vegetarian dishes, wheat/gluten-, dairy- or sugar-free options, Kosher, Halal, etc.

If you are at a restaurant, notify staff immediately that if you have serious allergies or intolerances. If you see something on your plate that looks dubious, don’t be embarrassed to double check with the chef. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

If your allergies are so severe that traces of a cross-contaminate could send you into anaphylactic shock, carry a pre-translated list of the foods you’re allergic to, if you don’t speak Italian fluently.

If you experience an allergic reaction requiring immediate medical attention, call Italian emergency number 118 and tell the operator you are having an anaphylactic reaction.

Say: “Sto avendo uno shock anafilattico da alimento. Sono gravemente allergico a …. (reading from the list of allergen/allergens)”.

An ambulance will be dispatched to your location and you will be administered epinephrine or taken directly to the nearest hospital for treatment.