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EXPLAINED: The benefits (and challenges) of the strong Swiss franc

From cheaper cross-border shopping and holidays abroad, to challenges for Switzerland-based export companies and the tourist industry, here are the effects of the strong Swiss franc on Switzerland's economy and its customers.

EXPLAINED: The benefits (and challenges) of the strong Swiss franc
The strong Swiss franc brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. Image by günter from Pixabay.

The Swiss franc has been trading near a record against the euro in recent days due to the crisis in the Middle East and it is now slowly approaching an all-time high.

Last Friday, the Swiss franc’s exchange rate against the euro dropped to 0.9457 – a low point it had not reached since September 2022, and for now, it is uncertain how long this will remain the case.

Paradoxically, geo-political upheavals, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are the major reason for this phenomenon and once again, foreign investors view Switzerland as a safe haven in a turbulent world.

Its stable economy is also a plus, while the low national debt and the current account surplus are also contributory factors in the strength of the franc. 

But while the strong Swiss franc poses issues on some fronts, such as making travel to Switzerland more expensive for overseas tourists, some positive developments – for Swiss residents – have emerged as well.

READ MORE: How the strong Swiss franc has been a boost for Switzerland

First, the pros…

Cheaper travel abroad

The strong Swiss franc is good news for those who earn their keep in Switzerland but wish to travel abroad. At present, you will be able to visit multiple European destinations for less money.

This applies to the most popular holiday destinations such as Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain, among others. In those countries, you will spend less on accommodations, food, entertainment, and other expenditures than people living in the eurozone.

Small tip: If you are looking to book a holiday in Europe, make sure to keep track of prices on the various websites to see whether they have already applied the new exchange rate. Sometimes it also helps to book your vacation on a website where prices are quoted in euros or alternatively, book directly with the hotel to be sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

Cross-border shopping saves money

For years, many people living near one of Switzerland’s borders do some of their monthly shopping in neighbouring countries to save money and right now, a trip across the border to Germany or France will certainly pay off.

For many Switzerland-based residents, shopping in eurozone countries make sense financially even in regular circumstances given that many products are usually priced cheaper abroad and you’re able to reclaim value-added tax on your shopping.

However, with the Swiss franc being particularly strong against the euro at the moment, you will be able to save even more of your money if you take your shopping across the border.

The German town of Speyer

Shopping across the border in Germany can be better value. Photo: 12019 from Pixabay

While you can also do some of your international shopping online (which can be a valid option), it is important to remember that the delivery cost and customs duties may be so high you will essentially pay more than you would at a Swiss shop.

Though these shopping practices may end up saving you quite a bit of money, it is of course not a great long-term strategy for the Swiss economy which suffers when those earning in Switzerland take their money overseas.

In fact, Swiss shopping tourists spend around 7 billion francs a year in stores abroad.

READ MORE: Why cross-border shopping has become less popular in Switzerland

Import companies benefit

Switzerland-based companies that source their goods and services from overseas will be able to benefit from the strong Swiss franc and make more money.

In 2022, Switzerland’s foreign import trade amounted to 341 billion Swiss francs with over half of the imports coming from other countries in Europe, such as Germany, Italy, France, and Austria.

Though this may mean that import-oriented companies in Switzerland profit from the strong Swiss franc, this doesn’t necessarily mean that consumers will too as the companies can keep their profits to themselves if they wish (and many do).

Unfortunately, this means that you could still be paying the same price you would if the Swiss franc was in fact weaker.

Now onto the bad…

Companies focused on export trade face challenges

While the strong Swiss franc spells good news for Switzerland-based corporations that primarily focus on importing products, the current franc-to-euro parity does not benefit those companies that are export-based.

Some Swiss companies may opt to increase the price of their export goods to make up for the lost money which in turn means that the product itself would be more expensive for customers abroad to purchase. This could of course also result in less business due to a lack of competitiveness in terms of pricing.

Last year, Switzerland’s foreign export trade amounted to 383 billion Swiss francs, which included manufactured goods – such as its popular watches and machine products – being sold to customers in the United States, Germany, China, and other European countries.

Fewer tourists travel to Switzerland

The strong Swiss franc may very well enable Switzerland-based earners to enjoy numerous stays abroad, but it also makes holidays in Switzerland very pricy for overseas tourists. This in turn has a negative effect on the Swiss economy.

However, unlike many other industries, the tourist industry has no way of outsourcing its business and does not enjoy the same import profits as other industries might, which means that the strong Swiss franc brings next to no benefits for the industry.

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What are Switzerland’s top priorities for the coming year?

The year 2024 is not finished yet, but the Swiss government has already set its “concrete and quantifiable objectives” for next year. What are they?

What are Switzerland’s top priorities for the coming year?

On Wednesday September 18th, president Viola Amherd unveiled the Federal Council’s goals for 2025.

“In 2025, the focus will be on bilateral relations with the European Union, social policy, and continuing reforms in the healthcare sector,” the Federal Council announced in a press release.

All these issues are likely to have at least some impact on Switzerland’s population, including foreign residents.

Let’s have a closer look at these priorities.

EU-Swiss relations

After Bern walked out of its negotiations with Brussels in May 2021, and following a nearly three-year ‘cooling off’ period, the two parties resumed their talks in March of 2024.

The currently on-going negotiations aim, according to  the European Commission, “at ensuring a level playing field for competition between EU and Swiss companies operating within the EU internal market and guarantee the protection of the rights of EU citizens working in Switzerland, including non-discrimination between citizens of different Member States.” 

So if you are a citizen of any European Union state, the outcome of these talks will impact you — hopefully in a positive way.

Social policy

This will relate to the country’s state pension scheme /AHV / AVS), which includes the funding and implementation in 2026 of the 13th pension — a move that will affect both the retired and the still active workforce.

READ ALSO: How much will the 13th pension payment in Switzerland cost you? 

Healthcare reforms

This is not a new issue for Switzerland — on the contrary, the government has been trying cut the soaring costs of the health system for years.

The challenge it has is to curb the spending without cutting — or scraping altogether — various benefits currently covered by the obligatory health insurance scheme.

No concrete results that are acceptable to everyone have yet been found, so the Federal Council will continue this task in 2025.

These are the main challenges the government will tackle next year, but it has listed other ‘to-do’ tasks as well

They are:

  • To “sustainably secure its prosperity and seize the opportunities offered by digital technology”
  • To promote national and intergenerational cohesion
  • To ensure security, working towards peace and acting consistently and reliably internationally
  • To protect the climate and care for natural resources

Also on next year’s government agenda: to decide whether to further extend the special ‘S’ refugee status for people from Ukraine, which expires in March 2026.