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‘Get help and don’t rush’: Your top tips for buying property in Germany

Getting on the housing ladder in Germany is tough at the moment - but not impossible. We spoke to readers who have done it to find out how they made their property purchase a success.

Euro notes lie next to some house keys on a table.
Euro notes lie next to some house keys on a table. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Andrea Warnecke

Germany may be known as a country of renters, but there are many good reasons to own your own home. Whether it’s for more stability, a space you can make your own or even an investment for the future, getting on the housing ladder can be a big stepping stone in building a life in Germany. 

That said, prospective buyers are facing a lot of difficulties right now.

When The Local surveyed its readers on the problems they faced in their own purchase, affordability, bureaucracy and the challenge of finding a good property stood out as the biggest three issues.

Rebecca Watson, who lives in Freiburg, said she had struggled to find a place that fit all her requirements in a very limited market.

“We looked for five years, and in that time, only had viewings at maybe a dozen properties,” she explained, adding that the lack of properties on the market “compounded the problem”. 

Michael Crusoe, 40, had a similar experience in his property search in Berlin: “Intense competition requires high confidence that one can quickly assess a property,” he explained.

Michael told us that the mass of paperwork, high property taxes and discrimination against foreigners had also made the process difficult. He felt that sellers were more prejudiced against people without German language skills and was shocked that his spouse’s income wasn’t counted for a mortgage since they didn’t have permanent residency status.

READ ALSO: Germany or Austria: Where’s the best place for foreigners to buy property?

These kinds of problems are part of the bigger landscape of economic difficulties that buyers have faced over the past few years. Interest rates have been soaring in the EU as part of the European Central Bank’s efforts to combat high inflation – and this has made mortgages increasingly hard to afford.

Add to that the high property prices and hidden costs and things become even more extortionate – at a time when, as one reader pointed out, salaries haven’t been rising at the same pace. 

For 34-year-old Alex in Berlin, however, it was the impenetrable legal documents that posed the biggest problem.

“German property purchase contracts are quite long,” he said. “The papers include multiple requirements applied to the owner, other nuances since the very first land development, things that happened decades ago. This results in contracts consisting of more than a hundred pages written in legal German.”

Woman typing on a keyboard

A woman arranges house viewings online. Photo by Christin HUME via Unsplash

With all this in mind, it may take some courage to embark on your own home-ownership adventure in Germany – not to mention some useful advice.

Hopefully these pearls of wisdom from readers who’ve been through the process will help you along the way. 

Patience is a virtue

Buying a property is a far cry from picking up a new pair of jeans in the January sales: if you make a hasty decision, you may well regret it for years to come.

That’s why many of our readers recommended taking the time you need to get to grips with the system and learn to recognise what good value looks like.

“Be realistic about requirements and the time it will take,” said Edward Thorpe in Berlin, while Matt Key in Darmstadt advised buyers to “look at as many places as possible”. 

“Plan for 1+ year search so you can educate yourself,” Berliner Michael Crusoe advised. “Eventually you will know that a property is worth it; then make an immediate offer!”

READ ALSO: REVEALED: How the cost of renting in Germany compares to home ownership

Others pointed out that it wasn’t just the property search itself that’s worth spending a lot of time over: after you’ve found the perfect home, it’s important to handle the paperwork right and also perform some due diligence.

While detailed inspections aren’t necessarily the norm in Germany, Alex in Berlin said it could be worth doing anyway – and could also shave some money off the property.

“Check the property carefully, and document any issues (as during the rental process),” he said. “Some issues may be compensated later by seller or building company.”

He also told buyers that checking out the surroundings of the property and looking the Grundbuch (property register) could also de worth your time.

“Check the Grundbuch for the property status and burdens, and ensure the burdens are actually removed by seller after the purchase,” he explained. “Read carefully all papers, especially the ones you are going to sign.”

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Of course, even if you’ve looked round dozens of properties and got clued up on the ins and outs of German law, there’s still no harm in asking for a helping hand.

For many of our readers, talking to other people who have bought property in Germany was an essential step, as well as having reliable and trustworthy people on board along the way – and especially native German speakers.

READ ALSO: REVEALED: The German regions where property prices are falling and rising the most

Flats in Munich Altstadt

Flats in Munich’s historic city centre. Photo: picture alliance / Matthias Balk/dpa | Matthias Balk

That includes finding a good professional notary – as they’ll generally be in charge of drawing up the contract and clarifying legal issues – as well as a translation or English-speaking real estate agent if you’re not fluent in Germany.

It also involves shopping around at different banks for the best mortgage deals – and being picky about the people who give you financial advice.

“If your finance broker is not helpful or seems unwilling to explain things, look somewhere else,” said Rebecca in Freiburg. “Their fees are regulated by the covenant and they’re paid by the bank. If they’re condescending or annoyed at your questions, drop them.” 

Know your numbers

A final key tip from our readers was to get a realistic idea of how much a property will really cost you – and don’t get tripped up by all the hidden costs.

This might include things like commission for estate agents, fees for notaries and interpreters, and taxes that you’re likely to incur once you complete the process.

“Make sure you understand all the hidden costs over and above the purchase price,” advised Baden-Württemberg resident Madeleine Oliver. “Plus the weird – surely only in Germany? – system of leftover mortgage, or Restschuld, once you have finished paying off the sum with fixed interest rates.”

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: The hidden costs of buying a house in Germany

These words of advice were echoed by other readers who said buyers should prepare to borrow more than they might initially think in order to cover these additional costs.

“Get extra €30k in mortgage and hire very good Makler (estate agent) to help with papers and very good lawyer/Gutachter because Germany does not know how to build with quality anymore,” said Berlin resident Damir Gainetdinov.

As reader Sekhar pointed out, the cost of interest rates and credit should be taken into account along with potential maintenance and renovation costs – which could result in a figure much higher than the one you see on the property listing.

That said, some of these costs can be spared by shopping around, getting sound financial advice, and also looking at properties outside of the city centre.  

Thank you so much to everyone who completed our survey. Although we weren’t able to use all the responses, we read them all and they helped inform our article.

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Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

The housing market in Germany has been unsettled over the last few years for both buyers and sellers, but demand is picking up. We take a closer look at whether it's a good time to buy a home and what the outlook is.

Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

After a spate of falling prices, demand is increasing significantly on Germany’s property market, according to real estate experts.

Property platform ImmoScout 24 found that purchase demand in cities, had “reached a new high since 2017”, with the platform noting a sharp increase in financing inquiries in April to June.

“The purchase market for real estate is continuing to gain momentum. The wait-and-see phase is over on the buyer and seller side,” said ImmoScout24 managing director Gesa Crockford, adding that people “want to buy again”.

Interest (measured by contact requests) in buying properties in Germany’s “top eight” cities is particularly keen – it’s up 47 percent year on year in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Stuttgart, ImmoScout 24 found.

But the trend isn’t only confined to the big cities, purchasing interest has also increased in city outskirts and rural areas, the platform said.

Commerzbank’s analysis at the end of August came to a similar conclusion. The bank is seeing an increasing number of property transactions and more people applying for mortgages.

However, the previous fall in prices should be taken in context as the market varies greatly in different parts of the country.

For example, price drops weren’t as large in inner-city areas of Germany’s largest cities, where demand is always strong, compared with rural areas, which were affected by the crisis to a far greater extent, Maren Boerdeling, asset manager at Quantum Immobilien, told The Local. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: What fees do you have to pay when buying a home in Germany?

So what does this mean for property prices?

Despite increased interest, Commerzbank anticipates that prices will only rise “moderately” in the short term as inflated mortgage interest rates will offset the lack of housing stock.

But it said that the property price fall triggered by the European Central Bank’s hike in interest rates may have come to an end.

“Prices for older properties have risen again slightly since the start of the year after falling over 12 percent since spring 2022. This would mean the price correction has ended sooner than we expected.” Commerzbank said in a research note on its website.

Another factor that could drive higher prices is the lack of housing stock in many regions across Germany.

This chart of property transaction prices from 2010 – 2024 shows that prices are stabilising for older properties (black line) and new-builds (yellow line). Source: Commerzbank

For example, the Cologne Institute for Economic Research estimates that 370,000 new apartments are needed up to and including 2025 and around 300,000 for the years up to 2030. However, less than 200,000 will be built by 2026, according to forecasts from Munich’s Ifo Institute for Economic Research.

READ ALSO: Can you get a mortgage in Germany without permanent residency?

As well as immigration, changes in how people are living is also boosting the need for more available property.

Decreasing numbers of people living together in one household are driving the demand for more homes, according to the Association for Contemporary Construction.

But it’s also worth noting that when property portals report rising house prices in their online ads, these are usually asking prices that still have to go through the buying process. Flats may end up being sold for less than they were initially advertised online – or not at all if buyers and sellers cannot reach an agreement.

Is there a difference when buying a new-build or an older property?

As a rule, new-build houses or flats directly from a property developer are unlikely to be any cheaper at the moment – especially because of the high construction costs.

According to Destatis, Germany’s statistics office, new-build prices rose 2.7 percent year on year this May, driven by rising costs among most building materials.

But many buyers are still opting for these. In Hamburg, for example, there’s declining demand for condominiums, but a preference for energy-efficient new-build apartments, which don’t need the renovation work required by older buildings.

However, there are fewer of these available and they are comparatively more expensive, according to a survey by IVD Nord.

And there’s high demand for new-build flats and houses in Berlin and Leipzig, ImmoScout found.

If you’re thinking of buying an older property, it’s worth keeping in mind that banks sometimes ask for risk premiums in the form of higher interest rates for homes that are likely to need refurbishments due to the ‘heating law’ and CO2 taxation. 

Pastel-coloured stone houses dating back to the middle Ages are seen above the old city fortifications of Rothenburg ob der Tauber in the Franconia region of Germany.

Pastel-coloured stone houses dating back to the middle Ages are seen above the old city fortifications of Rothenburg ob der Tauber in the Franconia region of Germany. (Photo by TORSTEN BLACKWOOD / AFP)

Furthermore, it is unclear which renovations the German government will give subsidies for in future as part of EU legislation aimed at climate-neutral construction.

READ ALSO: ‘Get help and don’t rush’: Your top tips for buying property in Germany

So, is it a good time to buy a home in Germany?

Property experts have changed their tune in the last months.

Commerzbank, for example, had previously anticipated that prices would continue to fall until the end of 2024 as it believed property prices to still be overvalued by some 5 to 10 percent.

The bank is still ruling out any kind of property boom, but it does think it’s now likely that prices will continue to rise moderately for the rest of the year. This is because interest-rate developments are unlikely to provide much of a price boost.

“The ECB is likely to cut its interest rate by a further 100 basis points by next summer. However, this would be somewhat less than the market is currently expecting, so the downward potential for…interest rates on 10-year mortgage loans is likely to be limited,” the bank said.

Interest rates are “unlikely to be much lower than they are now in the coming months and into next year, at around 3.5 percent, and may even rise slightly in the second half of 2025,” it added.

Others agreed that prices had bottomed out, but only in some locations.

“Since the interest-rate level has stabilised and the ECB is expected to lower interest rates, the bottom seems to have been reached in stable locations,” said Boerderling from Quantum Immobilien.

However, she cautioned that the same was not necessarily true for areas affected by demographic change and socially less advantaged areas (such as in the east outside big cities).

READ ALSO: IN CHARTS: How German property prices are forecast to rise over next decade

Price and rate predictions aside, ultimately, buying a home is a personal decision and depends on many factors, including your financial situation, needs and the area you live which will have its own property market trends. 

If you fancy checking for yourself what you might expect to pay for a home in your region, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) also handily publishes the Greix (German Real Estate Index). The data is collected on the basis of actual, notarised sales prices so it’s worth looking into while you’re doing your research. 

It may also be a good idea to chat to a professional real estate expert in your area when deciding on whether to buy a home.