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10 ways you will accidentally annoy your German neighbours

Getting along with your neighbours is essential if you want an easy life - but there are a few unwritten rules in Germany that you may not even know you're breaking.

Angry cat
An angry cat. There are several ways to accidentally annoy your neighbours in Germany. Photo:Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash

Anyone who’s lived in Germany for a while knows that there are rules for absolutely everything, so it’s sure to come as no surprise that there are plenty of guidelines for living with (or near) other people. 

What may come as a surprise, though, is just how extensive these rules are – and how much trouble you can get in for breaking them.

Think you’re allowed to garden the way you like after buying your own property? Think again. Looking forward to decking out your balcony with colourful decorations come Christmas? Tread carefully.

Incredibly, most of the dos and don’ts of getting along with your neighbours are set out in what’s known as the Nachbarschaftsgesetz, or Neighbourhood Law, which every state has its own version of.

While the law won’t tell you what type of cake to bake Frau Hermann downstairs before throwing a party in your flat, it does go into an awe-inspiring amount of detail on how to behave in your home or garden to avoid causing annoyance.

Of course, it’s impossible to get things right all the time – especially as a foreigner – but steer clear of these common pitfalls and you should have a relatively peaceful home life. 

1. Stinking out the balcony 

The question of whether you can barbecue on your balcony – and how often – is a complicated one, and the rules actually vary from state to state. In fact, a relatively recent court case in Berlin tried to define how much barbecuing was too much, and concluded that twice a month was enough to fulfil your grilling needs. 

That said, the main rule of thumb is that you don’t send billows of smoke or the obtrusive smell of meat over to your neighbour’s property, and open flames are also off the cards. If you break these rules, you could even face a fine under the Emissions Control Act. 

Barbecue vegetables and steak

Steak and green vegetables on a barbecue. Photo by Edson Saldaña auf Unsplash

A similar issue can occur if you smoke on your balcony. While smoking is normally permitted, some German neighbours can get irritated by the smell.

In one particularly absurd situation in Berlin, a German neighbour demanded a full schedule of another neighbour’s smoking habits – along with text alerts when the smoker went out for a cigarette.

You’ll be pleased to know that smoking rotas aren’t enforceable under German law, but these things can happen nonetheless.

READ ALSO: Can you get in trouble for smoking on your balcony in Germany?

2. Growing an annoying tree 

You may think that adding to the foliage and wildlife in your area could only be a positive thing, but if your favourite tree starts trespassing onto your neighbour’s property, there may well be trouble ahead.

This tricky scenario used to be uncharted territory in German law, given that the tree would technically be your property, but its branches may well stray into the ‘airspace’ of another person’s garden. 

In a ruling a few years back, however, the judgement was clear: neighbours have the right to cut off a branch of your tree if it starts annoying them too much or creating a safety hazard on their property.

READ ALSO: It’s legal to trim your neighbour’s tree (even if he doesn’t want you to), Germany’s highest court rules

3. Leaving snow on the pavement 

If you’re a driver, you’re probably used to changing your tyres in the winter months – but did you know you also need to take precautions closer to home?

Though your local Winterdienst – or winter road clearance – will generally take care of clearing cycle paths and roads during icy periods, you may well be responsible for shovelling snow in the immediate vicinity of your house and salting the pavement to make sure nobody slips.

Winterdienst in Saxony-Anhalt

The winter road-clearance service clears snow from a street in Saxony-Anhalt. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Matthias Bein

That has to be done between 7am and 8pm on snowy days, because if somebody slips and hurts themselves during these times, you’ll be liable.

If you’ve got snow in your garden, chucking it into a public walkway is also an absolute no-no – and a sure way to annoy your neighbours. Instead, you can pile it up at the side of the street as long as it doesn’t block the path.

These rules normally only apply to owners, but be sure to check your rental agreement to avoid gripes and groans (or even a lawsuit). 

4. Putting plastic in the general waste

One thing that’s guaranteed to offend your neighbours – and Germans in general – is putting rubbish in the wrong bin outside. In many ways, not paying attention to recycling etiquette is one of Germany’s greatest taboos, so be sure to memorise the rules carefully. 

Generally, you’ll need at least five bins to stay on the good side of your neighbours: one for plastic and other packaging like tins, one for paper and cardboard, one for glass jars and bottles without a deposit, one for your food waste and a last one for general waste. 

And if Herr Hoffmann should peep out of his window at an inopportune moment and see you shoving an empty can into the Restmüll (general waste), you can wave goodbye to that BBQ invite pretty swiftly. 

5. Vacuuming during the ‘quiet hours’ 

If you’ve got the day off or happen to be home for lunch on a weekday, you may think it’s the perfect time to get ahead with a little bit of housework – aber Vorsicht! Getting the vacuum cleaner out for a midday hoovering session may well upset your German neighbours.

That’s because German neighbourhood laws enforce certain “quiet periods” in which your cleaning, music practice and DIY plans will unfortunately have to be put on hold.

A woman vacuums her flat in Germany.

A woman vacuums her flat in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hauke-Christian Dittrich

You can fall afoul of these if you take out the hoover between 12pm and 3pm on weekday afternoons, or in the evenings after 10pm. 

READ ALSO: From nudity to BBQs: What you can (and can’t) do on your balcony in Germany

6. Going overboard on fairy lights 

Whether ’tis, or ’tis not, the season to be jolly, expressing your joy through a litany of twinkling lights should be done with caution in Germany. 

That’s because neighbours have the right to complain about light pollution if they’re disturbed by bright lights on your balcony at night. 

During the day and early evening, you’re welcome to enjoy a cosy ambience with as many fairy lights and lamps as you like – but if you want to be on the safe side, be sure to turn them off at 10pm sharp. 

7. Cleaning your car 

In some countries, neighbours may be offended by seeing your mud-caked vehicle gathering dust in the driveway, so you may feel like the most neighbourly thing to do is to give it a regular clean.

Unfortunately, you could end up infuriating your German neighbours if you go all-out on car maintenance – whether it’s on your own property or on a public street. 

There are endless dos and don’ts when it comes to car-washing in Germany, but the main one to know is that chemical cleaning agents and jet sprays aren’t allowed because they can get into the water system. If you’re planning on cleaning your car yourself, it has to be done the old fashioned way with water and a sponge.

You could also get some angry looks if you wash the car on a public street or during the designated “rest periods” on Sundays and public holidays. On the upside, it is a good excuse to put your feet up and forget about this chore for another few days.

8. Having an excitable pet 

Most rational pet owners will know that there isn’t a great deal you can do to control a wayward animal, but in Germany you’d better try and keep Rover’s howling to a minimum.

That’s because loud animals can often cause conflicts between neighbours in Germany – and some of these cases even end up in court. 

A dog looks guilty

A dog looks guilty after barking for more than 30 minutes per day. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt

In one such case, a court in Cologne concluded that pet dogs were allowed to bark for precisely 30 minutes a day – but only for 10 minutes at a time. Another court insisted that a German university move its guinea pigs to a more private part of the campus since neighbours had been bothered by the sounds of the little rodents having sex. 

When it comes to frogs in your pond, however, there’s a clear precedent: these croaking critters are part of nature and anyone bothered by them should buy some ear-plugs.

READ ALSO: Six things to know about adopting a dog in Germany

9. Mowing on a Sunday 

By now you may be aware that Sundays and other quiet periods are sacrosanct in Germany, and resting on the seventh day is more than just a right: it’s an obligation.

That means that a day of gardening chores comes with a few key ground-rules – and you should certainly avoid manicuring your lawn on a Sunday or at lunchtimes during the week. 

10. Forgetting to trim your hedge in winter 

Between the months of October and March, you may find that your neighbours are all out giving their hedges a full-on redesign. If you’re wondering why they’d possibly want to garden in the snow or torrential rain, the reason actually goes back to nature protection rules.

During the summer, small animals and birds tend to nest in bushes and hedges, so trimming hedgerows during these months is generally left to professionals if it’s done at all.

In other words, be sure to get your shears out in late autumn and winter – or by the end of February at the latest – if you don’t want to be see the scowling faces of your neighbours. 

READ ALSO: Why you should trim your hedge in Germany this February

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Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

Across Germany, rents have shot up in the last two years while property prices have fallen. Experts say this is making buying more attractive than renting at the moment.

Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

For several years, property prices in Germany rose at a much faster pace than rents. Between 2016 and 2022, the average price for apartments climbed by a dramatic 76.5 percent, according to an analysis by real estate company ImmoScout 24. During the same period, rents for flats rose by 26.8 percent.

Experts said this was due to comparatively low interest rates and high buyer demand along with limited supply – all of which caused the property market to explode. 

However, this trend has reversed over the past two years, with rental prices rising significantly more than purchase prices.

According to ImmoScout, falling property prices is a big factor. The price index for apartments fell by 9.4 percent between 2022 and 2024, while rents rose on average by 11.7 percent, reducing the difference in price development from a peak of 39.2 percent in 2022 to 12.9 percent this year.

At the same time, the strong pressure on the rental market has resulted in a considerable financial burden for tenants. An earlier ImmoScout analysis from March showed that rental flats in Germany’s 40 largest cities received 21 times more enquiries than owner-occupied flats.

In another study released in summer, real estate experts Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) found that asking rents for flats in the eight major cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Leipzig climbed by an average of 6.3 percent in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

READ ALSO: Rents still rising fast in major German cities

Real estate experts say it means buying a property in Germany has become more attractive.

“The sharp rise in rents in particular is making buying a property as an investment or home more and more attractive,” said Dr Gesa Crockford from ImmoScout. 

The index values for renting and buying have converged even more in Germany’s five largest cities – Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. 

Berlin prenzlauer Berg

Flats in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

The purchase price of existing flats rose by 65.5 percent between 2016 and 2021, while the rental price only increased by 21.6 percent. From the peak in 2021, prices for apartments have fallen by 2.1 percent, while rents have continued to rise by 28.9 percent. As a result, the gap in price development since 2016 has shrunk from 36.1 percent (2021) to 3.4 percent (2024).

People looking to rent in major cities are not only facing rising rents, but also fierce competition to snag an affordable place to live. 

“In the metropolises, buying has become increasingly worthwhile over the past two years,” said Crockford. “There, the difference between purchase and rental prices has levelled off from 30 percent and more to a low single-digit percentage range.”

Is it better to buy a home than rent?

Choosing to buy instead of renting is of course a personal decision and you have to consider several factors – including whether you can afford the mortgage and extra fees associated with house buying.

That said, property prices are expected to increase again slightly after the dip over the last two years.

READ ALSO: Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

However, it should also be noted that tenants rights are strong in Germany so renting can be a worthwhile and savvy way to go, if you can find a home that is affordable to you. 

That goes some way to explain why Germany has one of the lowest level of property ownership in the EU, with just over half of the population owning their own home.

Meanwhile, one study released in 2023 by credit insurer Allianz Trade found that buying property in Germany is “significantly more expensive than renting in Germany”.

Even if rents were raised by the legal maximum of 20 percent next year compared to 2023, the difference between average mortgage repayments and average rents would still come in at €381 per month, said the insurer. 

However, some buyers may consider a home an investment in the long term and rely on the value going up over time – though this, of course, is not guaranteed. 

READ ALSO: How the cost of renting in Germany compares to home ownership