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EXPLAINED: How deep does the German fear of debt go?

A constitutional debt brake practically unique to Germany has thrown the federal government into chaos as it plans next year’s budget. But the debt brake is a political reflection of a deep cultural fear of debt.

Someone checks the money in their wallet
Germans have a cultural attitude towards debt that's evident in all facets of German life - from politics to buying homes. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Fernando Gutierrez-Juarez

Following a court ruling earlier this month that the federal government’s €60 billion off-balance sheet climate investment fund was unconstitutional, German politics is alive with talk of the budget crisis and how the government plans on fulfilling its promises to invest in the green transition and support Ukraine with both weapons and financial aid.

The reason is the Schuldenbremse – or debt brake – which limits the federal government to borrowing a maximum of 0.35 percent of GDP – about €9 billion. With the debt brake enshrined in the German constitution, it would require a two-thirds majority in the German Bundestag to overturn – an unlikely scenario in most German parliaments. Yet, despite the political chaos it’s causing, most Germans support it.

Schuldenbremse: What is Germany’s debt brake and how does it affect residents?

How popular is the debt brake?

Several recent polls find over 60 percent of Germans are against relaxing or getting rid of the debt brake.

These same polls also find that around 60 percent of think that the government should cut its spending to reduce its budget shortfall, rather than either raise taxes or take on more debt.

So just how indebted is Germany?

It turns out government indebtedness here is about 66 percent of GDP. That’s well under the UK, Canada, France, and the US – who all have indebtedness of between 101 and 121 percent of GDP. Italian debt sits at 144 percent of GDP – and Japan, now the world’s fourth-largest economy after Germany – runs debt of about 260 percent of its annual GDP.

With numbers like that, it’s safe to say Germany is unlikely to have a major debt crisis anytime soon.

READ ALSO: Scholz defends spending as budget crisis rocks Germany

What about Germans in their private life?

You won’t have to look very far to find debt aversion at all levels of German life. Whether it’s the constitutional debt brake or in everyday life.

Nick Mulder, Co-Founder and CEO of Hypofriend – a German-based mortgage broker that caters specifically to expats – says the German cultural fear of taking on debt is one of the many reasons why Germany has one of the lowest home ownership rates anywhere in Europe.

Less than half of people in Germany own their own homes, compared to about two-thirds in the UK, France, and Sweden.

“Germans are rather debt-averse, the word debt – ‘Schulden’ – literally means ‘faults’,” he says. 

READ ALSO: Why is German home ownership so low?

The word Schuld can also mean guilt. It simply doesn’t evoke the same positive emotion it might in English if used a certain way – for example, when someone says “I’m in your debt” as a way to express thanks.

The German obsession with using cash also has roots in fear of taking on debt, with many people preferring to be able to count the notes in their wallet order to keep track of their spending better. About 56 percent of people in Germany have a credit card, yet only 29 percent use it regularly. That compares to a global average of 42 percent and around 80 percent in both Denmark and Israel.

Ask an expert: Why is cash still so popular in Germany – and is it changing?

Anyone renting an apartment in Germany for the first time might also have had to learn what a Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung is – which you get from your previous landlord to certify that you have no debt.

Renting in Germany: What to know about the ‘Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung’

Where does it come from?

German fear of debt is rooted in cultural traits, but also some deep historical trauma.

Government spending and ballooning debt during the 1920’s Weimar period helped fuel the hyperinflation that German historians still talk about a century later.

Studying that time will bring you across pictures of long lines for bread, with skyrocketing prices for basic goods that financially ruined many households and brought widespread starvation to Germany.

It was against this backdrop that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was able to gain support, leading many Germans to blame debt-infused spending for laying the conditions for which the Nazis were able to gain power in Germany.

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Such historical memories and cultural attitudes came to the fore again during the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting euro crisis – which German newspapers tended to frame for a long time as a Schuldenkrise – or debt crisis – spurred on by overspending in southern EU countries like Greece and Italy.

Many Germans took these financial woes as a warning of what can happen to those who take on too much debt – and the current constitutional debt brake was instituted against this backdrop.

The world has obviously changed a lot since 2009, yet the debt brake – and an overall German aversion to debt – remain as popular and strong as ever.

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Germany’s first African-born MP says he won’t stand again

SPD politician Karamba Diaby, who championed the issue of dual nationality, said he will not run for the Bundestag again after the current legislative period comes to an end.

Germany's first African-born MP says he won't stand again

The Halle-based MP, Karamba Diaby, announced his decision in a letter sent to SPD colleagues, stating that he had given “months of consideration and deliberation” to the decision and had sought advice from his family.

“I can look back on 11 enriching and successful years in federal politics,” he wrote. After three legislative periods, however, “it’s time to explore new avenues and make space for the next generation.”

Diaby made history back in 2013 when he entered German parliament as the first African-born Black MP, and since then he has championed numerous issues relating to civil and migrant rights, including the issue of dual nationality.

Born in Senegal, Diaby moved to the former GDR as a student in the 1980s.

He thanked his party in his letter and highlighted past achievements such as the introduction of a statutory minimum wage, the Skilled Immigration Act and the modernisation of the citizenship law.

READ ALSO: How people with migrant backgrounds remain underrepresented in German politics

Most recently, he had campaigned for political initiatives to better integrate migrants from African countries.

However, his time in politics has been marred by repeated death threats and racist abuse.

In a notorious incident back in 2020, shots were fired at Diaby’s office in Halle by an unknown assailant. Around the same time the politician received written death threats. 

In 2023, a man who had repeatedly hurled racial slurs at Diaby committed an arson attack at his constituency office. 

‘A new level’

The SPD politician has repeatedly used his platform to highlight his experiences as a Black MP in Germany and speak out against discrimination, including the racism of the far-right AfD. 

Fire at Diaby constituency office

Burn marks following an arson attack at Karamba Diaby’s constituency office in Halle. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Heiko Rebsch

“Since 2017, the tone in the German Bundestag has become harsher,” Diaby recently told Politico’s Berlin Playbook Podcast. “We hear aggressive speeches from colleagues from the AfD. We hear derogatory and hurtful content in these speeches.”

The AfD’s racial insults have occasionally been hurled directly at Diaby: Markus Frohnmaier, an AfD MP from Baden-Württemberg, said in one Bundestag debate that the Halle MP “did not understand Central European customs”.

READ ALSO: Germany’s far-right AfD sees strong gains in local eastern elections

At the start of June this year, Diaby told followers on Instagram that both he and his staff had been subject to death threats once again.

“For me, the hatred and harassment has reached a new level,” he said.

However, Diaby made clear that his decision not to serve a further term in parliament was personal than political.

“I’ve been toying with the idea for a year, and after discussions with my family, it has matured,” he told left-wing newspaper Taz. “I want more time for my friends, family, and our allotment”. 

In a statement to the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, however, Martin Kröber, a spokesperson for the SPD in Saxony-Anhalt, drew an explicit link between the harassment Diaby had faced and his decision to step down.

“I very much regret the decision, but I can understand it in view of the threats,” Kröber said. “The price Karamba Diaby paid for his political work was very high.”