EU seeks world’s first law on AI to protect citizens’ rights

The European Union is seeking to thrash out an agreement on sweeping rules to regulate artificial intelligence, following months of difficult negotiations in particular on how to monitor generative AI like ChatGPT. But what does Brussels want?

EU seeks world's first law on AI to protect citizens' rights
The ChatGPT application logal developed by OpenAI. (Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)

The EU is racing to approve the world’s first comprehensive AI law after the issue took on greater urgency when the ChatGPT bot burst onto the scene last year, highlighting AI’s advances.

ChatGPT wowed with its ability to produce poems and essays within seconds.

AI proponents say the technology will benefit humanity, transforming everything from work to healthcare, but others worry about the risks it poses to society, fearing it could thrust the world into unprecedented chaos.

Brussels intends to use powerful legal armoury to protect EU citizens’ rights, especially those covering privacy and data protection.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, first proposed an AI law in 2021 that would regulate systems based on the level of risk they posed. For example, the greater the risk to citizens’ rights or health, the greater the systems’ obligations.

Negotiations on the final legal text began in June, but a fierce debate in recent weeks over how to regulate general-purpose AI like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard chatbot threatened talks at the last minute.

Some member states worry that too much regulation will stifle innovation and hurt the chances of producing European AI giants to challenge those in the United States, including ChatGPT’s creator OpenAI as well as tech titans like Google and Meta.

Negotiators from the European Parliament and EU member states were due to meet on Wednesday, with talks expected to last into the evening. Although there is no set deadline, senior EU figures have repeatedly said the bloc must finalise the law before the end of 2023.

Stumbling blocks

EU diplomats, industry sources and other EU officials have warned the talks could end without an agreement as stumbling blocks remain over key issues.

Others have suggested that even if there is a political agreement, several meetings will still be needed to hammer out the law’s technical details.

And even if EU negotiators agree, the law would not come into force until 2026 at the earliest.

The main sticking point is over how to regulate so-called foundation models – designed to perform a variety of tasks – with France, Germany and Italy calling to exclude them.

“France, Italy and Germany don’t want a regulation for these models,” said German MEP Axel Voss, who is a member of the special parliamentary committee on AI.

The parliament, however, believes it is “necessary … for transparency” to regulate such models, Voss said.

Late last month, the three biggest EU economies published a paper calling for an “innovation-friendly” approach for the law known as the AI Act.

Berlin, Paris and Rome do not want the law to include restrictive rules for foundation models, but instead say they should adhere to codes of conduct.

Many believe this change in view is motivated by their wish to avoid hindering the development of European champions – and perhaps help companies such as France’s Mistral AI and Germany’s Aleph Alpha.


Another sticking point is remote biometric surveillance – basically, facial identification through camera data in public places.   

The EU parliament wants a full ban on “real time” remote biometric identification systems, which member states oppose. The commission had initially proposed that there could be exemptions to find potential victims of crime, including missing children.

There have been suggestions MEPs could concede on this point in exchange for concessions in other areas.

The EU’s top tech enforcer, Thierry Breton, remains hopeful that an agreement can be reached

“Significant progress has been made by both sides,” Breton, the EU’s internal market commissioner, said on Tuesday, pointing to the mandate given to Spain, which holds the rotating EU presidency, to conclude negotiations on Wednesday.

Concerns over AI’s impact and the need to supervise the technology are shared worldwide.

US President Joe Biden issued an executive order in October to regulate AI in a bid to mitigate the technology’s risks.

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EU shifts right as new team of commissioners unveiled

After weeks of political horse-trading, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen unveiled on Tuesday a new top team tasked with shoring up the EU's economic and military security through the next five years.

EU shifts right as new team of commissioners unveiled

Faced with Russia’s war in Ukraine, the potential return of Donald Trump as US president and competition from China, the new commission will need to steward the EU at a time of global uncertainty.

To confront the challenges, von der Leyen handed powerful economic portfolios to France, Spain and Italy — with a hard-right candidate from Rome taking a top role in a commission seen shifting broadly rightward.

“It’s about strengthening our tech sovereignty, our security and our democracy,” the commission chief said as she announced the team at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

France’s outgoing foreign minister Stephane Sejourne was handed an executive vice president role overseeing industrial strategy, after von der Leyen ousted Paris’s first nominee.

Spain’s Teresa Ribera, a socialist climate campaigner, was also made an executive vice president, tasked with overseeing competition and the bloc’s transition toward carbon neutrality.

As Russia’s war against Ukraine grinds on through a third year, security and defence assumed a new prominence.

Former Lithuanian prime minister Andrius Kubilius landed a new defence role overseeing the EU’s push to rearm, making him one of several hawkish Russia critics in eastern Europe to receive a prominent position.

Those also include Estonia’s ex-premier Kaja Kallas, already chosen by EU leaders as the bloc’s foreign policy chief.

And Finland, another country neighbouring Russia, saw its pick Henna Virkkunen given a weighty umbrella role including security and tech.

As part of the bloc’s careful balancing act, the German head of the EU executive had to choose the lineup for her second term from nominees put forward by the other 26 member states.

That has meant treading a political tightrope between the demands of competing national leaders — and putting some noses out of joint.

The highest-profile casualty was France’s first-choice candidate Thierry Breton, who quit suddenly as internal market commissioner on Monday accusing von der Leyen of pushing Paris to ditch him.

Von der Leyen fell short in her efforts at gender balance, ending up with 40 percent women after pressuring member states for female nominees.

But women obtained the lion’s share of executive VP roles, with four of six posts.

Controversial Italian pick

The choice of who gets which job is an indication of where Brussels wants to steer the European Union — and the weight commanded by member states and political groupings after EU Parliament elections in June.

Cementing its status as parliament’s biggest group, Von der Leyen’s centre-right European People’s Party commands 15 of 27 commission posts — to the chagrin of left-wing lawmakers like France’s Manon Aubry who warned of a lurch “far to the right” in terms of policies too.

Among the powerful vice presidents is Italy’s Raffaele Fitto, handed a cohesion brief in a nod to gains made by far-right parties in the June elections.

Giving a top role to a member of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s post-fascist Brothers of Italy party has raised hackles among centrist and leftist groups — while Meloni said it “confirms the newfound central role of our nation in the EU”.

After Green party losses at the June ballot, whether climate would remain high on the agenda and which commissioners would steer green policy was a subject of scrutiny.

As well as Ribera’s overarching role, the centre-right Dutchman Wopke Hoekstra will carry on in a position handling climate and the push to make the EU carbon neutral.

Among other eye-catching choices, Croatia’s Dubravka Suica obtained a new role overseeing the Mediterranean region, and the enlargement gig went to Slovenia’s Marta Kos — yet to be confirmed as her country’s candidate.

Other important figures going forward look set to be Slovakia’s Maros Sefcovic, handling trade, and Poland’s Piotr Serafin, who will steer negotiations over the bloc’s next budget.

All would-be commissioners still need to win approval from the European Parliament, with hearings to start in coming weeks.

Lawmakers could flex their muscles by rejecting some candidates — or at least dragging them over the coals, as expected with Italy’s Fitto.

Chief among those suspected for the chopping block are Hungary’s Oliver Varhelyi, nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s man in Brussels these past five years, who received a diminished portfolio covering health and animal welfare.

The stated target is to have a new commission in place by November 1st, but diplomats say that looks ambitious, with December 1 more likely.