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Is it a good idea to rent a car in Paris?

If you are looking to visit Paris and wondering how to best get around the city, a car might not be the best option.

Is it a good idea to rent a car in Paris?
Motorists drive vehicles next to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (Photo by GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP)

When it comes to major cities, Paris is not that big, particularly when compared to sprawling metropolises like New York and London. Paris is about 9.5 km in length from north to south and 11 km east to west and many of the most famous attractions are clustered together in the city centre. 

The city boasts efficient public transport services, with Metro trains arriving between two to 12 minutes apart. On weekdays, according to Fodor’s, the average wait time is two to four minutes trains during the day, and up to eight to 10 minutes in the later evenings. 

Paris has 303 stations Metro stations – or about one station every 550 metres on average (about 6-7 minutes walking time).

There are also bus stations, taxis, rideshares like Uber and Bolt, and many kilometres of newly constructed bicycle lanes. 

READ MORE: LATEST: How close is Paris to its goal of being a 100% cycle-friendly city?

All of that to say – Paris is very accessible without a car, and even preferable to many people. A 2022 study found that motorists in Paris lost on average 109 hours to traffic jams. An increasing number of areas are pedestrian-only.

Nevertheless, there are many reasons you might want to rent a car when coming to Paris. Before deciding to do so, there are a few questions you should ask yourself.

Will you be staying in the city the whole time?

If you are hoping to drive short distances – maybe from the Louvre museum to the Eiffel Tower, you might be better off without a car. Before booking, take a moment to look over your itinerary. You can try searching on Google Maps or the app CityMapper to compare estimated time of travel when walking, taking the Metro or driving.

Next, think about parking – underground car parks can be quite expensive, especially if you want to leave the vehicle there for a full day, and street parking can be hard to come by.

You will also have to pay for street parking from Monday to Saturday, 9am to 8pm, according to the city website. If you park in central Paris (1st to 11th arrondissements), you will pay an hourly rate of €6. If you park in the outer arrondissements (12th to 20th), the rate is €4. Street parking is usually limited to two hours, so you face having to frequently move the vehicle. 

Your Airbnb or hotel might offer parking, but this should not be assumed and it might cost extra.

Will you be taking trips outside of the city?

Again, this depends on where you want to go. If you want to visit popular locations that are not too far outside of the city, like Versailles Palace, Disneyland Paris and the Giverny gardens, then you do not need a car. There are several tour bus services that you might consider. Similarly, the French public transport and rail system can get you there. 

The Versailles Château Rive Gauche station is just a 10-minute walk from the palace and is along the Line C of the RER train system, which is accessible from several different stations inside of the city and about a 40-minute ride.

Disneyland Paris is on the RER A line, and it takes about 40 minutes to get there directly from the central Châtelet station in Paris.

Giverny is a little bit further, but you can take a TER regional train from Saint Lazare station to ‘Vernon-Giverny’ in under an hour. Tickets were €16.80 as of 2023 and you can buy them in advance here.

READ MORE: Ten of the best day trips out of Paris

But if you want to go further – perhaps to visit Mont-Saint-Michel on the coast or the D-Day beaches in Normandy – having a car might be helpful. There are also plenty of guided tour buses that plan day trips to popular locations outside of the capital. These usually leave early in the morning from a single meet-up point in the city and return late at night.

If you want to do a wine tasting in nearby Champagne or Burgundy, it might be advantageous to take a bus or train instead of driving – even though the journey is just a couple of hours by car – because then you won’t need to worry about France’s strict drink-drive limits

Generally, if you want to do day trips to tourist locations outside of Paris, you may not need a vehicle.

But if you want to explore the surrounding area or spend the night, then having a car will give you greater flexibility. Outside of large cities, public transport in France can be less consistent.

You could consider renting a car once you get to your location outside of Paris, in order to avoid traffic in and around the city – for example if you’re going to Brittany you could take the train to Rennes and then pick up the car in Rennes, a city which is considerably less difficult to drive in than Paris. 

Similarly, you could do a short one or two day rental to avoid being stuck with a car during your whole trip in Paris.

Uber and other rideshare companies tend to operate mostly in urban areas, so you might need to call a taxi in small towns and villages to get to the local train station. While you can try booking a taxi with apps like G7, oftentimes you will need to call (usually at least an hour or two in advance) and this requires speaking a little French.

Do you or someone you are travelling with have impaired mobility?

If this is the case, you will have to consider whether Paris public transportation will be accessible for you.

On the Paris Metro, only one line is fully accessible to people with mobility issues – the automated line 14 – and it represents just three percent of the capital’s Metro stations. Many stations also have long flights of steps and are not equipped with elevators.

READ MORE: ANALYSIS: How accessible is Paris for people with disabilities?

The city’s tram system is classed as accessible, but most trams only serve the city outskirts and suburbs, so are not very useful for tourists or people needing to get into the city centre. As for the bus network, it is meant to be accessible, but although the buses themselves are all fully wheelchair accessible, many of the bus stops are not. 

The city of Paris has an English-language advice page for travellers with disabilities and there are dedicated agencies that offer specialised tours for people with disabilities. You can also find helpful blog pages with advice for visitors.

Member comments

  1. A mention of the “unique” challenges of driving in Paris might also have been helpful. The average (especially American) tourist has never experienced a similarly intense driving environment. Thus, a. little warning that actually driving in Paris is not recommended for the novice.

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Paris unveils sweeping transport price changes for 2025

From introducing a single ticket for the Metro and commuter RER trains, to new advantages with the Liberté + pass, here is how Paris regional transport authorities plan to change prices starting in January 2025.

Paris unveils sweeping transport price changes for 2025

The head of the Paris region and leader of Ile-de-France Mobilités, Valérie Pécresse, announced on Tuesday that there would be wide ranging changes to the prices for public transport tickets, taking effect from January 2nd, 2025. 

The biggest change is introducing a single price for all journeys in the region – in contrast the current system where journeys into Paris from the outer suburbs are more expensive, in effect penalising commuters who live further out.

For example, under the previous system, taking the commuter train from Fontainebleau to Paris could cost up to €5, in contrast to the €2.15 ticket to get around inside Paris.

Pécresse explained to Le Parisien that the main goal is simplification and fairness.

“The aim is to take a ‘single Navigo pass’ to its logical conclusion. The principle that all Ile-de-France residents pay the same transport fair, whether they live in the suburbs or the city.

“[The change] will bring an end to the 50,000 different fares that have become unreadable and are sometimes unfair. It’s a real social project based on fairness and freedom,” Pécresse said.

Many of the capital’s lowest-paid workers live in the less expensive outer suburbs, and they have been effectively penalised by the current pricing structure.

However there are other changes coming down the line too.

Here are the changes;

Credit: Ile-de-France Mobilités

Metro and RER

The Paris Metro system, as well as the commuter RER lines, will be combined onto one single ticket, costing €2.50 for any journey within the greater Paris region.

This means that a transport user could switch from the RER and onto the Metro with the same ticket, regardless of how far they have travelled or how many zones they have crossed.

This change will represent an increase of €0.35 (from the €2.15) from the 2024 price for single Metro tickets inside the city.

However, for people travelling to and from the Paris suburbs, the single ticket will likely save them a significant amount.

For example, a journey between Paris and Noisy-le-Grand (Zone 4) cost €4.15 under the previous system, but it will cost €2.50 under the new system.

The only exception to this is tickets to and from Paris’ airports (more on that below).

Bus and tram

A new ticket will be created for the bus and tram lines. This will cost be separate to the Metro and RER ticket, and it will cost €2 per journey. 

However, those purchasing a bus ticket on-board (via SMS) will still pay a heightened price of €2.50.

The other change will be ‘long-distance’ bus journeys. Previously, if a journey took longer than one hour and thirty minutes and involved more than one bus, then the user would have had to pay for two separate tickets per bus ride. Moving forward, ‘long’ bus journeys will cost just one €2 ticket.

This change means that transport users will need to think about buying separate Metro/ RER and bus/tram tickets if their journey requires both methods of transport.

For example, if you take the RER and then take a bus, you would need two separate tickets, as Metro/RER tickets are only valid on those lines, and bus/tram tickets are only valid on those lines.

Liberté +

This pay-as-you-go card will be made significantly more attractive under the new system, but it is only available to Paris region residents. 

You have to subscribe online and connect the account to your RIB, for which you will need a French bank account. You can also track your consumption online, and at the end of the month you pay the total amount that you travelled.

The changes for the Liberté + will include a lower price for Metro/RER journeys (€1.99) and a reduced rate for bus/tram journeys (€1.60).

If you take a journey that combines the Metro and the bus, for example, then you would only pay one price (€1.99) for the entire journey, rather than needing to purchase two separate single tickets.

The other change is that the Liberté + will extend to the rest of Ile-de-France – it was previously only available inside of Paris (Zone 1).

And starting in spring 2025, the Liberté + will be available to load directly onto an Android or iOS enabled smartphone.

Generally, the Liberté + will be a more advantageous option for local residents to pay reduced prices and as-they-go.

Packets of 10 tickets

The ‘carnets’, or 10-ticket books, will be phased out entirely starting in January 2025.

The paper version of these booklets was already phased out, but a reduced price for a bundle of 10 tickets will no longer be available in any form starting in January.

If you want to purchase a bundle of tickets at once, you can still do so – and you can still store them on a Navigo Easy pass – but you will have to pay full price (€2.50 each or €25 for 10).

Trips to the airport

Trips to and from Paris’ airports will be the only exception to the new €2.50 flat rate.

Previously, trips to the airport cost a varying amount based on whether you took the Roissy/Charles de Gaulle bus (€16.60), Roissy/Charles de Gaulle RER (€11.80), Orly bus (€11.50), or Orly Line 14 (€10.30).

Moving forward, only one flat price of €13 will be charged for any and all trips to the airport.

Daily pass

Daily Metro passes, popular amongst tourists, allow for unlimited travel. Previously, they were priced based on the zones the visitor selected – so if you selected a two-zone option (Zones 1-2; Zones 2-3; Zones 3-4, etc) then you would pay €8.65 for the day.

A three-zone option (Zones 1-3, Zones 2-4, Zones 3-5) cost €11.60. The four zone option (Zones 1-4, Zones 2-5) cost €14.35, and the full option (Zones 1-5) cost €20.60.

However, the zoning will be scrapped from January, and instead, single day passes will cover all five zones and cost a flat price of €12. This does not include airports, however, so a separate airport ticket would be required.

Visitor pass

As for the visitor pass – this previously allowed two options for unlimited daily travel in the Paris area – either including just Zones 1-3 for €13.95 (per day), or including all five zones (and airports) for €29.95 (per day).

The new version will cost €29.90 and it will include all five zones, plus airports.

What about monthly and yearly Navigo passes?

Pécresse explained to Le Parisien that these will not change, as the focus is primarily on occasional travellers.

“For Navigo subscribers, nothing is changing. We are working within the framework of the agreement signed with the state, so future increases of these passes will always be less than or equal to inflation plus one percent,” Pécresse said.

What will the general impact be?

This will depend on whether you are a resident of the city of Paris (Zone 1), the Paris suburbs, or if you are a visitor. 

For residents of Paris and the inner suburbs travel with single tickets inside the city will get more expensive, but the Liberté + plan is meant to offset these increases.

Meanwhile, outer suburb residents will likely see a significant decrease in their spending.

On the other hand occasional Metro users will see an increase in price while tourists and visitors will also see an increase.

What about my old tickets?

Any old paper tickets or individual electronic tickets (perhaps stored on a Navigo Easy pass) will still be functional until December 31st, 2025.