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14 free things to do in Spain’s Alicante

Found yourself in Alicante and want to enjoy the city without breaking the bank? Here's 14 of the best free things to do in the Costa Blanca capital.

14 free things to do in Spain's Alicante
Photo: LayKán Educación canina/Pixabay.

When many non-Spaniards hear the name ‘Alicante’, they immediately think of Benidorm-like resorts filled with Brits drinking pints and having fry-ups to get over their hangovers from a night on the town (and cheap booze).

But this is actually a bit of a misnomer, and many confuse Alicante province (which is the home of Benidorm, as well as other British immigrant hotpots such as Villajoyosa and Torrevieja) with the city of Alicante, which is the provincial capital.

Alicante is a small, coastal city of in the south of the province, and is actually quite far from the ‘guiri’ haven many assume it is. For those of you who’ve visited, you’ll know it is in many regards a regular Spanish city. Sure there are Brits (and Germans and Russians) who stop by during the summer season, but in terms of living, Alicante has far greater populations of Colombians, Argentinians, Venezuelans and Moroccans than it does Brits.

READ ALSO: 22 free things to do in Spain’s Valencia

It’s also a city with plenty to do, and plenty of free things to enjoy.

Here’s 14 of the best.

Castillo de Sánta Barbara 

Probably Alicante’s most iconic landmark, Santa Bárbara castle is sits atop mount Benacantil and offers stunning views of the beach and entire bay of Alicante.

Admission is free and it is open from Monday to Sunday, though the exact timetable depends on the time of year:

November 15 to February 27: 10:00-18:00.
February 28 to June 16: 10:00-20:00.
June 17 to September 4: 10:00-11:00.
September 5 to November 14: 10:00-20:00

The imposing Castillo De Santa Barbara, which provides panoramic views of the city. Photo: Aitana Costa Blanca/Pixabay.


Barrio de Santa Cruz

One of the oldest neighborhoods in Alicante, Santa Cruz was built into the first wall in the city and maintains its medieval layout.

It’s also very popular with tourists as the multicoloured houses decorated with flower pots and tiles are very social media ready. You can pass through Santa Cruz on your way up to the Castillo de Santa Bárbara, so could do both in the same afternoon.

Santa Cruz is a popular photoshoot spot for tourists. Photo: Carolina Selles Milla/Pixabay.

‘El Barrio’ (old town)

Sitting below the castle is the old town, known among Alicantinos as ‘el barrio‘. It is a relatively small old town compared to other Spanish cities, but charming nonetheless and full of life and energy.

In the evenings, el barrio is full of people drinking and eating tapas on the terrace, and is known as somewhat of a party hub. It’s very popular with students living in the city, and is worth a walk around to soak in the atmosphere.


Alicante also has a whole host of free museums you can enjoy:

Museo de la Ciudad de Alicant: located in the Santa Bárbara castle, this free museum has exhibitions on the history of Alicante.

Museo de Bellas Artes Gravina: Alicante’s fine art museum is free every day except Monday when it is closed.

Museo de las Hogueras: the Hogueras (bonfire) museum has free admission every day except on Monday. Las Hogueras is a traditional Alicantino summer festival.

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Museo The Ocean Race: though a guided tour does cost €3, admission is free and it is open from Tuesday to Sunday.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante: Alicante’s impressive contemporary art museum is free entry.

​Museo de Aguas de Alicante: A museum all about the history of water in Alicante, and entry is free every day except Mondays, when it is closed.


Obviously, Alicante has plenty of beautiful (free) beaches to take advantage of all year round. Two of the best (and quite different) are:

El Postiguet

The main beach in Alicante, right in the middle of the city. Due to its central location (you can literally walk there in minutes from the city centre) it tends to be quite busy and popular with tourists in the summer months.

Postiguet beach with the Castillo de Santa Bárbara in the background. Photo: Cale Weaver/Pixabay.

San Juan

That’s why many locals prefer to go down the coast a little to San Juan, a quieter beach (some would say nicer too) that has something of a small town feel about it.

Many locals avoid the crowds and head down to San Juan. Photo: FERNANDO JOSE GARCIA MAESTRE/Pixabay.

El Palmeral

Probably the best-known park in Alicante, known for the huge number of enormous palm trees. It’s a popular jogging spot for locals, and is directly opposite the Playa de San Gabriel, and has a lake and (artificial rivers) than you can walk over on wooden bridges.

Santa Iglesia Concatedral de San Nicolás de Bari 

Alicante’s 17th century San Nicolás Cathedral was built and named in memory of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of Alicante. The exterior is a little uninspiring, but once you step in and see the breathtaking roof, it’ll be worth the visit.

Mercado Central

Alicante’s central market is free to enter and worth a visit, whether for a look around or to buy some of the excellent fresh produce.

It’s open from 07.00-14.30 through the week and 07.00-15.00 on the weekends.

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A quick guide to Alicante’s Hogueras de San Juan festival

Alicante will soon celebrate the arrival of summer with Las Hogueras de San Juan, the biggest festival of the year in the Costa Blanca city.

A quick guide to Alicante's Hogueras de San Juan festival

From June 20th-24th the whole city of Alicante explodes into a joyous rumpus of colour and light, where the main protagonist is fire.

Many cities in Spain have a fascination with fire around the festival of San Juan (Saint John) and Alicante is no different. Expect hordes of firecrackers, ear-splitting explosives, crackling bonfires, and of course hundreds of colourful fireworks lighting up the sky with fiery rain.

READ ALSO: Goats, horses and fire: the weird ways Spain celebrates San Juan

The event has a lot in common with Valencia’s more famous Fallas Festival, which takes place in March each year, yet it also has its origins in the summer solstice celebrations.

Alicante’s Hogueras festival has elements of Valencia’s Fallas traditions. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / AFP


The festival in Alicante began as a way for people to burn objects they no longer had any use for ahead of the summer season, making way for the new, and officially became a city celebration in 1928.

During the day, from June 21st- 22nd, parades take place through the city streets with locals dressed in traditional costumes, playing folk tunes and sometimes carrying elaborate religious statues. The main event is the ofrenda de Flores a la Virgen del Remedio, where flowers are taken as offerings to the Cathedral, where they get turned into huge floral images on the façade.

Each day at 2pm, there is a frenzy of noise, ground-shaking explosions and plumes of smoke white smoke during what’s known as the Mascletà in the Plaza de los Luceros, and by night there are carnival-like parades such as the Cabalgata del Ninot.

An ornate “hoguera” is set alight in Alicante. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP

A Carnival-like queen is selected from eager participants, called the bellea del foc or the Beauty of the Fire and elaborate costumes are worn. 

The highlight of these series of celebrations are the hogueras themselves, like Valencia’s fallas – huge cardboard and papier-mâché colouful sculptures, depicting fairytales, folklore and mystical legends, as well as political satire.

Bonfires on the beach during the San Juan celebrations in Alicante. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP

These sculptures are placed all over the city, until the culmination of the celebration on June 24th. At midnight explosives are attached to each hoguera and they are simultaneously set alight in a spectacular display known as the night of the “Cremà” or burning.

When each has burned to almost cinders, the city’s fight fighters come out with their hoses to douse everything in water, including the crowds who come in their bathing suits ready to take part in the communal “Banyà” and to cool down after a hot night of fire.

A man jumps over a bonfire during the annual San Juan celebrations at a beach in Alicante. (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / AFP)

This is accompanied by riotous beach parties and beach bonfires, when locals aim to jump over the flames in order to ward off negative spirits, bring good luck and then cleanse themselves and wash away their sins with a dip in the sea. 

But, the fiesta is far from over, as from June 25-29 right after Las Hogueras a jubilant firework competition takes place on El Postiguet beach