Covid-19 wave in Denmark ‘has peaked’ but influenza still spreading

A wave of Covid-19 infections in Denmark has now peaked along with a number of other respiratory infections, according to national infectious disease agency State Serum Institute (SSI).

Covid-19 wave in Denmark 'has peaked' but influenza still spreading
Illustration photo. Covid-19 cases in Denmark have peaked but influenza is still circulating. Photo: Tim Kildeborg Jensen/Ritzau Scanpix

Data published by the agency show that the incidence of Covid-19 appears to be declining.

Whooping cough and atypical pneumonia infections also appear to have peaked, while there has been a decrease in the number of hospitalisations with RS virus compared to the preceding week, SSI’s figures show.

The number of influenza cases is still increasing, however.

Prior to Christmas, SSI named each of the five types of respiratory infection as contributing to a wave of illnesses across Denmark which was not expected to subside until after the holiday season.

“We believe Covid-19 infections to have peaked, and we are therefore on the way down [the curve]. We are still at a high level of infection, so you will still see infections in the community, but we expect Covid-19 cases to now decrease,” medical consultant and head of department at SSI, Bolette Søborg, told news wire Ritzau.

“But we can also see that there is an increase in the number of people admitted to hospital with influenza, and this is because the influenza virus is still circulating. So influenza is expected to increase in the coming weeks,” she added.

SSI’s data is based on people who have been tested for the relevant diseases and is updated on Wednesday each week.

The latest data relates to respiratory infections detected between December 25th-31st.

Fewer people are generally tested in the period between Christmas and New Year, meaning fewer cases are detected.

The new SSI figures nevertheless give a reliable impression of the situation, Søborg said.

“When we look at infection trends, we look at several data sources. For Covid-19, we use wastewater monitoring as well as the number of hospitalisations. And we can see that the wastewater and hospital admissions data both show a decline in Covid-19,” she said.

In addition to Covid-19 and influenza incidence, SSI also monitors atypical pneumonia (mycoplasma), whooping cough and RS virus.

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Denmark’s five regions could become four under government health plan

The Danish government on Wednesday proposed reforms to the country’s healthcare structure which could see the five administrative regions reduced to four.

Denmark’s five regions could become four under government health plan

The government plans to merge the Zealand and Greater Copenhagen regions into a single “East Denmark” megaregion, reducing the number of regions from five to four, government leaders said at a press briefing on Wednesday.

The plan forms part of a broader health reform which was presented by the government leadership. 

The new East Denmark Region would result in a significant size disparity between the regions. For example, Region North Jutland covers only 10 percent of the population, while the new megaregion would encompass nearly half of Denmark’s population of 5.9 million people.

The three remaining regions would not be changed by the reform.

“There will not be fewer hospitals around the country. This is about strengthening them,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at the briefing.

Currently, Denmark is organised into 98 different municipalities and five regions.

The primary task of municipalities is local administration of welfare and social needs including schools, while the job description for regions involves healthcare and social development.

Regions – and their elected boards – administrate public hospitals and the GP system. They also orchestrate regional mass transit and manage initiatives to create economic growth.

The names of the five regions (Greater Copenhagen, Zealand, North Jutland, Central Jutland and South Denmark) are most commonly associated with hospital care and health care. If you want to know which region you’re in in Denmark, you’ll find its logo at the entrance to most hospitals or public health facilities, as well as on your yellow Danish health insurance card.

READ ALSO: What’s the difference between a municipality and a region in Denmark?

The proposal presented on Wednesday includes three main elements. These are targets to provide more local services, increase the number of doctors and overhaul treatment of chronic diseases.

That includes addressing a shortage of doctors at some hospitals outside of larger cities – including in the Zealand regional authority – by ensuring better distribution of regional medical staff.

“The Regions must ensure hospitals that continue to deliver high quality treatment and they must ensure that resources are distributed in such a way that there are enough doctors in the areas where members of the public are most in need of treatment,” the proposal states.

“They will also be responsible for an overarching economy that must be targeted towards places where needs are greatest,” it continues.

Under the plan, the number of elected councillors across the country, currently 41 per region, would be reduced by the merger between two of the regions and by reducing the number of councillors in the remaining regions to 31, or 25 in the case of the smaller North Jutland region.

The government also wants to create 17 new health councils or sundhedsråd as part of the reform. These councils would consist of elected officials from both regional health boards and municipal governments, and would be tasked with implementing government initiatives.

The plan will also see increased uptake on medicine degrees in Esbjerg, Aalborg and Køge.

If the plan is adopted, the changes would take effect from 2027.