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What’s going to happen to food prices in Norway in 2024? 

Norwegian supermarkets have begun the year locked in a price battle, and the cost of many everyday goods has been slashed. However, industry experts forecast rises in the second half of the year. 

Pictured is a seafood counter in Bergen.
Food prices in Norway will see steadier increases in 2023 compared to 2024. Pictured is a seafood counter in Bergen. Photo by Georg Eiermann on Unsplash

Norway’s three supermarket chains that strive to be the cheapest in the country have started the year in a price war. 

Extra has cut the price of 150 everyday items, Rema 1000 has pledged to freeze the price on more than 1,000 items, and Kiwi has said that it would strive to be the cheapest supermarket in the country. 

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about supermarkets in Norway

“This is a gift for consumers. After all, prices are high in Norway. But now we see that all three large low-price grocery chains are lowering prices sharply,” Odd Gisholt, an expert on the grocery industry, told public broadcaster NRK

Norway’s supermarkets have abandoned the traditional price windows. This is when chains adjust prices twice a year after negotiations with suppliers. Now, supermarkets claim to negotiate continually. 

“Now we negotiate all year round, and when we receive a cut in prices, this goes straight to the customers straight away, through lower prices,” Pia Mellbye, sales and marketing director at Rema 1000, said. 

Extra said that it expects prices from suppliers in 2024 to be lower than last year, which is why it has abolished its price lock in favour of price cuts.

“Heading into the new year, the uncertainty about future prices is not the same, and we see that customers experience price caps as a less relevant and out-of-date price measure. With expectations of lower purchasing costs, we are concerned that such measures will mislead and create uncertainty among customers,” Håvard Jensen, director of COOP Norway, said in a press release. 

Lower inflation in other countries and a strengthening of the Norwegian krone have helped decrease the cost of food for suppliers and supermarkets. 

 “It means a lot to Norwegian consumers since much of what we buy comes from abroad,” Professor Øystein Foros at the Norwegian School of Economics told NRK. 

However, as the year progresses, food prices will begin to increase. The good news for consumers is that price rises should be steadier and less extreme than in recent years. 

Ivar Petterson, a food researcher at Alo Analyse, told broadcaster TV 2 that food prices are expected to rise by around four percent in 2024. 

Between November 2022 and November 2023, food prices increased by 9.1 percent. 

“It can be quite calm until April and towards the summer, but then the growth comes in the autumn. After the wage settlement and the agricultural settlement come into force,” Pettersen said. 

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Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Real pay rises in Norway will be at the highest level for a decade this year, national data agency Statistics Norway said in its latest economic forecasts.

Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Statistics Norway said in a report released Friday that Norway’s economy is set to pick up in the coming years and that workers will benefit as a result.

“Now the arrows are pointing upwards in many areas. Activity in the Norwegian economy will probably pick up, as a result of increased real wage growth, high activity in public administration, as well as a turnaround in housing investment,” Thomas von Brasch at Statistics Norway said in the report.

The report was a forecast on the country’s economy up until 2027. The data agency said that workers in Norway would benefit from a real wage increase of 1.9 percent this year.

Forecasted real wage growth for this year would be the highest in more than ten years, as real pay in Norway has been largely stagnant since 2015. There was also more good news for consumers, as real wages are expected to grow by around 1.5 percent per year until 2027.

Further good news for those hoping for more disposal income in the future could come in the form of interest rate cuts early next year. Statistics Norway expects the central bank to cut the key policy rate in March 2025.

The reason rates likely won’t be cut before then is due to the weak Norwegian krone.

“Norges Bank will probably try to avoid the krone weakening further. The central bank will probably wait with the interest rate cuts until after other central banks have cut their interest rates a good deal. The recent weakening of the krone means that the key interest rate will only be cut from the beginning of next year,” Brasch said.

However, the report wasn’t all good news. Inflation in Norway was likely to remain above the central bank’s target of 2 percent for this year, at least.

There was also bad news for those looking to get on the property ladder as house prices were expected to rise in the coming years. Although, high interest rates would dampen prices somewhat.

READ ALSO: What first-time buyers in Norway need to know about the current property market