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Everything gay and lesbian foreigners need to know about life in Norway

Norway is one of the best countries in Europe when it comes to the acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, with progressive laws, a strong community and good support. Here are some practical things to know.

Pictured is a Pride flag being waved.
Pictured is a Pride flag being waved. Photo by Raphael Renter on Unsplash

A survey carried out by Norway’s Ministry of Culture and Equality in 2022, found that Norwegians’ attitudes to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people had become even more liberal since 2008. As many as 83 percent of respondents said they were positive to the idea of two people of the same sex living together as a couple, compared to 70 percent in 2008. 

The country was still, however, less liberal towards transgender people, with only 51 percent saying they were positive about people who had changed gender in 2022, compared to 36 percent in 2013, when the question was first asked.

This may contribute to the high number of transgender people reporting low life satisfaction 

A survey published by Statistics Norway on January 4th found that LGBT people were more likely to report that they had a low quality of life than hetrosexual and gender normal people.

About 31 percent of gay men and 36 percent of lesbians reported having a low quality of li e, compared to 26 percent for hetrosexual people. 

As many as 52 percent of those who defined themselves as pansexual, meaning they fall in love with people regardless of gender, said they had a low quality of life, 42 percent of people who defined themselves as bisexual, and 58 percent of those who defined themselves as asexual. 


Norway legalised gay sex in 1972 and then, in 1981, became the first country in the world to ban discrimination against LGBT people.

The country allowed same-sex registered partnerships in 1993 and same-sex marriage in 2009 (although it took the Church of Norway until 2016 to allow them in its churches).

Married and same-sex gay couples are permitted to adopt children under Norwegian law if they can show they are capable of bringing up the child. People who live alone – gay or straight – are also allowed to adopt if they can show they are capable of being the sole carer.

Lesbians have the right to receive assisted reproduction in Norway, whether in a couple or not. If they have a spouse or stable live-in partner, they become a legal parent “from the moment of conception”. Gay men, however, are excluded, as surrogacy is not permitted.

In 2016, Norway passed a law allowing transgender people to change legal sex through “self-determination” without assessment by a doctor or psychiatrist.

On January 1st, 2024, so-called “conversion therapy”, which seeks to change somebody’s sexual orientation or gender identity through therapy, was banned.

Support groups 

Oslo Pride, is Norway’s biggest celebration of queer love and diversity, will be held this year between June 21st and June 29th. See preview here. The smaller Bergen Pride happens on August 1st. 

Many other cities, such as Trondheim and Stavanger have their own Pride gatherings. 

The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity (FRI) has campaigned for LGBT people in Norway since 1952. It has premises in ten different cities across the country, which offer meet-up groups, lectures, and advice. 

The FRI spin-off, Queer Norway or Skeivverden, is targeted at foreigners living in the country, or Norwegians with minority backgrounds. Skeive Studenter, or Queer Students, is for people at university, and Skeiv Ungdom, or Queer Youth, is for people under the age of 30.


You can be tested for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis at all GP offices in Norway, according to the national health website Helsenorge, with drop-in testing at specialist clinics in major cities and testing at youth health centres, student health services and abuse reception centres.

The Olafia clinic at Oslo University Hospital has drop-in testing for men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women, trans and non-binary people. You can also book a test time by ringing reception on +47 23 07 58 40. There is no online booking system.

Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen has drop-in testing for sexually transmitted diseases at its clinic, with queue tickets given out from 8am. Test appointments cannot be booked online or by phone. You can order home tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea here.

Stavanger University Hospital offers appointments for testing at its clinic for sexually transmitted diseases, with those seeking appointments required to fill in a questionnaire beforehand.

St Olav’s University Hospital in Trondheim requires people seeking tests to make an appointment online, with the hospital promising short wait times.

The Church of Norway’s Church City Mission runs rapid HIV tests at sites in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger and Haugesund, which you can find here.

Gender reassignment

To change your legal gender in Norway, you have to contact the Norwegian Tax Agency using this form here

If you want to receive hormone treatment or gender reassignment surgery, however, you will need to visit your GP, who will then refer you to the local district psychiatric centre, where you will be given an assessment and offered counsel. 

If treatment is approved, you will be referred to the National Treatment Service for Gender Incongruence at Oslo University Hospital, which has a KIDS unit for under 18s, and an adult unit called AKV. 

Assisted reproduction 

If you wish to receive assisted reproduction, you must first obtain a childcare certificate from the police proving that you, or your partner, are a suitable parent, and then go through your GP, who will refer you to a fertility treatment centre in OsloBergen or elsewhere. 

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What you need to know about the Oslo Pride Parade 2024

Norway’s largest Pride celebration, the parade in Oslo, takes place on Saturday, June 29th. Here’s what to know if you plan on attending.

What you need to know about the Oslo Pride Parade 2024

The highlight of Pride celebrations for many people are parades. The parades bring people from all walks like together to celebrate and champion LGBTQ+ rights.

The largest Pride parade in Norway is the Oslo Pride Parade, the yearly procession typically acts as the climax of more than a week of LGBTQ+ events and exhibitions across the Norwegian capital.

When and where

This year, the Oslo Pride Parade will take place on Saturday, June 29th and will begin in Grønland and travel to the heart of the city’s centre before heading up Storgata to the trendy Grünerløkka neighbourhood.

The parade will end in Sofienbergparken, which is also the home of Pride Park this year.

The official starting point is Helga Helgelsens plass. There will be toilets at the beginning, and participants will be able to purchase Pride flags. The parade begins at 12:00 p.m. and it will take about two hours to walk the 2.9-kilometre-long route.

Participants can join the parade wherever they wish, and there will be medics and volunteers from the Red Cross at various stops.

The weather in Oslo is looking sunny, with temperatures around 20 degrees. So sunscreen and some water may be a good idea.

Drinking alcohol in a public space in Norway is illegal, and the event’s organisers have said that they want the event to be one that people of all ages can enjoy.

Many in the parade may be affiliated with an association or organisation, but individuals can show up and join the parade without having to register.
It is too late for people to register organisations and vehicles to take part in the parade.

When it comes to safety, police have said that they were not aware of any concrete threats against the LGBTQ+ community. Police have also reported a lower level of hate speech in relation to the event compared to last year.

Despite there being no specific threat this year, the police will be armed nonetheless to act as a deterrent. Police will both be uniformed and in plain clothes.

What to know if you aren’t attending 

Given the large volume of people progressing through the town centre, you can expect disrupted and crowded public transport in the areas where the pride parade is starting, taking place and ending. 

The procession won’t affect the opening of stores and restaurants, so if you are in the Grünerløkka area then you can still go about your daily business while enjoying the atmosphere the parade brings as it makes its way up the neighborhood’s main street, Thorvald Meyers. 

Those who want to do some sightseeing can also expect more crowds around the main train station and the sqaure behind Oslo’s town hall during the parade’s duration.