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Vienna launches initiative to help stateless people get Austrian citizenship

People who do not hold citizenship, 'stateless persons', are entitled to an easier process to naturalise Austrians when they are young, but many don't know about it. The City of Vienna wants to change that.

Vienna launches initiative to help stateless people get Austrian citizenship
Austrian citizenship application waits in Vienna have halved. But experts say there's still more room for improvement. (© Amanda Previdelli / The Local)

Austria currently has around 19,000 people who are stateless or whose citizenship is unclear or unknown, and 15,000 of them live in Vienna

People become stateless, for example, due to administrative errors in their country of origin or due to the oppression of minorities in their respective countries. However, the majority of statelessness in Vienna is due to inherited statelessness, meaning neither parent holds a citizenship. 

There are around 12,000 who were born in Vienna and do not have any citizenship. For these people, the naturalisation process in Austria is simplified if they are young – but many do not know the rules and end up missing the window of opportunity.

What is the simplified process?

In order to obtain Austrian citizenship, interested parties must currently have at least € 1,100 available after deduction of housing costs. This high value is particularly difficult for single parents, part-time workers and students. 

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However, after their 18th birthday, people classified as stateless from birth born in Austria are exempt from these strict rules for three years. Until they turn 21, they don’t need to prove such an income.

For data privacy reasons, the government cannot reach out to the affected people directly. However, Vienna launched an information website to try to spread the information. 

The first step is booking an appointment with the local citizenship and visa authority (the MA 35 in Vienna). After an initial information meeting, the MA will clarify which information or documents they might need on individual cases. You can then submit your application in person to the authority.

The processing time depends on each case, and even if you meet the requirements, you may not be granted citizenship, the MA 35 said.

Aren’t people born in Austria automatically Austrians?

No. Austria follows a “jus sanguinis” concept of citizenship, meaning that citizenship is transferred by blood and not by place of birth. 

A person born to Austrian parents abroad is automatically Austrian, but one born to foreign citizens in Austria receives the citizenship of their parents. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: When is dual citizenship allowed in Austria?

If a person born in Austria is stateless, they can undergo this simplified procedure to acquire Austrian citizenship. But even if they already hold citizenship, there are advantages in the naturalisation process. Typically, a person would have to live in Austria for ten years before applying for naturalisation. 

However, if they were born here, that time is shortened to six years. However, they would still need to give up all their other nationalities as Austria does not allow multiple citizenships via naturalisation with very few exceptions.

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How does Austria’s citizenship application fee compare to other countries?

Becoming Austrian via naturalisation is a lengthy and expensive process. But how do the fees in Austria compare to other countries in Europe?

How does Austria's citizenship application fee compare to other countries?

Austrian citizenship through naturalisation is a notoriously difficult process. In most cases, the applicant needs to have lived in Austria for at least six (sometimes ten or more) years to be able to apply. They also need to be able to “support themselves” (which means they should have a stable source of income or financial support), have a high level of German, pass an exam, and pay the fees. The expensive fees.

In Austria, you need to be prepared to pay the initial application fee of €130 and then €1,100 to €1,500 if citizenship is granted. This does not include costs for certified translations, certificates, or the issuance of documents such as a passport.

Becoming Austrian is not cheap, and the payable fees are some of the highest in Europe, according to research done by The Local Denmark, where the Danish government is raising the cost of applying for citizenship to 6,000 kroner from 4,000 kroner (around €800 and €530, respectively). 

READ ALSO: How much do you need to earn to qualify for citizenship in Austria?

For a comparative perspective, France’s application fee is just €55, while in Spain, it is €104 and in Italy, €250. In Norway, the fee is lower than in its neighbour Denmark, at 2,500 Norwegian kroner (around €250). In Sweden, the fee is 1,500 kronor or €130, the cheapest of the three Scandinavian countries.

Germany’s citizenship application fee is €255. However, extensive changes to German citizenship rules are expected to be announced in the coming weeks, so this is expected to change. 

Although Austria figures at the top of the list of countries detailed above, other countries (not covered by The Local) do have similarly high citizenship fees. These include the Netherlands (€925), Ireland (€175 on application, €950 if approved) and the UK, which has a £1,630 (around €1.900) application fee.

In Switzerland, applicants need to pay local, regional, and federal fees, which vary depending on cantons. In certain regions, costs could surpass CHF 3,000 (around €3,100).

Please note that the fees and requirements mentioned in this article are accurate at the time of writing, but they may be subject to change.

It’s always best to check with the official government websites for the most up-to-date information.

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