Denmark’s terror threat ‘heightened’ by Israel-Hamas war and radicalisation risk

The terror threat in Denmark has worsened since the war between Hamas and Israel began in October last year due to an increased risk of radicalisation, according to an expert.

Denmark’s terror threat 'heightened' by Israel-Hamas war and radicalisation risk
Police outside Frederiksberg Court after police made terror-related arrests in Denmark on December 14th 2023. Photo: Emil Nicolai Helms/Ritzau Scanpix

In an interview with newspaper Berlingske, Michael Hamann, head of national intelligence service PET’s Centre for Terror Analysis (CTA) said the potential for radicalisation has grown during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

“We have not seen a situation with such a broad basis for mobilisation and such a great radicalisation potential for many years. The intensity and violent expedition of the current conflict alone has on its own the potential to radicalise,” Hamann told Berlingske.

The heightened terror threat is likely to be a factor in 2024, he said, with Israeli attacks on Gaza ongoing and costing tens of thousands of civilian lives.

Hamann also told the newspaper that Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7th was one of the “most drastic terrorist attacks since 9/11”.

The situation is concerning for Denmark, the analyst said, naming radicalisation a number of times during the interview.

READ ALSO: Why has Denmark not raised terror threat level like Sweden?

Another newspaper, Dagbladet Information, reports that CTA concluded in December that young people under the age of 18 were increasing becoming susceptible to radicalisation online.

Hamann said at the time that CTA was taking the issue serious and using resources on it.

He added that “the virtualisation of radicalisation – especially right-wing extremism – has caused us to see new groups in extremist circles which would not previously have been able to join these circles.”

READ ALSO: Danish police link suspected terror plan to Hamas

This new potential for online radicalisation could increase the terror threat against Denmark, he said.

The overall terror threat level in Denmark is, however, unchanged at level four out of five.

Hamann told Berlingske that the intensification of the terror threat after last summer’s Quran burnings, as well as the Israel-Hamas war, remains within level 4.

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Danish intelligence services ‘concerned’ over links between gangs and terror

Denmark’s police intelligence service PET says it is ‘concerned’ about instances in which an organised crime group has been linked to terror cases, but says it is too early to say whether a broader trend has emerged.

Danish intelligence services 'concerned' over links between gangs and terror

A 21-year-old man who was on Tuesday charged for terror after setting fire to an address in Copenhagen where a Jewish woman lived has links to the organised crime group Loyal to Familia (LTF),  police intelligence agency PET told national broadcaster DR.

The proceedings at Copenhagen City Court took place behind closed doors on the judge’s order, meaning details of the case are sparse and the identities of both the accused and the victim are withheld. The incident is reported to have happened in May.

However, police intelligence agency PET later stated that the accused had a “relation” to the banned crime gang LTF.

PET chief Finn Borch Andersen told DR it was “concerning” that the gang, which is primarily associated with crimes including weapons offences and drug dealing, now appeared to have attached itself to terrorism.

“PET has long warned of an increased terrorist threat against Jewish and Israeli targets in Denmark, especially in light of the conflict in Israel and Gaza. Due to the ongoing investigation, there are limits to what I can say about the case,” Andersen said.

“But it is a serious matter if a person in Denmark is targeted for terrorism because of their Jewish background. It is also concerning that we are again seeing connections to LTF in terrorism cases,” he added. 

The use of the word “again” in Andersen’s comments appears to refer to a case from late last year in which police arrested several people in anti-terror raids and said there were links to LTF.

That case is still being ongoing and is also proceeding behind closed doors, but media have reported a link to Palestinian militant group Hamas, based on a statement made by a prosecutor during a court meeting.

READ ALSO: Danish police search 830 people in Copenhagen in less than a month

The terror threat level in Denmark remains classified as ‘serious’ or alvorlig in Danish, which is the second highest of five levels. The case involving the arson attack does not change this, according to the head of PET, who stressed that people in Denmark “should continue living their lives as usual.”

“We are closely monitoring the situation and will continually implement the security measures we deem necessary and relevant. In this regard, we will maintain close dialogue with the Jewish community about the current situation and the security measures that can enhance safety,” Andersen said to DR.