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Phrase of the day: Aufs Glatteis führen

With snow and icy weather conditions setting in across Germany and Austria, you might be hearing a lot about “Glatteis” this week, but how can you use this phrase?

Phrase of the day: Aufs Glatteis führen

What does it mean?

“Aufs Glatteis führen” is an idiomatic phrase which literally translates as “leading someone onto black ice”. Metaphorically, this means hoodwinking someone, giving them a false idea of how a situation will turn out, or generally guiding them into a situation which will make their life more difficult.

Equivalents in English would be to “lead someone up the garden path”, “leading someone a merry dance” or simply catching someone out.

What is Glatteis?

Glatteis itself is black ice, which is why you might see this word on warning signs during cold weather. In German, it literally means “smooth ice” because of the slick and slippery way it clings to roads and pavements in sheets. 

In fact, phrases like “Vorsicht, glatte Straßen” (Careful, icy streets) are common. (Even though this literally means “smooth streets”! 

How can I use this metaphor?

“Lassen Sie sich nicht aufs Glatteis führen” / (Don’t let yourself be played for a fool.)

“Der Verkäufer hat die Kunden aufs Glatteis geführt” / (The salesman led the customers up the garden path.)

“Die Frage nach der Herkunft des Gerichts führt den Kellner aufs Glatteis” / (The waiter was caught out by the question about the origin of the dish.)

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German word of the day: Bloß

This fun German word has a myriad of meanings, from describing going sock-less to making a strong statement.

German word of the day: Bloß

Why do I need to know bloß?

Like many colloquial words in German, bloß is a word you’ll hear everywhere on the streets.

But unlike other filler words like na and halt, it can also double up as an adjective and adverb. 

Here’s how it’s used

So what exactly does this fun four letter word mean? In its simplest form it’s a substitute for nur, or only, as in Ich war bloß eine Woche in Wien (I was only in Vienna for a week). 

It’s also commonly used in the phrase “not only…but also”, as in Ich war nicht bloß in Wien, sondern auch in Wiener Neustadt (I was not only in Vienna, but also in Wiener Neustadt).

When used as an adjective, the little word also means bare or naked, as in mit bloßen Füßen (barefoot) or mit meiner bloßen Hand (with my bare hand)

You’ll also commonly hear it being used to place emphasis on a statement or exclamation, especially when it’s a negative one. An angry parent might scold their misbehaving teenager with “Mach das bloß nie wieder!” (Don’t you ever do that again!) Or “Komm mir bloß nicht auf die unschuldige Tour!” (Don’t play innocent with me!).

It’s also used to express regret or resignation, similar to its cousin filler word ‘halt’. Lamenting their strong words, the parent might also sigh and say, “Ich hätte das bloß nicht gesagt’ (I shouldn’t have said that).

Someone who’s exasperated about any situation might also utter, “Was soll ich bloß machen?” (What exactly should I do now?”) While the sentence can be said without the “bloß”, putting it in there gives an extra punch, showing extra urgency. “Was soll ich machen?” is what you might ask about a house chore, but if you lock yourself out and no one is around, that “bloß” definitely belongs in the middle.

Where does it originate?

While the word is commonly used today, it actually dates back to the Old High German “bloz” and is closely related to the Dutch word “bloot”. It has its origin in the Indo-Germanic root “bhel-“, which means “to shine” or “to glow”, so obviously the meaning has evolved a lot over the years.