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‘Città 30’: Which Italian cities will bring in new speed limits?

Bologna has faced heavy criticism - including from the Italian government - after introducing a speed limit of 30km/h, but it's not the only city to approve these rules.

'Città 30': Which Italian cities will bring in new speed limits?
Italian cities are known for heavy - and often fast - traffic, but is this set to change in th coming years? (Photo by ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP)

Bologna on January 17th became Italy’s first major city to introduce a speed limit of 30km/h on 70 percent of roads in the city centre under its ‘Città 30’ plan, first announced in 2022, and initially set to come into force by June 2023.

The move made Bologna one of a growing number of European cities, including Paris, Madrid, Brussels, and Bilbao, to bring in a 30km/h limit aimed at improving air quality and road safety.

But the change was met last week with a go-slow protest by Bologna’s taxi drivers and, perhaps more surprisingly, criticism from the Italian transport ministry, which financed the measure.

Matteo Salvini, who is currently serving as Italy’s transport minister, this week pledged to bring in new nationwide rules dictating speed limits in cities that would reverse Bologna’s new rule.

Salvini’s League party has long criticised Bologna’s ‘Città 30’ plan, claiming it would make life harder for residents as well as people working in the city and would create “more traffic and fines”.

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Bologna’s speed limit has sparked a heated debate across Italy, despite the increasingly widespread adoption of such measures in many other cities in Europe and worldwide in recent years.

While Bologna is the biggest Italian city to bring in the measure, it’s not the first – and many more local authorities, including in Rome, are now looking to follow their example in the next few years.

Some 60 smaller cities and towns in Italy have adopted the measure so far, according to Sky TG24, though there is no complete list.

This compares to around 200 French towns and cities to adopt the rule, while in Spain the same limit has applied to 70 percent of all the country’s roads since since May 2021 under nationwide rules, reports LA7.

The first Italian town to experiment with a 30 km/h speed limit was Cesena, south of Bologna, which introduced it in 1998. Since then, the local authority has found that serious accidents have halved, while the number of non-serious ones has remained unchanged.

Olbia, in Sardinia, also famously introduced the speed limit in 2021.

The city of Parma is planning to bring in the same rules from 2024, while the Tuscan capital of Florence approved five 30km/h zones in the city centre earlier this month.

Turin is set to bring in its first 30km/h limits this year as part of its broader plan to improve transport infrastructure, aimed at reducing smog and increasing livability.

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Meanwhile, the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, has promised to introduce the limit on 70 percent of the capital’s roads by the end of his mandate, which expires in 2026.

In Milan, while the city council has voted in favour of lower speed limits and other traffic limitations on central roads, it’s not clear when these could come into force.

Milan mayor Beppe Sala this week said a 30 km/h limit would be “impossible” to implement in the Lombardy capital.

And it’s notable that almost all of the cities looking at slowing down traffic are in the north or centre-north of Italy.

There has been little interest reported in the measures further south, where statistics have shown there are a higher number of serious road accidents – though the total number of accidents is in fact higher in the north.

According to the World Health Organisation the risk of death to a pedestrian hit by a car driven at 50 km/h is 80 percent. The risk drops to 10 percent at 30 km/h.

The speed limit on roads in Italian towns and cities is generally 50, and on the autostrade (motorways) it’s up to 130.

Many Italian residents are heavily dependent on cars as their primary mode of transport: Italy has the second-highest rate of car ownership in Europe, with 670 vehicles per 1,000 residents, second only to Luxembourg with 682, according to statistics agency Eurostat.

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Drivers in Denmark to spend less time waiting at red lights

Some 320 sets of traffic lights across Denmark are set to be adjusted to better suit the traffic that passes at the individual junctions, Denmark’s Roads Directorate has said.

Drivers in Denmark to spend less time waiting at red lights

Waiting times at hundreds of Danish traffic light intersections are set to be reduced in a measure authorities say will help to reduce emissions.

In addition to adjusting the amount of time for which lights remain green and red, new left-turn arrows are to be introduced at a number of junctions.

“This should mean you avoid unnecessarily stopping and idling when you get to a traffic light,” the Danish Roads Directorate’s head of department Charlotte Vithen said in a press statement.

The change could also save society up to 77 million kroner per year, the Directorate said in the statement.

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In order to adjust the waiting times at the intersections, the parameters used to control them will be updated, Vithen explained.

“We are using the technology we already have and the decision is therefore a good example of how you can get more efficiency for your money,” she said.

Analyses of long queues at traffic junctions since 2018 helped the roads authority to decide which changes to be made, according to the statment.

A set of traffic lights can use different timings for daytime, night time and rush hour traffic.

The Danish Roads Directorate is responsible for 320 state-owned traffic signals. The remainder are owned by municipalities. In total Denmark has around 3,100 sets of traffic lights.

The state lights are primarily the ones used on state roads such as motorway intersections and city approach roads.