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Four aspects of learning Danish that baffle English speakers (and one easy one)

Learning a language is a minefield of embarrassment, frustration and potential rudeness. From struggling to get the gender right to wrestling with inverted word order, here are some of the perils of learning Danish.

Four aspects of learning Danish that baffle English speakers (and one easy one)
Several aspects of Danish can be trying for learners. Photo: PeopleImages/GettyImages

Every language has its snares that certain nationalities are destined to get caught in at some point on their journey to fluency.

Here are just some of the ones that any of us who have had a punt at learning Danish will have experienced, and if you haven’t yet, the points below may save you from making the same mistakes we did – det var så lidt.

Let’s start with the most obvious, and frankly irritating, subject of…


Many languages apply gender to inanimate objects, but if your first language is English – where this isn’t the case – it can be hard to get a grip on.

The version of noun gendering in Danish is not the straightforward ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ familiar from romance languages such as French or Spanish, but the even less logical ‘gendered’ and ‘ungendered’ (fælleskøn and intetkøn in Danish).

For the uninitiated, gendered nouns use the article en (for example, en bil/bilen = a car/the car), while ungendered nouns have the article et (for example, et hus/huset = a house/the house).

Why is a car gendered, but a house not? Why is an animal ungendered (et dyr), but a bird (en fugl) gendered? It’s a total mystery and can only really be mastered by memorisation. Frustratingly, the essentially irrelevant mistake of saying something like en hus can earn you a frown of confusion from a native speaker when trying to converse in Danish.

Inverted verb/subject order

Like English, most Danish sentences are structured subject-verb-object (hun kører bilen = she drives/is driving the car).

However, the introduction of an adverb gives an inverted verb-subject order (with the verb being placed in front of the subject), something that doesn’t happen in English. For example, with nu kører hun bilen = ‘now she is driving the car’, you’ll notice the hun (‘she’) and kører (‘driving’) have swapped positions in the Danish version.

Note this also applies when the adverb comes later in the sentence, such as in det gør jeg aldrig (meaning ‘I never do that’ but words ordered as that-do-I-never).

This can easily catch out a native English speaker who is learning Danish, who would find it natural to say something like jeg gør rent, og så jeg laver mad instead of the grammatically correct jeg gør rent, og så laver jeg mad (‘I’ll clean and then I’ll make dinner’).

The former, incorrect version sounds jarring to Danes but is a very easy mistake to make, and one that has tripped me up on countless occasions.

More or more?

There are two words for ‘more’ in Danish, mere and flere.

It’s relatively straightforward to explain the difference. Mere applies to something that can’t be counted (er der mere vand? = is there (any) more water?), while flere is used when the item is countable (er der flere kartofler? = are there (any) more potatoes?).

Generally, if you’re not sure which one to use, ask whether what you’re talking about can be counted, and you’ll pick the right word.

Unfortunately, this is muddied by the fact Danish considers money to be something that is always countable, rather than spoken about more abstractly like in English. So ‘a lot of money’ becomes mange penge – literally, ‘many monies’ (the Danish word for ‘a lot’ is meget).

This means you have to say flere instead of the more intuitive mere when talking about money in Danish: jeg har ikke flere penge is correct, even though it would mean ‘I don’t have any more monies’ if translated literally.

When to say jo

Jo, like the word ja, means yes – but knowing which of the two to use is often tricky for Danish learners.

A reasonably simple rule to remember is that ja is used for affirmative answers to positive questions…

Taler du dansk? Ja (‘Do you speak Danish?’ ‘Yes’)

… and jo is used when answering negated questions in the affirmative:

Taler du ikke dansk? Jo (‘Don’t you speak Danish?’ ‘Yes [I do]’)

It is also used to contradict a previous negation, like in an argument: Nej! Jo! Nej! Jo! (Yes! No! Yes! No!).

In other words, jo is used to mark that the answer to a negative question is not what might have been expected, or to express an opinion which is different from what someone else just said.

It also has a bunch of other nuances that I won’t go into here, other than to say: it’s a lot harder than just saying ‘yes’.

It’s not all bad… the verb ‘to be’

An area of Danish that is far easier than English is the verb ‘to be’. The infinitive form in Danish is at være, but then things get simple as it conjugates to er for first, second and third person present tense forms, in both plural and single:

I am = jeg er

We are = vi er

You are = du er

You (plural) are = I er

He is = han er

She is = hun er

They are = de er

This makes the verb ‘to be’, often an obstacle course in foreign languages, incredibly simple to learn in Danish.

On the flip side, it means Danes often struggle to choose the right version of ‘to be’ when speaking English. Mistakes like ‘he are’ or ‘they is’ are not uncommon when Danes speak English.

Do the examples given in this article resonate with you? Have I missed any good ones? Let me know and if I get enough suggestions, I’ll write a follow-up to this article.

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The essential vocabulary for talking about the weather with Danes

Denmark’s climate can give you a taste of all four seasons in the space of an afternoon, so it’s worth knowing the vocabulary you need to describe it.

The essential vocabulary for talking about the weather with Danes

Denmark-based readers have probably heard the saying der finds ikke dårligt vejr, kun dårlig påkældning(there’s no bad weather, only bad clothes) more times than they’ve receive a bicycle-related soaking.

But there are plenty of other weather phrases in the Danish language that describe all situations from strandvejr (beach weather) to ruskregn (cold rain with wind).

Let’s start with the four seasons (årstider): forår (spring), sommer (summer), efterår (autumn) and vinter (winter).

In summer, you’re probably hoping for lækkert vejr (beautiful weather), with solskin (sunshine) and grillvejr (barbecue weather) on those lune (balmy) evenings. Gennemsnitstemperaturen (the average daily temperature) will rise thanks to the højtryk (high pressure), causing you to feel a bit svedig (sweaty), and the country will experience lyse nætter (“light nights”, when the sun sets late dusk sometimes doesn’t fall until 11pm).

You might go through a varmebølge or hedebølge – both essentially meaning a heatwave but with a subtle yet important difference.

In sensommeren (late summer), there may be some torden (thunder) and lyn (lightning), but if you are lucky you might see a regnbue (rainbow).

READ ALSO: Five Danish phrases you only hear in summer

Come autumn the weather will turn grå og trist (grey and dull), overskyet (overcast) with skydækning (cloud cover), and blæsende (windy). It’s time to get your paraply (umbrella) out, and maybe even your regnjakke (rain coat) and gummistøvler (wellies).

Low-lying tåge or dise (fog or mist) over fields can elicit warnings about visibility for early-morning drivers and cyclists.

There are several words for nedbør (precipitation), including støvregn (drizzle, literally “dust rain”), byge (shower), styrtregn (downpour) or skybrud (heavy rain or cloudburst).

If it’s raining cats and dogs you say det regner skomagerdrenge (literally, “it’s raining shoemaker boys”).

November will be here sooner than you think, and it might prompt you to exclaim Sikke et vejr (“What miserable weather!”) or even Sikke noget skodvejr! (literally “what cigarette-butt weather!”).

If mange agern spar en hård vinter, this means that if many acorns fall from the trees, a cold winter awaits.

Finally, it’s winter and snefnug (snowflakes) will start to fall.

There are a number of similar-sounding but distinct words about snow (sne): snefog, snedynge and snedrive (all snow drift) and snefri, which can mean “free of snow”, but also when kids are given the day off school due to the snow.

The most unique is possibly the noun snefygning, when the wind kicks up and fresh snow is blown into the air, dancing momentarily in the winter cold before falling back to the ground.

Tøsne (thawing snow) could be a sign that temperatures are starting to become mild as the end of winter nears.

When it’s finally forår again, you might hear people talking up the welcome return of tocifrede grader (temperatures in double digits) and finally being able to remove their vintertøj (winter clothing).