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TELL US: What’s it like owning a dog in Denmark?

Owning a dog is common in Denmark, but what are the differences for those moving from abroad?

TELL US: What's it like owning a dog in Denmark?
Topper the Cockapoo, visits Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen in 2022. We want to know about your experiences as a dog owner in Denmark. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Many people own dogs in Denmark, but if you’ve moved to the country from abroad and are bringing your dog — or if you want to get one after arriving — things might be different from countries you’ve lived in previously.

Denmark has a set of laws relating to dog ownership, but we’d like to hear more about your personal experiences — perhaps they’ll help others in a similar situation.

Take a look at the survey below and let us know your thoughts.


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TELL US: How do you cope with heatwaves in Scandinavia?

With temperatures soaring across Scandinavia this week, we want to hear about how you cope with Nordic heatwaves and whether they feel worse than they do back home.

TELL US: How do you cope with heatwaves in Scandinavia?

A temperature of 25C (77F) might not feel like a big deal in many countries, but in Scandinavia, it’s warm.

While Scandinavians are generally used to colder temperatures, there’s more to it than this: The way cities and buildings are designed — to retain heat rather than keep cool — goes some way to explaining why temperatures that feel like a regular summer day elsewhere seem so severe in the Nordics.

READ ALSO: Why are temperatures of 25C considered a heatwave in Sweden?

We’d like to hear from our readers in Norway, Sweden and Denmark about how they experience hot temperatures in these countries compared to elsewhere, and what they think could be done.

Have a look at the survey below and tell us what you think. If you can’t see the form in your browser, click here.