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EXPLAINED: Why Norway is so obsessed with salmon 

Salmon is seemingly everywhere you look in Norway - not just supermarket aisles - from business to politics, the fish makes a splash wherever it lands in the Nordic country. The Local explains why.

Pictured is a plate of salmon.
Salmon is a huge deal for Norway. The Local has explained what the fuss is about. Pictured is a plate of salmon. Photo by David B Townsend on Unsplash

Home to moose, reindeer, polar bears, puffins, and whales, Norway has plenty of iconic animals associated with it. 

However, salmon is probably the animal that has the biggest impact and influence on the country. 

When it comes to the economy, everyone knows that oil and gas make up a large chunk of Norway’s wealth – directly or because the revenues from oil and gas are invested all over the globe. 

READ ALSO: Norway’s 1.6 trillion dollar ‘oil fund’ explained

The seafood industry is Norway’s second biggest industry, and last year, Norway exported 172 billion kroner of seafood, according to the industry organisation, the Norwegian Seafood Council

Salmon dwarfed all other seafood exports in Norway as the fish amounted to 122.5 billion kroner worth of exports last year. 

Norwegian salmon can be found on dinner plates all over the world as the country’s largest seafood markets are Poland, Denmark, the USA, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain, China, Italy, and Germany. 

The numbers may not make for exciting reading, but monthly export figures and the movement of the seafood index make the news in Norway regularly. They are given similar attention to inflation or unemployment numbers by the press. 

When it comes to the Norwegian diet, salmon features heavily and figures from a Norwegian seafood industry organisation estimated that Norwegians eat around 5.63 kilograms of salmon a year – more than anyone else in the world

But why salmon? 

Taste is one factor in the popularity of Norwegian salmon. The fatty fish is famous for its mild and buttery taste. 

However, clever marketing has also contributed to the rise of salmon. 

The Norwegian seafood industry helped shape how sushi is eaten across the world. 

In the 1980s, Norway had a surplus of salmon that it could not shift. To try and move this massive stockpile of salmon, the country turned its efforts towards finding new markets – particularly getting Japan and other countries to use it for sushi. 

After some teething issues, the ploy worked, and salmon is now synonymous with sushi all over the world. 

There’s also availability. Many Norwegians would likely choose skrei, migrating Atlantic Cod, over salmon for dinner. In fact, in northern Norway, stockfish could be considered much more historically and culturally significant than salmon. 

But salmon wins out against the cod because skrei is seasonal, whereas salmon can be fished all year round. 

This availability is the result of salmon farming. Norway supplies around half of the world’s farmed salmon, and most of the salmon eaten in Norway is farmed. 

Are there any issues with Norwegian salmon? 

However, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for salmon though. In 2011, China allegedly sanctioned Norwegian salmon for the Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. 

Being such a key export, the Norwegian seafood industry was hit hard until restrictions were eased. 

Salmon farms themselves are also subject to much controversy. With salmon farming being such a massive industry, it is no surprise that business crosses over into politics. 

The most famous example is the salmon tax. The tax aims to ensure that the public benefits more from the vast sums generated by fish farms, with operating profits for these operations reportedly around the 45 percent mark in 2022. 

The result was the introduction of a 25 percent tax on top of corporation tax for the largest producers. 

Such a hefty tax on a critical industry led to a long political row that is still rumbling on, but the government has pointed to the lowering of kindergarten costs nationwide as one policy the increased windfall has paid for

Policy aside, fish farming has proved to be a controversial practice in itself. Fish farming can be harmful to the environment and its surrounding habitat in several ways. 

Furthermore, farmed fish have higher disease instances than their wild counterparts and may offer less nutrition and more toxins than wild fish. 

The diet of farmed fish is also becoming increasingly controversial. Due to overfishing and sustainability concerns, farmed fish are eating less fish in their food and are eating more and more plant-based food. 

This has two impacts. Critics of the practice say that fish and vegetables used in fish feed could be used for human consumption instead. 

Then there’s the impact that the changing diet has on farmed fish.

Farmed fish escaping is a big problem for the ecosystems in which wild fish inhabit. This is because farmed fish can carry diseases. 

Furthermore, the changed diet, lives and conditions of farmed fish compared to wild fish means that if they were to be bred with wild fish, the offspring would be less likely to survive in the wild, leading to dwindling populations. 

READ MORE: Why Norway’s salmon farms have turned to a veggie menu

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What parental benefits are you entitled to as a freelancer in Norway?

For newcomers to Norway, navigating the world of parental benefits can be complex, especially if you're a freelancer.

What parental benefits are you entitled to as a freelancer in Norway?

Navigating a foreign country’s administrative and social support systems can often feel overwhelming, particularly if you don’t fit the standard of a typical employee with a permanent contract.

This complexity is more pronounced for freelancers, who must contend with specific challenges – such as changing income levels and varying definitions of their work status.

READ MORE: What parents in Norway need to know before going on parental leave

The fact that Norway is a country renowned for its generous social benefits and high standard of living doesn’t make this situation different from other countries.

Understanding – and accessing – parental benefits as a freelancer can be confusing, especially when it comes to parental allowance.

Defining freelancers in Norway

While many freelancers in Norway operate as sole proprietors (ENK), the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) has a special definition in place for freelancers.

Under Norwegian regulations, freelancers are considered independent contractors who receive a salary fee (also called salaried freelancers).

In contrast, those running an ENK are classified as self-employed.

This distinction can be confusing because most freelancers in Norway are, in fact, self-employed and call themselves freelancers.

That’s why, when consulting NAV’s information on parental allowance or using their online site, those with an ENK should view and declare themselves as “self-employed” rather than “freelancers.”

So, if you contact NAV to inquire about your rights, explain your business arrangement in detail.

Psst! If you are considering setting up as a freelancer in Norway, make sure to read The Local’s in-depth guide on the options at your disposal.

Understanding your social rights as a freelancer

As a freelancer in Norway, your social rights differ from those of traditional employees.

Unlike employees, freelancers are not entitled to sick pay from their clients. However, they are eligible for sick pay from the NAV starting from the 17th day of illness.

READ MORE: What are the rules for foreigners accessing welfare in Norway

To enhance their coverage, they can also opt for voluntary supplementary insurance.

Furthermore, freelancers do not benefit from a pension scheme provided by clients, so they need to look into a personal pension plan to ensure financial security in retirement.

Under certain conditions, freelancers may be eligible for unemployment benefits.

If you need clarification on whether you qualify, contact the NAV and share the specifics of your case with them.

Parental benefits for freelancers

Parents in Norway, including freelancers, are entitled to 12 months’ leave in connection with a birth of their child.

This leave period includes the mother’s right to up to 12 weeks’ leave during pregnancy and six weeks’ leave that can only be taken by the mother after the birth.

Furthermore, all welfare benefits for freelancers and the self-employed in the country are based on the profit of their businesses.

This profit is the amount remaining after deducting business expenses.

For instance, if you invoice 600,000 kroner annually and have 150,000 kroner in expenses (such as office space, travel, and equipment), NAV will use your profit of 450,000 kroner to calculate your benefits, including parental allowance.

The maximum benefit amount is capped at six times the National Insurance basic amount (1G), which, as of May 1st, 2023, is 118,620 kroner.

This cap applies to freelancers, wage earners, and others eligible for benefits.

Calculating parental allowance

For self-employed individuals, parental allowance is typically calculated based on the average income over the last three years, with the NAV obtaining this data from the Tax Agency.

Note: If your profits have fluctuated significantly over the period or if you have been in business for less than three years, you will need to provide the NAV with a detailed description of how your business operates and makes money.

Based on that information, they will conduct an individual assessment and make a discretionary decision regarding the amount you will be paid for parental allowance.

On the other hand, the rules for salaried freelancers and those with a limited company (AS) mirror those for regular employees.

Parental allowance is generally based on the average income from the three months preceding the start of the parental benefit period.

If there is a significant difference (over 25 percent) between your annual income and your recent three-month income, NAV will determine which figure is more representative.

Parental allowance can be taken consecutively or in combination with work or holidays.

For more detailed information, you can check out NAV’s guidelines on parental allowance.

Alternatives for those not entitled to parental allowance

Even if one or both parents are not entitled to parental allowance, they still have the right to parental leave.

In such cases, the mother can apply for a one-off benefit, and in certain circumstances, the father can too.

Additionally, as employee interest organisations often point out, the parent who has not accrued the right to parental allowance can begin to accrue this right while the other parent is on leave.