Norway’s King Harald to stay in hospital to have permanent pacemaker fitted

Norway's 87-year-old King Harald, who was transported home at the weekend after contracting an infection in Malaysia, will likely remain hospitalised until after the weekend, the palace said on Monday.

File photo of Norway's King Harald.
King Harald will remain in a Norwegian hospital while he waits for a pacemaker to be fitted. File photo: King Harald makes a speech at a gala dinner at the Royal Palace in Oslo, Norway. (Photo by Heiko JUNGE / POOL / AFP)

The king is suffering from “a low heart rate”, which will require a permanent pacemaker to be implanted once he is free from infection, a palace statement said.

“This could take several days, so the king is likely to remain at Rikshospitalet until after the weekend,” it said.

The infection “has recently become more under control”, and “his condition is stable and improving”, it added.

Europe’s oldest reigning monarch, King Harald fell ill with an infection while on a holiday on the Malaysian island of Langkawi.

He was hospitalised for several days before a medical transport flight flew him home to Oslo on Sunday.

On Saturday, the king was fitted with a temporary pacemaker, which his personal physician said would make his return safer.

Harald needs crutches to get around and has suffered a series of health issues in recent years.

He caught a respiratory infection in January, days after dismissing speculation that he might abdicate, following the lead of his 83-year-old distant cousin Queen Margrethe II in Denmark.

King Harald has been monarch for 33 years, and celebrated his 87th birthday on February 21st.

The royal palace said on Sunday that the king had been placed on sick leave for two weeks. Crown Prince Haakon, 50, has stepped in as regent in his

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Norway’s King Harald to reduce his workload

Norway's 87-year-old King Harald, who returned to work on Monday after nearly two months' sick leave, will reduce his workload due to his advanced age, the palace said.

Norway's King Harald to reduce his workload

Europe’s oldest reigning monarch, who is in fragile health, contracted an infection while on holiday on the Malaysian island of Langkawi in late February.

He was repatriated on a medical transport flight to Norway, where he was fitted with a permanent pacemaker to replace a temporary one he received in Malaysia.

“His majesty the King is happy to be back and resume his duties,” the palace said.

However, it said the monarch would “make adjustments to his schedule going forward, given his age”, citing “a permanent reduction in the number and scope of activities”.

Harald, who has been on the throne since 1991, needs crutches to get around and has suffered a series of health issues in recent years.

But he has dismissed speculation that he would follow the lead of his 83-year-old distant cousin Queen Margrethe II in Denmark and abdicate.

Crown Prince Haakon, 50, steps in as regent when the king is absent.