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Vaterschaftsurlaub: When will paid paternity leave in Germany be implemented?

It's been promised for two years, yet has yet to be officially written into law: when will an EU directive giving men two paid weeks off work following the birth of their child go into effect in Germany?

A father in Stuttgart holds the hand of his newborn baby.
A father in Stuttgart holds the hand of his newborn baby. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Marijan Murat

For new moms in Germany, there’s no debate about paid time off: as part of the Mutterschutzgesetz (maternity protection act), they are guaranteed six paid weeks off before the birth of their child and six weeks afterwards.

This year, Germany plans to add a clause for fathers to this act, guaranteeing them two fully paid weeks off after the birth. So far, the total number of paid days off which they automatically receive is zero – unless their company has another agreement in place.

Otherwise they have to ask for paid vacation days, and rely on the goodwill of their employer, or apply for paid parental leave, Elternzeit, which caps the paid time off at 67 percent of their salary at up to €1,800 per month. However, statistics show that less than half of new fathers in Germany apply for and take this leave.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about parental leave in Germany

What’s set to change – and when?

An EU-wide regulation for countries to grant at least two weeks of fully paid paternity leave came into force in July 2022, and most other European countries have already adopted it into their legal framework.

That means that pressure is growing in Germany for the draft to become a reality this year and for paternity leave (Vaterschaftsurlaub) to be implemented in 2024.

Back in 2022, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Lisa Paus, said that the regulation had been postponed to 2024 to give companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, time to prepare amid a difficult economic climate.

The draft currently provides for fathers to be able to take up to ten working days – ie two weeks – of paid leave directly after the birth. Paternity leave should also apply to part-time employees and temporary workers.

It will also be available to fathers in their six-month long Probezeit (probation time) while having their new jobs legally protected.

READ ALSO: Probezeit: The probation period rules new employees in Germany need to know

Wage compensation during the period of special leave is to be based on the average salary of the last three calendar months before the birth.

“We want to ensure that partners no longer have to take regular leave if they want to be there for their child after the birth. The first two weeks are of the utmost importance for the new-born and the parents,” said Paus in an interview with the WAZ Group in March.

paternity leave

Dad in Germany will soon be able take 10 days paternity leave. Photo by Mikael Stenberg on Unsplash

She also explained that the new maternity leave is to be regulated – financed from a fund at the Health Ministry, which is supplied by employers. 

However, the financing of paternity leave is one of the points that is still causing discussions between the ministries and thus a blockade in implementation.

READ ALSO: Vaterschaftsurlaub: What you need to know about paternity leave in Germany

Could a lawsuit bring the case forward?

A case before the Berlin district court is now increasing the pressure to push this forward. In mid-March, a 38-year-old father sued the state for damages because paternity leave has not yet been enshrined in law.

The man reportedly claimed in the lawsuit that he has suffered damages because he had to use his regular annual leave for the period after the birth, although the German government had promised otherwise and the EU already stipulates that a separate paid time should be set aside.

Without Vaterschaftsurlaub, there would be financial losses, he said, as the special leave is supposed to be accompanied by wage compensation.

The lawsuit, on which no decision has yet been made public, is now putting pressure on the coalition government to implement the long-anticipated regulation.

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EXPLAINED: How Germany plans to solve its Kita crisis

The German government has approved a new bill designed to tackle the ongoing crisis in nursery schools. Is it likely to make a difference for parents?

EXPLAINED: How Germany plans to solve its Kita crisis

Whether its short-notice closures or endless strikes, sending children to nursery school (Kita) in Germany can be a rollercoaster ride for parents. 

Low resources and chronic understaffing have become a daily reality in the country’s nurseries, and when they are forced to close due to staff shortages the burden falls on families to find alternatives. 

To try and tackle these issues, the German government is set to funnel €4 billion into daycare centres over the next two years. 

This was set out in a new amendment to Kita Quality Act, which was passed in the cabinet on Tuesday and will head to the Bundestag in September. 

Celebrating the move, Family Minister Lisa Paus of the Green Party said that, despite budget restrictions, the government was sending a “strong signal that we want to improve the quality of Kitas in Germany”.

READ ALSO: What is Germany’s digital pact for schools and how does it affect pupils?

Nevertheless, critics say it doesn’t go far enough to address the scale of the problem. 

What’s changing under the new law?

Not much right away. In fact, much of the bill simply shores up federal funding for nurseries in the states, which will receive €2 billion from the central government each year. 

However, the rules around how this money can be spent are getting stricter.

The focus will now be on retaining and recruiting childcare staff, ensuring kids get enough physical activity, and providing healthy, sustainable meals.

In a significant change, states will no longer be allowed to use this money to reduce childcare fees. Instead, they’ll need to funnel it into extra staffing and improving the quality of care.

Does that mean higher costs for parents?

The Family Ministry doesn’t think so. 

Currently, only six states use federal funds to offer lower Kita fees for parents: Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, Bavaria, Thuringia, Saarland und North Rhine-Westphalia.

Other states like Berlin that offer free or low-cost childcare use money from their own state coffers instead. 

According to ministry, currently states are allowed to spend 49 percent of federal funds on fee reductions, but most have only needed around 15 percent. This money could be replaced from state budgets, they argue.

READ ALSO: Could parents in Germany pay higher Kita fees to combat staff shortages?

Why is staffing such an issue? 

In Germany’s ongoing skills gap, workers in education and childcare have been among the most highly sought. 

Experts say that a maintaining a good teacher-student ratio is essential to offering quality childcare, while low staff numbers can overburden teachers and be harmful to children’s wellbeing.

kita in Dortmund

Children at a Kita in Dortmund help with planting in February. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Bernd Thissen

According to a recent report by the Paritätischer Gesamtverband, Germany has 125,000 fewer workers in its daycares than it currently needs.

Other estimates from the Family Ministry suggest that Germany will be missing around 90,000 Kita staff by 2030. 

That said, the bill stops short of laying out concrete measures for attracting and retaining staff. Instead, the ministry is hoping that offering better working conditions will encourage workers to stay in the job for longer. 

What do people think of the new law?

The Education and Science Workers’ Union (GEW) supports the shift away from fee reduction, emphasising the importance of improving the quality of childcare instead. 

However, they stress that families should still have financial relief to support them with childcare costs. 

The GEW has also called for minimum quality standards nationwide – something the new law doesn’t establish, despite being mentioned in the government’s coalition agreement.

Tobias Ernst, chair of the Child Research Foundation, echoed this sentiment, telling FAZ: “The fact that there are to be no nationwide standards is a missed opportunity.”

READ ALSO: How expensive is childcare across Germany?

Meanwhile, the left-wing Linke party slammed the the government for not setting out more concrete measures for increasing staff numbers in Kitas.

“The ministry should finally say openly what it would take to really change the shortage of skilled labour,” said Linke chairwoman Heidi Reichinnek. “You need money to enable a better worker-child ratio.”