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Inside Italy: The recovery fund mystery, rehoming goats and controversy over crisps

From the mystery of how (or if) Italy's recovery fund is being spent to one island's plan to rid itself of goats, our weekly newsletter Inside Italy looks at what we’ve been talking about in Italy this week.

Inside Italy: The recovery fund mystery, rehoming goats and controversy over crisps
An Italian island's unusual plan to rid itself of goats has attracted international media attention. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)

Following the money

Where is Italy’s recovery fund money going? That’s the billion-dollar question in the country right now – or €191.5 billion, to be precise.

Italy received the lion’s share of the EU-wide post-pandemic recovery fund, starting back in 2021, after the country was hit especially hard by the Covid-19 crisis. 

The billions in loans and grants spread over five years were seen as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the country to upgrade crumbling roads and infrastructure, improve environmental efficiency, and bring in major reforms to solve long-standing economic problems – under the European Commission’s watchful eye.

But is it going as hoped? There’s been so little information publicly available about the spending that it seems no one can say.

One thing we do know is that organised crime groups are profiting – police in Veneto last week seized €600m worth of luxury boats, property, sports cars and jewellery believed to have been bought using recovery fund money, and 8 out of 10 of Europe’s fraud investigations related to the funds are in Italy.

There’s also concern about what the government is doing with the fund. Giorgia Meloni’s administration has changed the spending plan to allocate money to its own priorities – which include funding Transport Minister Matteo Salvini’s dream of building his highly unpopular bridge over the Strait of Messina.

But it looks more likely that the government won’t manage to spend much of the money at all. So far, Salvini’s ministry has only spent 3.3 percent of its share of the fund, the same amount as the health ministry, while the tourism ministry has spent just one percent. It may sound unbelievable, but Italy has done this before with EU funds.

Italian social media has been full of jokes and memes on the subject again this week, though everyone is aware there are serious problems going unresolved. For many, it’s a case of rido per non piangere – if you didn’t laugh, you’d cry.

Beach rules

Newcomers are often surprised to find out that, far from being lawless, Italy is a rule-heavy country where almost every aspect of everyday life is regulated in some way (at least, in theory.)

Italy even has rules governing when beach season officially starts (and ends) in each region, and this week on The Local we also came across some surprising building regulations dictating everything from how you should tile your bathroom to the items you can put on your balcony.

Whether or not these rules are always followed is another question. But with such a large number of regulations in place, maybe the typically relaxed Italian attitude towards rule-breaking is the only really sensible one to take.

British humour or blasphemy?

An Italian crisp manufacturer’s attempt at employing “British-style” humour in a TV ad fell flat this week, at least among Catholics, who accused the company of blasphemy – which is a crime in Italy.

The 30-second advert for Amica Chips is set in a monastery and opens with nuns preparing to receive holy communion. The mother superior realises that the tabernacle is empty of wafers, and so fills it with crisps instead.

After likening the “divine” crisps to Catholics’ daily bread, it ends with the mother superior polishing off the rest of the bag.

The ad was quickly pulled from air after complaints from Aiart, an association of Catholic TV viewers, which accused the company of resorting to blasphemy to sell crisps. Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire published a furious editorial titled “Christ has been reduced to a potato chip.”

Clearly they were not the target audience. Lorenzo Marini Group, the company behind the commercial, said it was aimed at a younger market and had used “strong British irony” to be deliberately provocative.

The short-lived campaign seems to have paid off in terms of international media coverage this week. Meanwhile, the crisps were trending on Italian Twitter and even sparked debate over secularism in Italian law.

Get your goat

You may be pleased to hear that the local authority on Alicudi island has reported that its call for people to come and remove its excess goats was a resounding success.

Goats are reportedly overrunning the island, outnumbering its 100 or so residents and eating their property – so the authority recently offered the animals for free to anyone who’d like to come and catch them.

The unusual offer whipped international media into a frenzy, and around 2,000 applications have since poured in with people all over Europe and beyond eager to rehome one of the 600 animals available.

Successful applicants will have 15 days to lure a goat off the tiny island’s cliffs and onto a boat, according to Italian media reports. Reassuringly, local politicians have suggested they’ll give priority to those who want to “try to domesticate the animals, rather than eat them.”

Inside Italy is our weekly look at some of the news and talking points in Italy that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

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Inside Italy: Fascist salutes and Rome’s plan to clean up

In this week's Inside Italy newsletter, we look at plans to give the city of Rome a makeover in time for the Jubilee and what Italians think of revelations of racism in the ruling party's youth wing.

Inside Italy: Fascist salutes and Rome's plan to clean up

It took her more than two weeks, but Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Friday publicly condemned the racist comments made by members of her far-right party’s youth wing revealed in an undercover investigation that has been dominating Italian headlines.

In case you haven’t seen or heard about it yet, the video published this month by Italian news website Fanpage showed members of the National Youth, the junior wing of Brothers of Italy (FdI), engaging in fascist salutes, chanting the Nazi “Sieg Heil” greeting and shouting “Duce” in support of late Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

Meloni didn’t mention any of that on Friday, but she did address some of the comments youth members made on the video, saying that “racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic ideas” were “incompatible” with her party.

While Meloni distances herself and her party from its neofascist roots and any associations with Mussolini’s regime, she has never denounced fascism entirely, and seems to shy away from using the word at all.

Still, she claimed that there was “no ambiguity” over the issue on her part – while also complaining that journalists should not be filming without permission.

After more revelations of racist and hateful comments by youth wing members came out of the investigation this week, it looks like this storm isn’t going to blow over as quickly as Meloni probably hoped.

Usually, news stories about Italian political figures displaying their admiration for fascism provoke less public outrage in Italy than you might expect. There has never been a palpable sense of widespread anger at, say, Brothers of Italy co-founder and Senate president Ignazio La Russa proudly collecting Mussolini statues.

Overall, attitudes to extreme political viewpoints in Italy tend to be permissive in a way that they’re not in, for example, Germany on the topic of Nazism.

But the latest story about the youth wing seems to have hit a nerve with the public in the way similar reports in the past haven’t. Perhaps because it seems so anomalous.

In my experience, when talking to younger Italians it’s clear that most today see such views as abhorrent, severely outdated, or just (as Italian kids say) “cringe”. Thankfully, those members of FdI’s youth wing seen in the video represent only an extreme minority.

Rome’s Jubilee makeover

In other news this week, could the Italian capital finally be cleaning up its act?

The city council has announced plans to install 18,000 new rubbish bins and 120 public toilets as part of a €3 million renovation project ahead of the Jubilee Year 2025.

This was welcome news for residents and regular visitors, most of whom have long since given up on trying to find public bathrooms in the city and rely on using the facilities at cafes and bars instead.

It also followed the recent announcement of thousands more taxi licences for the city, while major works are also ongoing to improve Rome’s notoriously unreliable public transport system in time for the Jubilee year, when millions more visitors than usual are set to descend.

“The city will face an extraordinary influx of tourists and pilgrims, who we will have to assist in their most immediate needs,” Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri said as he announced the plans this week.

This does beg the question of how a major European capital city in 2024 can lack such basic public services, and why these problems are only now being tackled for the convenience of tourists after years (or, in some cases, decades) of complaints from long-suffering city residents.

So maybe it wasn’t surprising that many Romans greeted the announcement by drily pointing out that the city will also have to ensure all these toilets are cleaned, and the bins emptied and waste dealt with – something the local authority has long struggled to do efficiently, and which few residents can believe they’ll have sorted by 2025.

But we can at least hope that it’s a case of meglio tardi che mai (better late than never). The current local administration is showing the political will to start tackling these issues. And importantly, there’s the money to pay for it. Much of the major renovation work going on in the city right now is covered fully or in part by European post-Covid recovery funds – so it really is now or never.

If you’re still feeling sceptical, just watch this video of Gualtieri showing off one of his new bins: he seems genuinely thrilled with it.

Rome’s shiny new bins even have an official name: Cestò – which is a play on the word cesto (basket or bin) and the Roman dialect phrase ce stà, meaning ‘it’s in’ – and their own slightly cheesy slogan, which Gualtieri demonstrates for us here: “Io ce sto, e tu?” (I’m in, are you?)

Inside Italy is our weekly look at some of the news and talking points in Italy that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.