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Spanish Words of the Day: En plan 

Saying ‘en plan’ in Spanish is a bit like…

Spanish Words of the Day: En plan 
'En plan' is used all the time by young people in Spain. Photo: Papaioannou Kostas/Unsplash

En plan is used all the time in spoken Spanish when you want to express intention, mode and attitude.

For example, salimos en plan amigos, ‘we went out as friends’. 

Or estamos en plan fiesta, ‘we’re in party mode’. 

Va vestida en plan militar, ‘she’s wearing military-style clothing’.

In essence, it’s a fast and easier way of setting the scene, a versatile means of describing which is like saying ‘like’, or ‘as’, ‘-mode’ or ‘-style’ in English. 

However, the meanings of en plan have expanded recently thanks to young people, who have adopted it a bit like their filler word or pet phrase (what Spaniards call una muletilla). 

En plan is now used similarly to o sea, used to explain in another way or exemplifies what is being said.

READ MORE: What does ‘o sea’ mean in Spanish?

For example, María está desaparecida, en plan no la veo desde hace más de un año.

‘María has completely disappeared, I mean, I haven’t seen her in more than a year’.

It’s also used when you want to express something as if it were a quote. 

El policía me dijo en plan te voy a multar, ‘the police officer was like ‘I’m going to fine you’’.

Therefore, en plan has become a bit like saying ‘like’ when talking in English and joining ideas together or emphasising something. 

It can be a bit exasperating to hear teens use it all the time, as in:

Hablé con Julia en plan buen rollo, y me dijo en plan eres una cabrona, que ya no quiere ser mi amiga, en plan que no quiere quedar más. 

‘I spoke to Julia on like good terms, and she was like ‘you’re a bitch’, she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore, like she doesn’t want to meet up anymore’.

If you don’t believe us, take Robert De Niro’s and Jack Nicholson’s word for it. 

However, en plan can be a very useful tool to get to the point quickly and avoid more complicated sentence constructions in Spanish.

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La lengua: Eight everyday Spanish expressions with the word tongue

What on earth does it mean when someone says in Spanish that they ‘don’t have hair on their tongue’? Here are some of the most widely used idioms in Spanish to do with the word 'lengua'.

La lengua: Eight everyday Spanish expressions with the word tongue

The Spanish word lengua can mean both tongue (the part of the mouth) and language (communication system). 

La lengua is arguably one of the most used words in the Spanish language and one that you’ll learn early on. You may also be familiar with trabalenguas (tongue-twister), lengua de signos (sign language) or lengua materna (mother tongue). 

But there are lots of idioms with lengua that are used all the time but you won’t necessarily pick up that easily unless someone explains them to you. 

Here are some of the best Spanish expressions with the word lengua:

No tener pelos en la lengua: to talk straight and not hesitate to say what’s on one’s mind, even though its literal translation means ‘to not have hair on the tongue’. No morderse la lengua (not bite one’s tongue) is another way of conveying the same meaning.


Ese político no tiene pelos en la lengua, por eso lo apoya la derecha.

That politician is a straight talker, hence why the right supports him.

Tener la lengua muy larga: When someone says you have ‘a very long tongue’, they most likely mean that you’re no good at keeping secrets, that you’re a blabbermouth.


Tienes la lengua muy larga, eso te lo he contado en privado.

You’re a blabbermouth, I told you that in private.

Lo dicen las malas lenguas: ‘The bad tongues say it’, meaning ‘it’s rumoured that’ or ‘rumour has it’. 


Dicen las malas lenguas que se ha ido con otro.

Rumour has it that she’s run off with someone else.

Se ha comido la lengua el gato: Pretty much the same as when someone says in English ‘Has the cat got your tongue?’, as a way of expressing that a person isn’t speaking and should be. 


¿Te ha comido la lengua el gato, Jaime? ¿Por qué no hablas?

Has the cat got your tongue, Jaime? Why aren’t you speaking?

Tirar de la lengua: And if you manage to get the person to speak, you say tirar de la lengua


Voy a tirarle de la lengua, seguro que me dice quien lo ha roto.

I’m going to make her talk, I’m sure she’ll tell me who has broken it. 

Irse de la lengua: A bit like saying ‘to let one’s tongue run off’, in the sense that you’ve spoken too much or let the cat out of the bag or shot your mouth off about something. 


Te has ido un poco la lengua con lo del viaje, ¿no?

You shot your mouth off about the trip, right? 

Buscar la lengua a alguien: If someone is ‘trying to find your tongue’ in Spanish, they’re trying to pick a fight with you. 


Este tío te está buscando la lengua, no piques. 

That guy is looking for a fight with you, don’t fall for it. 

Tener algo en la punta de la lengua: Another expression that’s the same as in English, to have something on the tip of your tongue.


Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua. ¿Como era?

I’ve got it on the tip of my tongue. What was it again?