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Danish word of the day: Pædagog

This Danish word of the day is a crucial one in the country’s daily life and you will hear it countless times, but it is not easy to translate.

What is pædagog? 

A pædagog is someone who works within the field of pedagogy, a term which exists in English (but may not be widely known) and refers to the theory and practice of teaching and learning.

In Danish, pedagogy is pædagogik and someone who is trained in that profession is a pædagog.

This doesn’t really come close to covering how the word is used in Danish, however, where it refers to a range of different jobs, all crucial to the smooth running of everyday society.

Why do I need to know pædagog?

Beyond the dictionary definition of “person who is trained to work in pedagogical occupation with children, young or disabled people”, there’s a good number of compound words that include pædagog.

These compound words are mostly job titles and demonstrate the different specialisations and roles in which you can work as a pædagog.

These include småbørnspædagog for those who take care of small children, børnehavepædagog for the trained childcare staff at kindergartens, and socialpædagog for people who work with adults with special social needs.

To become a pædagog you must complete the pædagoguddannelse, the professional training for the rule, which is a three-and-a-half year vocational degree involving work placements and a certain degree of specialisation.

Untrained staff who work in kindergartens can take the job title pædagogmedhjælper, literally “pedagog helper”, and often fulfil many of the same duties, particularly those relating to the care, compassion and supervision needed to look after a group of children.

Denmark has a high provision of childcare, with kindergarten fees subsidised by local authorities – up to 80 percent of one-year-olds attended childcare institutions in 2022 with that figure rising to 97 percent for five-year-olds, according to national figures.

That may give you an idea of how many skilled childcare professionals Denmark needs and why a word that has a niche, technical meaning in English is so common in Danish.

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Danish word of the day: Prik

Today’s Danish word of the day is one of those words which might cause a chuckle in British English speakers when they hear it for the first time.

Danish word of the day: Prik

What is prik? 

Unlike in British English, where the word “prick” is both slang for the male genitalia as well as an insult (among other things), prik in Danish is much more benign and a very useful word.

It can be a noun (en prik) or a verb (at prikke), and both the English and the Danish words have the same root – a Proto-Germanic word meaning “to stick or prick”. 

The adjective is prikket (spotty), though pletfri would be used to talk about something without any marks or spots. This could be in the sense of a spotless record (often used when talking about driving licences), or more literally, when cleaning to remove spots of dirt or stains.

Why do I need to know prik?

You’ll see similar words in lots of other northern European languages, like prick in Swedish, prickeln in German and prikken in Dutch.

As a noun, it refers to a small dot or spot, like in a prikket trøje (polka dot shirt).

The verb at prikke means either to poke or ‘jab’, in the sense that a medical worker might say der kommer en lille prik (‘you’ll feel a little prick’) or jeg prikker lige (‘I’m just going to inject you’) when giving a blood test or vaccination.

It is also used to refer to dots in punctuation. The most common example is the phrase prikken over i’et, which literally means “the dot on the ‘i’” but is equivalent to the English saying “the cherry on top of the cake”.

You might also hear umlauts – the dots on letters like ä and ö which don’t appear in Danish but are used in Swedish and German – referred to as prikker.

If something is på en prik or “on the dot” it is very accurate or precise: du ligner ham på en prik means “you’re his exact lookalike”. Doing something til punkt og prikke, “to the point and the dot”, is to do it very diligently and accurately.