How to minimise your salary deductions while working in Germany

With its long list of 'small print' abbreviations and wordy technical terms, German payslips can look intimidating. But it’s not as complex as it seems – and with a couple of simple adjustments, you could end up paying significantly less in salary deductions each month.

How to minimise your salary deductions while working in Germany
Germany is a beautiful, fascinating country. Why not make sure you have more of your salary to explore it. Photo: Anthony Delanoix / Unsplash

Without a fairly advanced grasp of German, the long list of deductions on your payslip can make your head spin – even with the help of Google Translate. This is partly because some of these deductions are unique to Germany and partly because, well, they’re in German. But rest assured, you’re paying as much in taxes and charges as native Germans do and, once translated and broken into digestible chunks, the difference between your net income (the wage paid out to you by your employer after deductions) and your gross income (your wage before deductions) is quite straightforward.

The Local has created this short guide in partnership with private health insurance company ottonova to help you understand what comes out of your salary and why. You can also find out how you can save thousands of euros each year with a few simple tips.

Are you self-employed or an employee earning above €69,300 per year in Germany? Get private health insurance from ottonova  

Taxes: the mandatory income, solidarity taxes and the optional church tax

The first and also the most substantial set of salary deductions on the German payslip fall into the more or less universal category of income tax (Lohnsteuer). As in most places around the world, you have no choice but to bite the bullet on this one – depending on your income level, of course, since the income tax in Germany is progressive.

For an international resident in Germany earning a monthly gross salary of €5,800 (approx. USD 6,200), for example, the income tax amounts to roughly €1,550 (approx. USD 1,650), or 42 percent of the total net income, whereas the taxable income of less than €11,604 (approx. USD 12,350) is zero for single households. 

As with income tax, Germany’s so-called Solidaritätszuschlag (literally ‘solidarity surcharge’) is a monthly tax (5.5 percent of total income tax) that all German high-income earners have to pay. The additional fee, which was introduced as a temporary tax in 1991, is intended to cover the continuing costs of German reunification.

Since 2021, the solidarity surcharge has been abolished for almost 90 percent of taxpayers due to the increase in the exemption thresholds. If you are earning less than €73,000 gross annually, you’ll be happy to learn that this deduction doesn’t apply to you.

German church tax (Kirchensteuer), on the other hand, is completely optional – and actually quite easy to opt out of. You’ll only have to pay this tax if you are a member of the Catholic or Protestant church.

Collected from employees before your payslip pings into your inbox, church tax constitutes eight percent of income tax collected for residents of Bayern and Baden-Württemberg, and 9 percent for residents of all other federal states of Germany. Those intending to opt out of this tax should pay a visit to their local municipality citizens’ office (Bürgeramt) for further assistance.

Social charges: save money with private health insurance

The final set of salary deductions on your payslip are the social charges. However, these deductions do allow for wiggle room for expats and natives alike – especially for high-income earners.

Pension insurance (Rentenversicherung), unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung), and nursing care insurance (Pflegeversicherung) are, as part of the German social security system, paid at a fixed rate. However, with the mandatory  health insurance deduction, residents in Germany can choose private healthcare insurance instead of the public one offered under the German Government Health Insurance System (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or “GKV”). 

As with the income tax, public health insurance is based on your level of income, though there is currently an upper limit of €541 (approx. USD 575) per month for the portion paid by employees (maximum rate without employer’s contribution is currently €1,050). However, contributions are rising continuously and so is the maximum premium in the statutory health insurance scheme.

Due to the income-dependent calculation of the contribution, public health insurance can be significantly more expensive for expats (and non-expats) than private healthcare insurance (Private Krankenversicherung or “PKV”) offered by a German or international insurance company such as ottonova

Are you self-employed or an employee earning above €69,300 per year in Germany? Get private health insurance from ottonova

With a few handy hints and a little advice, you can maximise your monthly German paycheck. Photo: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Choosing private health insurance can save you money in other ways too. Public health insurance in Germany usually doesn’t cover visual aids, professional dental cleaning or worldwide travel insurance and repatriation. But with a private plan, like ottonova’s health insurance for expats, these costs are generally covered.

As well as offering a wider choice of medical and dental treatments, private patients often receive a higher level of service at hospitals and can request an English-speaking doctor.

That said, it is worth noting that the price you pay for private insurance is not based on your income level but it does take into account considerations including entry age and any pre-existing medical conditions.

For example, an expat in good health who is working in Germany and making €69,300 a year (annual income threshold for employees to be eligible for private health insurance) stands to save more than €300 (approx. USD 320) every month by opting out of the church tax and opting into a private health insurance plan such as one offered by ottonova.

Learn more about what is included in ottonova’s health insurance plan for expats earning over €69,300 per year as an employee and how it could end up saving you a tidy sum of money and providing you with excellent health coverage. 

For members


Why so many couples in Germany go to Denmark to get married

Couples with at least one non-German partner who try to get married in Germany often run into near-impossible hurdles. The solution that many international couples resort to is crossing a border for a day or two and returning as newlyweds.

Why so many couples in Germany go to Denmark to get married

Germany is not particularly well known as a wedding destination, but its neighbour Denmark is.

Denmark has been an especially popular wedding destination for people coming from Germany since the 1960s. 

To be clear it’s not that couples in Germany are swapping their wedding carriages for tandem bicycles, or that they want Smørrebrød at their reception dinners. 

Actually what attracts couples to Denmark for marriage is not what the country has, but what it doesn’t have – that being outrageous bureaucratic hurdles.

The Local spoke with one newly wed husband and one engaged bachelor who both opted for Danish weddings. They explained why they avoided getting married in Germany, and how seamless the process can be in Denmark.

Impossible documents and language barriers

For many foreigners, and even some native born citizens, Germany’s paperwork and German language requirements for the marriage process are simply too much.

Sam Care, 32, who lives in Berlin told The Local that he didn’t spend too much time investigating the marriage process in Germany. Rather he and his newly wed wife were recommended to marry in Denmark from the beginning.

“Given our experience with German bureaucracy, it didn’t take much to convince us,” Sam admitted. But he did look into the process enough to realise the list of required documents is substantially longer in Germany than it is in Denmark.

“I’m sure lots of people don’t arrive in Germany with their birth certificates and proof of civil status. At least we hadn’t, so the German process had this added hassle of trying to get documents from my wife’s home country.”

newlyweds in Denmark

Sam Care and his newlywed bride as seen in Copenhagen shortly after getting married. Photo provided by Sam Care.

While requesting documents from your home country (and then getting them translated and apostilled) is difficult enough if you are coming from the US or the UK, for example, it can be nearly impossible for people coming from countries like Kenya or South Africa, or countries where regular processes may be disrupted by conflict, like in Ukraine or Russia.

William Bryan, 28, who is scheduled to marry his fiancée in Denmark in a few months said that as a German-American he had made an honest effort to start the German process.

“It was so quickly, overwhelmingly bureaucratic in classic German fashion,” Will told The Local. 

He added that an official translator was required at the marriage if either of the partners couldn’t prove sufficient German language skills – which would have been an issue for his fiancée – and they didn’t offer options beside German language for the ceremony.

Ultimately, Will says the extra paperwork and the language barrier, and the fact that both of those issues could be avoided with a quick trip to Denmark, made it an easy choice.

‘You could be married next week in Denmark’

Beside the language and paperwork barriers, another issue for those trying to marry in Germany can be the timing. Scheduling a marriage in Germany can take months, especially in bigger cities where local venues are often fully booked well in advance.

Of course marriage is not something to rush into, but there are certain situations where couples may need to marry sooner than later.

Will noted that after he and his fiancée submitted their documents to Danish authorities, they received approval on their application within five business days.

“You could probably apply today and get married next week,” Will said.

bride and groom celebrating

A bride and groom celebrate their union with a toast. Photo by Pexels via Pixabay

Sam also noted how easy and quick the Danish process was: “You just go to the Danish website, upload a few documents, get approved, choose a venue, done!”

He said that they did have to register a day ahead of the marriage at the town hall: “When we got to the town hall there were a bunch of couples from around the world. It was actually sweet to see the other couples in a similar situation to ours, all in need of a feasible way to secure their lives together.”

Germany gets its papers either way

There is one catch. When German residents are married abroad, they need to have their foreign marriage officially recognised in Germany before that marriage will count in terms of tax and citizenship / residency effects.

Sam, who was married by the end of 2023, says he is still in the process of having his marriage recognised by the German authorities, which would also be required to arrange a name change in the country.

READ ALSO: How to have your marriage abroad recognised in Germany

“In my experience it’s not so straightforward,” Sam said. “Depending on your circumstance, you have to either go to the Standesamt or Bürgeramt and it’s not entirely obvious which one until you contact one and are told to go through the other – and then over to the Finanzamt.”

Typically, married couples can start this process by presenting the marriage certificate at their local registry office. But if you’re moving to Germany for the first time, you can try brining the certificate with you to your first Anmeldung appointment.

But here also, coming from Denmark has an advantage. Danish weddings come with marriage certificates in five languages (Danish, English, German, Spanish, and French) at no extra cost. 

So at least you won’t have to translate your marriage certificate when you turn it in to the relevant authorities in Germany.