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Inside Spain: The truth about jobs and octogenarian’s eviction fight

In this week's Inside Spain we see why no amount of positive employment figures mean Spain's job market is any better, and how an 87-year-old's eviction for her home to become an Airbnb is the latest chapter in the mass tourism debate.

Inside Spain: The truth about jobs and octogenarian's eviction fight
Spain's employment problems are chronic, as evidenced by this 2014 protest in Valladolid calling for better salaries and job conditions. (Photo by CESAR MANSO / AFP)

Spain is on the up economy speaking, it would seem. Its GDP is growing at faster rates than any other major European economy and according to the latest employment figures it has more people working than ever before: 21 million. 

Optimistic headlines about minimum wage rises and more job stability have become increasingly common, although often it’s Spanish newspapers’ political bias which determines whether to praise or criticise the country’s job market. 

Are these positive economic and employment changes palpable for the average person? In most cases, no.

The left-wing coalition government of Pedro Sánchez may have implemented measures to make job conditions and salaries somewhat better for those who are really struggling, but Spain’s job market remains chronically sick, as it has been for decades.

Although its general unemployment rate isn’t as alarming as during the economic crisis of the previous decade, its rate of paro of 11.7 percent in March 2024 is the highest of the eurozone

Spain also still claims top spot for youth joblessness in the EU at a more worrying 28 percent. 

Even though Spain’s Labour Minister Yolanda Díaz spearheaded a key reform which led to a huge reduction in temporary job contracts, which were in theory replaced by permanent positions, it’s since emerged that half of these fixed job contracts (contratos indefinidos) go up in smoke before a year has passed.

At best, Spain’s job market has gone from really bad to bad. It remains the most glaring drawback for many foreigners of a working age who know that they’ll probably have to sacrifice higher wages and job opportunities for a life here.  

It’s no wonder that Spain’s brain drain of local talent continues (379,000 in 2022), whilst foreign nationals who are willing to put up with the dire labour market occupy the vast majority of new jobs created

And from something that never changes about Spain to something that is – the gentrification of Spanish cities, and more specifically the so-called ‘touristification’ of central working-class neighbourhoods. 

We’ve been covering rising discontent against mass tourism in Spain, particularly with regards to rising rents, and no story better showcases how Airbnb-style holiday lets are forcing out locals than that of 87-year-old Cádiz resident María Muñoz. 

She’s lived for 57 years in a rented flat in El Pópulo neighbourhood where she raised her children, but on June 26th she will be evicted from her home, which will be turned into a tourist apartment.

The only option she’s been given is to buy the property, which she cannot afford.

The eviction has angered locals, reached the Andalusian Parliament and properly sparked the mass tourism debate in another corner of Spain, following similar popular outcries in the Canaries and Málaga in recent weeks. 

Valencia? Seville? Granada? Which will be next? It seems almost certain that it won’t be long before alienated and priced out neighbours in another barrio or city in Spain raise their voices against what’s happening.

Member comments

  1. The latest update via Càdiz local news is that the Señora Munez has been given occupancy of another apartment in the barrio, thanks to a private owner.

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Inside Spain: New tourist taxes and the problem of depopulation

In this week's Inside Spain we look at the situation of tourist taxes and the problem of depopulation in the country.

Inside Spain: New tourist taxes and the problem of depopulation

So-called overtourism has caused a lot of anger in Spain this year with protests in the Balearic Islands, Canaries, Barcelona and Málaga. While there have been many ideas to try and curb the amount of visitors to the country and benefit more from the ever-increasing  numbers, one of the least popular has been the introduction of tourist taxes. 

Currently, tourist taxes have only been introduced in Spain in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. They were also introduced and then scrapped in the Valencia Community. 

Last week Asturias’ left-wing regional government, formed by the PSOE and IU, announced that it intends to impose a tourist tax on visitors too.

Asturias received a record 2.7 million visitors in 2023 and experts believe it will be even higher in 2024.

It aims to offset the increased costs of running public services in places with more visitors, but crucially it will be up to each individual town hall in Asturias to decide whether to charge tourists the tax or not.

Popular towns in Asturias such as Cudillero, Cangas de Onís and Valdés have already shown interest in introducing the tax, although authorities in the region’s two main cities, Oviedo and Gijón, are against it.

There will also be an increase in tourist taxes in Barcelona. Currently, tourists to the Catalan capital pay two types of taxes – one to the region and one to the city. 

City tax, which is charged for up to seven nights stands at €3.25 per night, but from October 2024, this will go up to €4 per night, which is an increase of €0.75. They will pay this municipal tourist tax regardless of whether they stay in a bed and breakfast, on a cruise ship or in five-star hotel.

On top of this visitors will also have to pay tax on stays in tourist establishments of the Generalitat. This ranges from €1 per person per night for stays in hotels with less than four stars and up to €3.50 per night for 5-star establishments.

This means that from this autumn, tourists to Barcelona will end up pay between €5 and €7.50 per night.

There has been so much talk of overtourism in Spain lately that many forget the other side of the story – the parts of the country that are empty. 

Recently, one of the most underpopulated regions in Spain, Extremadura, made headlines when it said it would pay digital nomads to move there, helping to increase the population and jump-start local economies. 

The rural depopulation of Spain’s ‘interior’ has long been a socioeconomic and demographic problem

According to Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE), approximately 22 million Spaniards live in the 100 most populated municipalities in Spain. This means that around half of the total Spanish population is concentrated in four percent of the national territory.

Over the last decade, 6,232 municipalities have seen their population decline. This equals three out of every four municipal areas.

Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Aragón are the parts of Spain where this depopulation is felt the most. Here, many people move away from the countryside and smaller towns in search of employment, better paid jobs and where they can find more opportunities. 

Depopulation affects everything from the lack of banking and healthcare services to local economies and the social fabric of these rural societies. 

In another news story that caught our eye, the Balearic Island of Formentera will be hosting what it calls “the only Zero Wastefestival in the world” from October 4th to 6th. 

While other festivals also claim to sustainable, the SON Estrella Galicia Posidonia event was recently awarded TRUE Zero Waste Platinum certification. Working with local partners, it is open to only 350 people and offers its guests a chance to discover the island through activities and guided walks – committed to a zero waste policy with a focus on reduction and reuse.

The event offers a programme of musical performances, a tasting menu curated by a Michelin Star chef and activities across different parts of the island, which will remain secret until October 4th. Tickets can be bought here.

The festival aims to raise awareness of the protection of Posidonia meadows around the island.