Swedish appeals court throws out Tesla licence plate complaint

A Swedish appeals court rejected Tesla's attempt to force the Transport Agency to provide them with licence plates during an ongoing strike.

Swedish appeals court throws out Tesla licence plate complaint
Striking metalworkers outside a Tesla service centre in December. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The Göta Court of Appeal upheld a decision by the district court to throw out a request by US car manufacturer Tesla to force the Swedish Transport Agency to provide them with licence plates, on the grounds that a general court does not have jurisdiction in this case.

The district court and court of appeal argued that Tesla should instead have taken its complaint to an administrative court (förvaltningsdomstol) rather than a general court (allmän domstol).

According to the rules regulating the Transport Agency’s role in issuing licence plates in Sweden, their decisions should be appealed to an administrative court – a separate part of the court system which tries cases involving a Swedish public authority, rather than criminal cases or disputes between individuals which are tried by the general courts.

The dispute arose after postal service Postnord, in solidarity with a major strike by the Swedish metalworkers’ union, refused to deliver licence plates to Tesla, and the Transport Agency argued it wasn’t their responsibility to get the plates to Tesla in some other way.

The strike against Tesla has been going on for almost seven months.

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Sweden teen found guilty of taking gun to Israeli embassy

A 15-year-old boy has been found guilty of possession of a semi-automatic weapon while heading to the Israeli embassy in Stockholm in a taxi.

Sweden teen found guilty of taking gun to Israeli embassy

The conviction came less than a month after Sweden’s intelligence agency accused Iran of recruiting gang members to attack Israeli interests in the Scandinavian country.

The boy was arrested on May 16th when police stopped a taxi in the Tyresö suburb south of Stockholm, en route to the Israeli embassy in the capital. He was carrying the gun in his jacket.

The following night, a 14-year-old boy was arrested after a shooting near the Israeli embassy. That investigation is still under way.

The 15-year-old, who was sentenced to 11 months of juvenile supervision, told the Nacka district court he had been ordered to pick up an item in Tyresö for delivery, according to the verdict obtained by AFP.

He said he thought he would collect drugs and only discovered it would be a gun on the way to pick up the item.

He said he found out he was going to the Israeli embassy when he got in the taxi, which a woman had ordered for him.

The taxi driver confirmed that a woman, whose identity has not been established, gave the driver the embassy address.

The teen told the court he felt tricked but still went ahead with the assignment.

Prosecutors presented evidence from the boy’s smartphone showing that he had looked up the route to the embassy, and the court ruled the youth “knew that the trip was going to the embassy even if he was unable to give the taxi driver an address.”

The fact that the weapon was discovered en route to the embassy meant “the weapon typically could be feared to be used criminally,” the court said.

However, it emphasised that there was “no investigation in the case about what was actually planned to happen” that night. It was not known why police stopped the taxi.

Sweden’s intelligence agency, Säpo, on May 30th accused Iran of recruiting gang members in Sweden, some of them children, as proxies to commit “acts of violence against other states, groups or people in Sweden that it considers a threat.”

It cited in particular “Israeli and Jewish interests, targets and operations in Sweden”.

On January 31st, police found a live grenade in the grounds of the Israeli compound.