Thousands demonstrate against mass tourism in Mallorca

Thousands of people took to the streets on Saturday in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca to demonstrate against excess tourism, one of the main sources of wealth in the area, under the slogan "Mallorca is not for sale."

Protesters hold a banner reading
Protesters hold a banner reading "Mallorca is not for sale" during a demonstration to protest against excess tourism and housing prices on the island of Mallorca in Palma de Mallorca on May 25, 2024. (Photo by JAIME REINA / AFP)

The demonstration took place two days after the collapse of a bar and restaurant popular with tourists in Mallorca’s capital city claimed the lives of four people, two of them German visitors, and injured 16. However, the demonstration was organised before this.

The protesters processed through the centre of Palma with those at the front holding a banner with the aforementioned motto and another with the message “If they deny us a roof, they deny us the future.”

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The organisers of the demonstration say that overtourism or the excessive number of tourists has made housing astronomically expensive on the island. Mallorca has fewer than 1 million inhabitants, but 31 million passengers passed through its main airport 2023.

Similar protests have taken place in the Canary Islands, Barcelona and Seville. 

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Spain, the second most-visited tourist destination in the world after France, received 85 million foreign visitors in 2023.

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Of these, 14.4 million landed in the Balearic Islands, the archipelago of which Mallorca is the main island, followed by Menorca and Ibiza.

As a region, the Balearics received Spain’s second-highest number of foreign tourists in 2023, just behind Catalonia with 18 million.  

Palma de Mallorca airport has Spain’s third-highest number of passengers passing through it, with 31 million travelling through it in 2023, according to data from the Spanish airport administrator AENA.

However, tourism remains a huge part of the islands’ wealth: its contribution – direct and indirect – to the Balearics’ GDP exceeded 40 percent before the Covid-19 pandemic and has already recovered, according to an analysis by CaixaBank.

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Why Americans don’t need to tip so much in Spain

You may be used to tipping a lot in the US, but if you're an American tourist or resident in Spain or perhaps if you plan to move here, this article could save you a few euros.

Why Americans don't need to tip so much in Spain

In the US, it’s customary to tip between 15-25 percent, but in reality, anything below 20 percent is considered to be a bad tip and staff may be offended thinking they’ve given you bad service if they receive less.

This will of course vary according to the state and the establishment. 

As an American, you’ll know that the main reason for this is because hospitality staff are often paid low wages and they rely on tips to top up their salary and make enough to live on. 

Americans on vacation or living in Spain, often wrongly assume that it’s a similar situation here, and because they are used to tipping up to 25 percent, they understandably leave a big propina – the Spanish word for tip.

READ ALSO: What are the rules on tipping in Spain?

But the working conditions and salaries are very different in Spain, so such a large percentage isn’t deemed necessary.

In Spain, hospitality staff are paid at least minimum wage which is €1,134 across 14 payments a year, and many times above this amount too, depending on the type of establishment they work in.

They do not rely on tips in order to make a living, and therefore tips are not necessarily expected, but welcomed.

The Spanish hospitality union reminds customers that it is not mandatory to leave a tip, adding that some consumers believe that this tip “replaces decent wages”.

This means in Spain it’s not actually customary to tip at all in certain situations.

If it’s a meal in a high-class restaurant, a 10 percent tip is typically given if the service is good. At standard restaurants, some people may leave their change or round up the bill if paying by card, but it’s not expected. And if it’s a bar or café, rarely any tip is given.

So for example, if your meal costs around €40, you may leave a small tip of €2-3, but it’s not calculated as an exact percentage.

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Some may argue with this, however, saying that a tip should only be given if the food and the service are particularly good. If it it’s just average, they say that a tip shouldn’t be necessary at all. 

Not only do Americans not need to tip so much, but they could actually be creating a problem for locals and the industry as a whole, if they do.

Because of American tipping culture, some restaurants in Spain have begun asking between 5 and 10 percent in tips automatically, particularly in big cities like Madrid and Barcelona, or even adding smiley faces to bills with various percentages – 5 percent associated with a sad face and 20 with a happy one for example.

In an interview with Spanish news site El Mundo, the general secretary of Facua-Consumers in Action, Rubén Sánchez, believes this only tries to “create a feeling of guilt” for people who don’t want to leave anything behind.

He says, however, that asking for a tip in this way “is not an illegal act because it is not imposed”. He believes that asking for extra tips is “trying to take advantage” of the client so that, “somehow, they become the one who pays extra for a salary that is too low”.

Tips “cannot be a substitute for a decent salary”, he continues, not wanting Spain to become like the US.

On top of this, eating and drinking out is a very important part of life for Spaniards and if tipping of 20-25 percent is expected, many would simple no longer be able to afford to eat out.

The median salary in the country is €2,206, according to recent data from Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE). This pales in comparison to the average $6,228 Americans earn per month, according to the US Bureau of Labour and Statistics.

Yes, of course, the cost of living is cheaper in Spain because people earn less, but if you’re coming here as a tourist and creating a tipping culture, you’re also making it harder for locals to be able to afford to eat out in their own city.

What are your experiences of tipping as an American in Spain? Have you adjusted your tipping habits? Share your views with other readers in the comments section below.