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Inside France: French political discourse, tax loopholes and sharks in the Seine

From political sharks to sharks in the Seine, via tax loopholes (which really aren't loopholes) and European elections, our weekly newsletter Inside France looks at what we have been talking about in France this week.

Inside France: French political discourse, tax loopholes and sharks in the Seine
Are the sharks circling in France? Photo by GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

Dumbing down?

I started a new French course this week (my battle with the subjunctive continues) and in the section on honing your debating skills I was amused to note that the textbook described debate as the “veritable sport national en France“.

It’s certainly true that political debates in France are of a higher calibre than in many other countries – in the run-up to elections it’s not uncommon for primetime TV to show a two-hour debate between candidates, and during these debates the politicians are really expected to be across the details of a wide variety of policy areas and to display impressive debating skills.

But do these actually make any difference to voters? Last week’s debate between prime minister Gabriel Attal and far-right party candidate Jordan Bardella was widely agreed by independent observers to have been ‘won’ by Attal who succeeded in exposing some of the gaping holes and contradictions in Bardella’s party policy.

However several viewer polls reported that Bardella made a better impression and came over as more sympathetic to voters despite – or perhaps because – of his stumbles, mistakes and evasions. Attal may have won the debate, but does that matter if voters think he is an unsympathetic clever-dick Parisian (I’m paraphrasing, but only slightly)?

I hope this doesn’t herald the dumbing down of politics in the ways seen in the UK and the US where people with genuine expertise are dismissed in favour of those with ‘good vibes’. One of the things that has always impressed me about French politicians of all stripes is that they are intelligent people usually having real discussions about real issues.

It would be a shame if the French became – in the perhaps slightly inflammatory words of Attal himself – like “the British, who cried after Brexit”.

Talking France

We’re talking more about the European elections in this week’s Talking France podcast, plus the changes to addresses in rural France, new wildfire regulations for property owners and the mysterious ‘Paris Syndrome’ that afflicts some visitors and new arrivals to the city. Listen here or on the link below.

In-Seine ideas

I couldn’t agree more with British actor and writer Simon Pegg’s comment on the tremendous missed opportunity for a film named ‘Shark de Triomphe’.

The Netflix flick (Sous la Seine in French) is due out this summer – and I note from the trailer that it features swimming competitions in the Seine.

So at least the filmmakers are optimistic about the City of Paris’ plans to make the Seine clean enough for swimming (currently on track for the Olympics) – even if they then suggest that swimmers will have bigger creatures to worry about than e-Coli bacteria.

To clarify – there are no sharks in the Seine. Although there is a rumour that a crocodile lives in the Canal Ourcq in northern Paris. 

Tax troubles

We’re fully into the swing of tax season now and as usual The Local is getting lots of queries from readers who are struggling with the rather complicated forms – you can find our Tax Guides here.

READ ALSO The bumper 2024 French tax guide

One thing I have noticed is that among the people who are truly having major problems with the system, almost all of them have set up complicated arrangements (often on the advice of accountants) to try and minimise their tax bill – for example setting up a limited company to own a holiday home or paying themselves as CEO of a nominal company.

While these things are not illegal they almost always create extra complications with your tax affairs – especially if you declare yourself as a business as that takes you out of the system for individuals (designed so that you can do your own tax declaration) and into the considerably more complicated world of business taxation and reporting.

There really are very few genuine loopholes in the French tax system and while some workarounds may save you some cash on your tax bill, setting up a complicated system virtually guarantees that you will need to pay an accountant to do your taxes every year (which might even negate the savings on your tax bill).


And if you like your news in a more visual format, check out the reels that my colleague Genevieve has been making for The Local France’s Instagram account – and have your say of her latest poll of overrated French tourist attractions.

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

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Inside France: France’s dark political waters and Kylian Mbappé’s mask

From the latest developments on the elections and just why they're making so many people very scared indeed, to a failed attempt at 'French bashing' and a certain masked crusader, our weekly newsletter Inside France looks at what we have been talking about in France this week.

Inside France: France's dark political waters and Kylian Mbappé's mask

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

Ridiculous to terrifying, no sublime

The French election campaign that began with farce just three weeks ago (remember Eric Ciotti locking himself in his office?) is now veering into very dark waters indeed.

The polls show the far-right Rassemblement National steadily extending its lead, while the party itself has rolled out some horrifying policies, including legalised discrimination against non-French citizens and the creation of a second-class citizen status for dual nationals.

How would ‘French preference’ hurt foreigners in France? 

Several of the most likely outcomes to the election have never happened under France’s Fifth Republic, and the French are now reduced to picking over obscure points of the constitution to try and figure out what happens after July 7th.

A true low point came on Thursday when a row broke out over who really controls the French armed forces – the president or the prime minister. France, let’s not forget, is a nuclear power and one of the leading military forces in Europe.

Talking France

We’re looking at the election latest, and the uncharted waters that France is heading into, in the latest episode of the Talking France podcast – as well as deconstructing a proposed crackdown on second homes. Listen here or on the link below.

Breaking news

‘Interesting’ political times mean no rest for the wicked, or for journalists – we will of course be covering all the latest on Sunday evening.

How to follow all the election latest this weekend

Going French

Popping over to the other side of the Channel for a moment – please do enjoy this absolutely deranged attempt at a campaign advert from the Conservative party, claiming lthat Labour’s Angela Rayner would ‘make the UK like France’ . . . followed by hundreds of comments saying “that sounds great, let’s do this”. I don’t think that’s quite what they intended. 

And it’s true, French workers do have it pretty good.

The perks and benefits that workers in France enjoy

Man in the mask

The other big story in France this week is of course Kylian Mbappé’s mask (worn to protect his broken nose sustained in an earlier Euro 2024 match) which has provoked much comment and many jokes. 

Here’s a spoof version of the sports paper L’Equipe wondering what else he might be getting up to in that mask (rugby fans may have to look away from the blurb at the top of the page).

France next take on Belgium, so expect many jokes since the Belgians are the people that the French most love to mock.

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Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.