Macron lauds ‘spirit of sacrifice’ as D-Day marked under Ukraine shadow

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday hailed the "spirit of sacrifice" of the soldiers who liberated Europe from Nazi occupation, as he prepared to join US counterpart Joe Biden and King Charles III to mark 80 years since the World War II D-Day landings.

Macron lauds 'spirit of sacrifice' as D-Day marked under Ukraine shadow
France's First Lady Brigitte Macron (R) shakes hands with US veteran Steven Melnikoff (L) during a ceremony to pay tribute to civilian war casualties in Saint-Lo, northwestern France, on June 5, 2024, as part of the "D-Day" commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy. (Photo by Christophe PETIT TESSON / POOL / AFP)

The three days of events in France, which will peak on Thursday with ceremonies attended by world leaders on the Normandy beaches where the landings took place, are haunted by the new war shadowing Europe as Ukraine battles Russia’s invasion.

Macron will host Biden, King Charles III and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, representing the World War II Allied powers, to remember the heroism of the troops who gave their lives in the landings on June 6, 1944 to free Europe from Nazi occupation.

READ MORE: Inflatable tanks and ‘fake news’: What you probably didn’t know about D-Day

The most honoured guests will be the surviving veterans. Around 200 are expected, a number that is dwindling every year with most at least in their late 90s and some older than 100. This may be the final major anniversary where they are present.

“If I could go again, I would go again. I’m glad we sacrificed so that others (could) have a good life,” John Mines, 99, who was among the first wave of soldiers on D-Day, told AFP on the ferry crossing the Channel to the events.

“It wasn’t me, they’re all heroes.”

But with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joining the Western leaders in Normandy, the ceremonies will provide a hugely symbolic backdrop to talks on how Ukraine can gain back ground after Russian advances.

Strikingly, no Russian official has been invited, underlining Moscow’s pariah status in the West after the invasion of Ukraine despite the massive Soviet contribution to defeating Nazism in World War II.

Listen to our team discuss the history of D-Day and plans for the current commemorations in the latest Talking France episode.

‘Cherish those who served’

Kicking off events with a ceremony in the neighbouring Brittany region to remember French resistance fighters who landed in occupied France as D-Day got under way, Macron said he was sure today’s youth was “ready for the same spirit of sacrifice as its elders”.

“As the dangers mount… you remind us that we are ready to consent to the same sacrifices to defend what is most dear to us,” Macron said.

Committed to remembering all aspects of World War II, Macron later visited the Normandy town of Saint-Lo which was virtually flattened by Allied bombings during the night of 6-7 June leaving some 400 dead.

“We must bring this memory into the light with sadness and clarity,” he said. Between 50,000 and 70,000 civilians are believed to have been killed in France by Allied bombardment.

King Charles, whose visit to Normandy on Thursday will be his first overseas trip since his cancer diagnosis, led a day of commemorations in the English port city of Portsmouth, a key hub as Allied troops prepared for D-Day.

“As we give thanks for all those who gave so much to win the victory whose fruits we still enjoy to this day, let us once again commit ourselves always to remember, cherish and honour those who served that day,” he said.

READ MORE: ‘Punished for daring’: Women journalists defied Allies to cover D-Day

‘Deepen Ukraine support’

Biden, who touched down in Paris earlier on Wednesday, was also expected to promote the United States as a defender of democracy and international alliances, contrasting himself against election rival Donald Trump during a state visit that will last until Sunday.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters travelling to Paris that Biden would tell Zelensky “how we can continue and deepen our support for Ukraine”.

Macron has already sought to break taboos by refusing to rule out sending troops to Ukraine, a position that unsettled some EU allies.

But there have been shifts in recent weeks, with the West showing readiness to allow Ukraine to use Western-provided weapons to strike targets in Russia, and France pushing for the deployment of European military instructors in Ukraine.

The landings by Allied forces, backed by airborne operations that parachuted troops directly onto occupied soil, were the biggest naval operation ever in terms of the number of ships deployed and the troops involved.

By the end of what became known as “the longest day”, 156,000 Allied troops with 20,000 vehicles had landed in Nazi-occupied northern France despite facing a hail of bullets, artillery and aircraft fire.

The landings marked the beginning of the end of the Nazi occupation of Western Europe, though months of intense and bloody fighting still lay ahead before victory over the regime of Adolf Hitler.

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French far-right battles new racism allegations ahead of vote

France's far-right National Rally (RN) faced new accusations of racism Friday two days before a high-stakes parliamentary election, with a senior MP declaring that a former education minister of Moroccan descent should never have got the job because of her origins.

French far-right battles new racism allegations ahead of vote

RN lawmaker Roger Chudeau declared that Najat Vallaud-Belkacem’s appointment to the education portfolio in 2014 was “not a good thing” for France, saying that her French and Moroccan citizenship meant she had “conflicting loyalties”.

Chudeau, who is tipped to become education minister if the party wins the two-round June 30-July 7 election, said that while Vallaud-Belkacem, a Socialist, had presented her Moroccan origins as a “good thing” for the job he saw it as more of a “problem.”

He argued that cabinet posts should be held by “Franco-French” politicians, referring to people born in France to French parents.

The latest RN remarks about dual nationals have caused outrage in the run-up to the first round of the National Assembly vote Sunday.

“They try to hide their game but the real face of the RN is still there: unabashed racism and a hierarchy among the French,” outgoing parliament speaker Yael Braun-Pivet wrote on X.

The RN’s longtime leader Marine Le Pen rebuked Chudeau for his remarks about Vallaud-Belkacem, saying it was “totally contrary” to the party’s programme.

Speaking on C News channel, she said it was too late to find another candidate to replace him in his Loir-et-Cher constituency in central France but expected party leader Jordan Bardella to take action against him.

Dual nationals ‘humiliated’

The anti-immigration RN has been on a mission over the past decade to cleanse itself of the jackbooted image bequeathed by Le Pen’s father, party co-founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.

The younger Le Pen’s strategy of detoxifying the party’s image by purging members accused of anti-Semitism and appointing the telegenic 28-year-old Bardella party leader has been highly successful in expanding its voter base.

But the party is still dogged by accusations of racism, which were fuelled this week by its announcement that it would, if victorious in the election, bar dual nationals from holding “highly sensitive” jobs in, for example, state security or intelligence.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal accused the RN of creating a climate of suspicion around France’s 3.5 million dual nationals that left them feeling “insulted and humiliated”.

Bardella, who hopes to become prime minister, has downplayed the furore, saying the restrictions on dual nationals concerned an “infinitely small” number of positions and suggesting that the concerns of foreign meddling target mainly Russian passport holders.

But the accusations of racism and discrimination have not gone away.

President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist camp has mapped over 100 constituencies where it says the RN is fielding candidates with extremist or fringe views on everything from race and gender relations to same-sex couples and climate change.

Several incidents since the RN’s historic score in this month’s European election have raised fears of a surge in racism.

In a widely-shared incident, the host of a current affairs TV programme, whose father is Moroccan, Karim Rissouli, shared pictures on Instagram of an anonymous letter he received, declaring that the RN’s rise was proof the French were “sick and tired of all these ‘bicots'” — a highly pejorative term for north Africans.

The incidents have done little to dent the popularity of the RN, however.

An Opinionway poll of 1,058 people published on Friday in Les Echos newspaper predicted the RN would win 37 percent of votes in the first round, ahead of the leftist New Popular Front on 28 percent and Macron’s alliance on 20 percent.