Swiss pull out the stops for Ukraine summit security

Switzerland is undertaking a major security operation around this weekend's summit on Ukraine, aiming to ward off not only physical threats but also cyberattacks and misinformation.

Swiss pull out the stops for Ukraine summit security
This photograph shows a house surrounded by barbed wire next to the Burgenstock resort, ahead of a Ukraine peace summit (Photo by Elodie LE MAOU / AFP)

With dozens of heads of state and government flying in for the gathering at the swanky Burgenstock resort overlooking Lake Lucerne, up to 4,000 troops are being deployed and a ring of steel has been put in place.

Around 6.5 kilometres of fencing and eight kilometres of barbed wire is going up, while the valley behind the exclusive hotel complex has been turned into a temporary military heliport.

“An event on this scale requires comprehensive protective measures,” Swiss President Viola Amherd said ahead of the summit.

High on a mountain ridge, surrounded by water on three sides, the Burgenstock is relatively straightforward to seal off.

More than 400 local residents with homes and farms beyond the checkpoint need a special pass to access the “red zone”.

Despite the event’s international importance, security responsibility falls to the tiny rural canton of Nidwalden.

The fifth-smallest of Switzerland’s 26 cantons in terms of both size and population, Nidwalden has just 45,000 residents.

Mud and helicopters 

The military will protect infrastructure, provide air transport and reconnaissance, conduct surveillance and interventions on the lake, and offer logistics and command support.

Soldiers have for days been taking position on the winding turns on the road up to the Burgenstock.
Overlooked by cattle with their cowbells clanging, the heliport was built with metal trackway on a squelching field.

Big enough to accommodate five helicopters, it is surrounded by a double layer of steel fencing and barbed wire.

“The army has the ability to set up a temporary take-off and landing zone anywhere in the country,” said Major General Daniel Keller, commander of the Swiss army’s Territorial Division 2, which encompasses Nidwalden.

“The foreign ministry decides which people fly from here and to here. The army provides the infrastructure,” he told reporters this week.

He said the armed forces were accustomed to maintaining air sovereignty.

“Federal law clearly alludes to the possibility of shooting down an aircraft,” he said, while remaining tight-lipped on potential threats such as drones.

“I am tense but I’m confident we can master this.”

The Swiss intelligence services will also work to identify and prevent threats.

Mindful of potential nuclear, biological and chemical threats, specialists will intensify the monitoring of radioactive emission levels in the area, authorities said.

Cyberattacks, ‘extreme’ misinformation 

Besides potential physical threats, Switzerland is also dealing with attacks in cyberspace and a deluge of misinformation surrounding the event.

Russia, which invaded Ukraine in 2022, is not attending the summit.

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said there was “an obvious interest in disturbing the smooth running of the conference”.

He said there had been an increase in misinformation, including “hysterical broadcasts or offensive broadcasts, even as far as fake news”.

Amherd said the misinformation was “so extreme it’s clear that very little of this information is in line with reality”.

A first wave of distributed denial-of-service attacks on government websites and organisations involved in the summit began on Thursday.

DDoS attacks make websites or network resources unavailable by flooding them with malicious traffic.

“The attacks were expected and are presumed to be in connection with the summit. They resulted in minor outages,” said the National Cyber Security Centre.

It has set up an emergency centre for technical analyses and a communications platform for reporting “cyber-threat developments” during the summit.

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Foreign residents in Basel-City could soon have the right to vote

Foreigners in Basel could soon have their voice heard in local elections, after a local government vote.

Foreign residents in Basel-City could soon have the right to vote

The news comes as Basel-City’s Grand Council has voted 53-41 in favour of amending the cantonal constitution to extend voting rights.

It would extend active rights to vote in cantonal and city elections to those foreigners with a permanent residence permit who have lived in the canton of Basel-City for five years.

The autonomous communities of Riehen and Bettingen, also within the canton, can already extend the right to vote to foreigners, but are yet to exercise that power.

In passing the amendment, the cantonal government welcomed the result of the vote. President Conradin Cramer (LDP) indicated that at present a “very large minority” is being excluded from having their say.

“From the government’s point of view, this can actually be described as a democratic deficit.”, he continued

The amendment will result in a referendum, possibly taking place in November, following local elections in October.

Voting was strictly along party lines,with the left-wing SP, Green and GLA voting in favour of the change, while the centrist and right-wing EVP, LVP, SVP and FDP parties voted against.

If successful, it would make Basel-City the first German-speaking canton to extend such a right.

Only a few other cantons have chosen to extend local voting rights to eligible foreigners.

READ ALSO: Where in Switzerland can foreigners vote?

The cantons of Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel and Jura allow non-citizens to vote, elect officials, and stand for election at communal level. Conditions vary from one canton to another, but in most cases a certain length of stay and/or a residence permit are required.

Basel-City, which borders Germany, is a major centre for life sciences, and pharmaceutical giants such as Novartis, Roche, and Moderna each have significant presences there.

Consequently there is a significant population of foreigners and cross-commuter workers working in the region.