Hiker dies in cow herd charge in Austrian Alps

A hiker in the Austrian Alps died when a herd of cows charged her, while her two daughters survived with injuries, police said Thursday.

Hiker dies in cow herd charge in Austrian Alps
Coming across cows with bells on is an Austrian cliche. But you should keep your distance from them. (Photo by Tim Klump / Pixabay)

Fatal cow attacks are rare in the nation of nine million, whose mountains are a popular tourist attraction and where cow herds graze freely in the summer.

Regional police said the woman was on a hike with her two daughters, aged 20 and 23, and two small dogs on Wednesday, her 40th birthday, in the Salzburg region when the cow herd charged.

While she died at the scene, her daughters managed to get away from the herd after being injured, with one of them making an emergency call.

“It is still not clear what happened,” a police spokeswoman told AFP.

She said police had yet to get more details from the two daughters who were hospitalised.

READ ALSO: How to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps

Emergency service personnel cited by Austrian media warned of the danger of dogs getting near cows.

“Cows have a very strongly developed maternal instinct and defend their calves,” said an emergency service source cited by news agency APA.

In 2017, an Austrian who was hiking with a friend and their dogs was fatally gored in the Tyrol region.

In 2014, a German holidaymaker was trampled to death by cows also in Tyrol.

In that case, a court ordered the cows’ owner in 2019 to compensate the German woman’s family as he had failed to fence off the grazing land and to put up enough warning signs.

The verdict angered farmers and sparked a nationwide debate.

A higher court later ruled that the 45-year-old hiking with her dog was also partly responsible, slashing the compensation in half.

Following the outcry over the case, the government published a “code of conduct” for hikers.

The guidelines include keeping a distance from cows and walking dogs on a short lead but unleashing them in case of attack.

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Are the lakes in Austria warm enough for swimming in summer?

With rising temperatures, a dip in one of Austria's beautiful lakes is a common activity. But are they freezing cold? Here's what to expect.

Are the lakes in Austria warm enough for swimming in summer?

Summer is here, and many places in Austria tend to get quite hot, especially the cities, and Vienna in particular.

To cope with the summer heat, taking a swim in one of the country’s many lakes could be a good idea.

But even if the temperatures are high, and we may suffer walking around outside, many of us may still hesitate to swim in a lake that feels like taking an ice bath.

Luckily though, most Austrian lakes offer decent swimming temperatures, with the exception of some colder ones, which may also be considered optional during the absolutely hottest summer days.

READ MORE: Eight lakes that are definitely worth visiting in Austria this summer

When is the best time to go swimming?

Some months are more guaranteed to offer us pleasant swimming temperatures in the lakes than others.

The best time to go swimming in the Austrian lakes is normally from the middle of June to early September. During this period, the water temperatures in the lakes are reaching their peaks and we can enjoy temperatures reaching between 20C to 25C in many of the lakes.

In recent years, September has also offered rather pleasant temperatures in many lakes, such as Lake Neusiedl and Lake Wörthersee.

Lakes with swimming-friendly temperatures 

There are 62 so-called ‘larger lakes’ in Austria, 43 of them natural and 19 artificial. Most of them offer comfortable water temperatures during the summer months.

Some of the lakes with the highest temperatures are Lake Wörthersee (above 25C), Lake Klopeiner (about 26C), Lake Neusiedl  (23C), Lake Wolfgang (22C), Lake Millstatt (around 25C), Lake Constance (around 22C) and Lake Mondsee (23C).

Even though it is not a lake, the Alte Donau in Vienna is still worth mentioning since it is one of the best options for swimming in the capital. The waters in the stream reach an average temperature of 23C during the summer.

You can check out the current temperatures of all of Austria’s different lakes here.

View of Lake Wörthersee and Klagenfurt. Photo by Katie Archibald-Woodward on Unsplash

READ ALSO: 8 reasons why you should visit Austria’s Klagenfurt this summer

Lakes where you can really cool down 

If you are looking for a (very) refreshing dip during the hot summer months, then you need to know which of Austria’s coldest lakes are.

Austria has many Alpine lakes in beautiful spots high up in the mountains. However, while they can offer respite from scorching weather, they also tend to be quite cold. Fed by snowmelt from surrounding mountains, they often remain cold even during the warmest months of the year.

Some of the lakes known for their colder temperatures in Austria are Lake Hallstatt and Lake Grundlsee, with temperatures around 19C during the summer. 

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