UPDATE: Death toll from storms in Switzerland rises to six

The death toll from flash floods that hit Switzerland after storms at the weekend rose to six Wednesday after a body was discovered in the southeastern canton of Ticino, police said.

UPDATE: Death toll from storms in Switzerland rises to six
Storms in Switzerland have claimed 5 lives in recent days. Lightning illuminates Lake Geneva. Illustration Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

The alpine region is experiencing its worst flooding since 2000 when 13 people were killed in a mudslide which destroyed the village of Gondo.

Police said the body was found in the Maggia river — the same area where another victim was discovered on Tuesday.

Emergency services had to use a helicopter to recover the remains.

The latest death brings the toll in the Ticino canton to five, making it the region hardest hit by the storms.

On Sunday, three German women in their 70s died after a torrential downpour triggered a landslide in the Italian-speaking canton.

In the neighbouring canton of Valais, where hundreds of people were evacuated as a result of overflowing rivers, a German man was found dead in a hotel basement in Saas-Grund.

Police said that he was probably taken by surprise by the rapid rise of the floodwater.

Scientists say climate change driven by human activity is increasing the severity, frequency and length of extreme weather events such as floods and storms.

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How has Storm Louis been affecting travel in Sweden?

Trains in and out of Gothenburg have suffered major delays, several bridges have been closed and drivers have been advised to stay at home. Here is how Storm Louis has affected traffic in Sweden.

How has Storm Louis been affecting travel in Sweden?


Trains in and out of Gothenburg station more or less ground to a halt between 8.30am and 11.30am, but began moving again around noon. 

According to Sweden’s national rail company SJ there are still delays and disruptions to services between Gothenburg and Stockholm, Gothenburg and Västerås, Gothenburg and Malmö, and Gothenburg and Karlstad. 

Västtrafik, which operates regional trains in western Sweden has cancelled several trains with other services facing significant delays. 

On the company’s website, they said services between Ed and Trollhättan, Strömstad and Gothenburg, Uddevalla and Varberg and Gothenburg to Lidköping and Örebro would all be cancelled, with replacement buses provided. 

The company recommended checking its To Go app, or looking at its travel planner website

Värmlandstrafik, which operates local transport in Värmland has cancelled services between Sunne and Torsby due to a tree on the line, with replacement buses provided. 


Ferries to islands such as Styrsö and Vrångö in the archipelago south of Gothenburg have been cancelled.  The Gullmarsleden ferry over to Lysekil was also cancelled, as was the chain ferry across to the Bolmsö in the middle of lake Bolmen.


The Tjörn Bridge to the island of Tjörn was closed on Friday morning and remained closed at 1.30pm. The Uddevalla Bridge across Sunninge sound was also closed, blocking the E6 motorway, but reopened around noon. 


Fallen trees have blocked roads such as the E18 between Knöstad och Valnäs, road 702 between Trossnäs and Bofasterud, road 62 between Tjörnheden and Olsäter, road 664 between Norsbron and Björkåsmotet and road 240 at Väse Kyrka.