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Why is Austria’s economy faring so badly compared to the rest of the EU?

Of the 15 countries that joined the EU before 2004, Austria had the lowest growth and highest inflation between 2019 and 2023.

Pictured is a supermarket.
Pictured is a supermarket. Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

According to calculations by the liberal think tank Agenda Austria, Austria’s economy has not been performing well compared with other EU countries.

Of the 15 countries that joined the EU before 2004, Austria had the lowest growth and highest inflation between 2019 and 2023. While life became around 22 percentage points more expensive, real gross domestic product per capita (GDP) shrank by 1.6 percentage points in the same period.

Some of Austria’s neighbours, such as Germany, also saw high inflation, but prices rose 19.3 percent with the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita decreasing by 0.9 percent from 2019 to 2023. Italy, on the other hand, saw a 17.2 percent price increase but its GDP rose by 4.8 percent over the same period.

So why are things so much worse for people in Austria than elsewhere?

‘Partly home-made’

According to Jan Kluge an economist with Agenda Austria the answer is multifactorial. 

Luge says that Austria’s inflation has skyrocketed compared to its neighbours, particularly as the federal government spent money with aid programs during the coronavirus and inflation crisis. 

“The high inflation is therefore partly homemade”, he told Kurier.

This aid was also afforded to companies that were not financially sound.

“We have created zombie companies. In other countries, companies were allowed to go bust during the pandemic. We dragged ailing companies along with us and are still doing so today,” Kluge said.

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Following a sharp decline in insolvencies during the pandemic, Austria is now experiencing massive bankruptcies. Creditforum estimates that 7,500 companies will go bankrupt this year. 

Kluge attributes this – in addition to the rise in interest rates, high energy costs and strict regulations – to inadequate aid money. “Insolvencies are now slowly catching up because many have finally run out of steam”, he said.

According to Kluge, Austria’s weak performance is even more worrying when compared globally.

This is because the performance European economic area had already deteriorated compared to the USA during the 2008 financial crisis. In other words, Austria is weakening within an EU that is also under performing.

What can be done?

Liberal think tank Agenda Austria, which says its focus is on “market-based solutions”, has a list of “recommendations” for the Austrian economy, although they might not all go down well with workers or unions.

They start by calling for an end to “election sweets”, as they call them.

This means politicians should “stop handing out election gifts”, as any populist measure and handout contributes to rising prices.

“Popular interventions in prices are also strongly discouraged. Prices have an important function. Switching them off does not combat inflation; it only hides it. And only in the best-case scenario”, the think tank said.

They also recommend that the government “get a grip on the spending spree,” suggesting the adoption of a spending brake model based on Swedish or Swiss tools. 

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Additionally, Agenda Austria advocates for reducing labour costs which would continue to boost prices in Austria. They pointed out that tough wage negotiations led to increases in salaries in 2024.

They suggested: “To counteract this, the government can lower taxes on labour, thus reducing the increase in labour costs and counteracting a wage-price spiral.”

Finally, the liberal think tank also recommends that the government promote lively competition, increase supply, and ” let the market work.” They also mention that consumers can benefit from a range of products “from abroad,” even if domestic ones “naturally give us the best quality in every situation.”

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IN NUMBERS: What are the expenses Austrian families have in 2024?

Couples with children have expenses of over €4,000 a month in Austria, a new survey shows. With prices such as heating costs skyrocketing by 53 percent in 2024.

IN NUMBERS: What are the expenses Austrian families have in 2024?

Austrian families are facing higher living expenses, and an increased number of them are finding it challenging to repay their debts.

The monthly living expenses have increased by several hundred euros, as shown in the latest reference budget report from debt counselling services in Austria (Schuldnerberatungen), as reported by Vienna AT.

Current costs of living for Austrian families

According to the reference budget, couples with two children now face total monthly expenses exceeding €4,433, while single parents with two children face costs of €3,704, and single-person households costs of €1,730.

Compared to the 2023 reference budget, the monthly living costs for families have increased by several hundred euros. The reference budget for a household with one parent and two children is €300 more than last year.

Heating costs have seen the highest increase, skyrocketing 53 percent. Food prices are up 11 percent, and expenses for social and cultural activities have risen 10 percent. Rental costs have also jumped 8 percent.

Every month, a couple with two children (aged 7 and 14) now spends around €1,149 on food, €569 on entertainment, and €1,054 on rent and maintenance. They also budget about €212 for public transport, €285 for heating and electricity, and €117 for healthcare.

A single parent with two children (aged 7 to 14) spends about €1,021 on food monthly, €403 on entertainment, and €903 on rent and maintenance. Public transport costs the family around €121, heating and electricity about €248, and healthcare around €81.

Additionally, school-related expenses for two children cost parents around €156 per month.

People struggle to pay their debts

Johanna Steurer, project manager at ASB Schuldnerberatungen, the umbrella organisation for debt counselling services, has expressed concern over these rising costs, saying that more people are struggling at the end of the month due to the increased prices, reported Kleine Zeitung

New figures show that the high living costs have contributed to an increasing number of people becoming over-indebted, meaning they have more debt than they can manage.

“The high cost of living is becoming increasingly important as a reason for over-indebtedness,” Steurer said.

The reference budgets are calculated annually and show how much money is needed for different types of households to afford a decent life with a minimum of social and cultural participation.

The budgets assume a rented apartment and do not include regional cost differences or car expenses, which average nearly €900 monthly.

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