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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Friday

Ministry issues Israel travel warning, former Danish PM’s husband gets seat in UK parliament, tourists keen for Danish fish and more news this Friday.

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Friday
Fishing boats, a sight tourists in Denmark seem to love. Photo: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix

Former PM Thorning-Schmidt’s husband elected to UK parliament 

Amid the landslide victory for the Labour party in last night’s UK general election comes the news that Stephen Kinnock, the husband of former Social Democratic Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has been elected to parliament.

Kinnock, the son of Neil Kinnock who led Labour in the 1980s and early 1990s, won the Aberafan Maesteg seat in South Wales.

Thorning-Schmidt has been part of Kinnock’s campaign and was yesterday photographed alongside the UK’s incoming prime minister Keir Starmer.

Vocabulary: forhenværende – previous

Foreign Ministry advises against all travel to Israel

The Danish Foreign Ministry has officially advised against all travel to Israel due to the risk an escalation in hostilities between Israel and militant organisation Hezbollah in south Lebanon.

The updated travel advisory was issued by the foreign ministry yesterday afternoon.

Previously, the ministry advised against all non-essential travel to the area.

In the advisory, the ministry states the situation can deteriorate “with no or very short warning”.

Vocabulary: at fraråde – to advise against

Fresh fish tempts tourists to Denmark

Fishing boats moored at the quayside and fresh fish sold on the harbour are draws for tourists according to a new University of Copenhagen study.

The study, which looked at the link between numbers of fishing boats and hotel guests, found that one extra fishing boat at a local harbour increased hotel stays by 1.1 percent or 90 guests.

“Tourism is affected in a markedly positive way by active fishing vessels landing at local harbours,” Max Nielsen of the univiersity’s Department of Food and Resource Economics said according to DR.

Vocabulary: fiskekutter – fishing boat

Trains keep to timetable but disruptions expected

Many trains in Denmark arrived on time during the first half of 2024, according to data released on Thursday by Banedanmark, the company responsible for rail infrastructure.

But maintenance planned for the second half of the year could result in a worsening of the figure, the company warned.

“I’m satisfied that rail traffic in the last half of the year has run well, including when you compare to many other countries,” Banedanmark’s traffic director Peter Svendsen said in a statement.

Some 78.5 percent of passengers with national rail company DSB arrived on time, meaning a target of 75 percent was achieved. Over one-fifth was thereby late by at least three minutes.

Over 90 percent of passengers arrived within 10 minutes of the scheduled arrival time.


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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Monday

Major tourist attraction emerges thanks to UNESCO, Frederiksen criticises Orbán, and more mixed weather are among the news stories from Denmark this Monday.

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Monday

Viking fortress ‘has become major attraction’ 

A millennium-old Danish Viking fortress is wowing tourists by offering visitors a broader view of Scandinavia’s famed marauders, news agency AFP writes

Along with Denmark’s four other known ring fortresses, Trelleborg in the country’s east was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2023 — putting it in the same category as Egypt’s pyramids or the Great Wall of China.

As reconstructions of historic Viking sites grow in popularity, the number of visitors to Trelleborg has shot up — from 29,000 to 75,000 per year over a decade.

“We became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in September 2023. Within the first month, we saw a 65 percent increase in the number of visitors,” site director Anne-Christine Larsen told AFP.

Vocabulary: verdensarv – world heritage  

Frederiksen criticises Orbán’s meeting with Putin

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has criticised Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orbán for meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Orbán, who also met Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv last week, last night landed in China according to reports.

Hungary currently has the rotating presidency of the European Council. The Moscow and China visits are not EU-sanctioned and are independent decisions by the Hungarian government.

“There’s nothing to talk about with Putin while he continues his brutal attack on Ukraine and it’s therefore obviously wrong for a European leader to visit Moscow,” Frederiksen said in a written comment.

Vocabulary: selvsagt – obviously, clearly

Drunk taxi driver loses license on spot after being stopped by police

Police in Roskilde revoked the driving license of a 26-year-old taxi driver on the spot after he was found to be far in excess of the legal alcohol limit, Central and West Zealand Police said in a daily update.

“He was slurring his words and couldn’t keep his balance when the officers arrested him to take a blood test,” the report states.

A high blood alcohol level allowed police to immediately suspend the driver’s licence under Danish traffic laws. Results from the blood test will determine the full consequences of the incident.

READ ALSO: How strict are the punishments for driving offences in Denmark?

Vocabulary: promille – blood alcohol level

Weather: More rain to come this week

Monday will start with showers spread across the country but these will dry up by afternoon, national met office DMI states. Temperatures will range between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius and will be warmest in the southeast.

This evening could bring more pleasant skies with dry and sunny weather forecast.

Mixed weather has been the theme so far in July and that is expected to continue throughout this week, DMI says in its seven-day forecast. However, it could feel a little warmer with up to 25 degrees forecast on several days.

Vocabulary: ustadig – mixed/changeable