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‘Don’t get angry’: Readers’ tips on coping with Italian driving habits

Italy's distinctive driving culture can be difficult for foreign nationals to adjust to. The Local's readers share their best pieces of advice to give you a head start.

'Don't get angry': Readers' tips on coping with Italian driving habits
Readers say driving on Italy's roads requires heightened levels of alertness - as well as the ability to "go with the flow". Photo by Zac Wolff on Unsplash

Whether you live in Italy or are just visiting, driving here is often a necessity, especially if you find yourself in areas with stripped-to-the-bone public transport and just the occasional bus passing by once every hour. 

But from tailgating, speeding, and dangerous overtaking, there are some common behaviours on Italian roads that foreign nationals often find hard to adjust to.

That’s why we asked our readers in a recent survey to share some of their best insider tips on how to successfully cope with typically Italian driving habits.

We received answers from all corners of the country, from Piedmont to Tuscany to Umbria, with dozens of international residents offering their hard-won advice and personal experiences.

Keep your eyes peeled

Many readers pointed out the importance of being exceptionally alert and observant at all times.

“Watch out for everyone, walking across the road, on any sort of bike and cars and lorries,” warned Linda White in Sanremo, Liguria.

“All can come from any direction, so don’t drive too fast but with eyes open and stay fully alert!”

READ ALSO: What’s the craziest thing about driving on Italian roads?

Ian Nettle, in Spello, Umbria, advised drivers to be “even more attentive than normal” and to ensure the have “no distractions in the car”, while another reader said: “Never take your eyes off the road, even for a second!”

Jacqueline Gallagher, living in Modena, Emilia Romagna, also emphasised the need to “keep eyes and ears open at all times”.

Coping with die-hard tailgaters

Another issue that came up over and over again was tailgating.

The overwhelming advice from readers was to concentrate on the road ahead and avoid panicking.

“Don’t let yourself be pressured when they tailgate you. Pull over and let them pass if they’re being really difficult,” said Celia White in Certaldo, Tuscany.

But other respondents had different tips for dealing with inveterate tailgaters.  

Michael Robinson, in Tuscany, advised drivers dealing with high-speed tailgating to “turn on the hazard lights to warn them that you will not give in to this behaviour which can best be described as bullying”.

Adam in Faenza, Emilia Romagna, had a more left-field solution: “[The] best and easy thing to do is clean your windshield and then the spray goes onto theirs, if first time doesn’t work go for it a second time and they get the hint that way.”

‘Go with the flow’

Some of our readers pointed to the importance of accepting things just as they are as opposed to losing your cool over questionable moves from fellow motorists. 

“Go with the flow and don’t be intimidated. But stay defensive and aware of the immediate driving environment,” reader John Gayley advised.

READ ALSO: Reader question: Can I drive a friend or relative’s car in Italy?

Julie Maguire in Lucca, Tuscany, had similar advice, saying: “Don’t get angry. You are not going to change Italian driving habits so go with the flow. Remember these are people descended from Roman chariot drivers!”

And an anonymous reader in Milan said: “Relax, accept things, and enjoy as much as possible… or join in on the fun of the madness!”

‘Treat it like a dance’

Readers also said adaptability, and specifically being able to adjust to unexpected events on the road, was essential when driving in Italy.

Shane, living in Tuscany, advised motorists to treat driving ‘like a dance’. 

He said: “Everyone just adjusts to whatever happens. If someone takes the lead they just adjust and roll. If no one is taking the lead they’ll adjust if you decide to do it yourself.”

From a dancing-related metaphor to a musical one, an anonymous reader compared driving in Italy to “playing an instrument in an orchestra”. 

They said: “When approaching a busy intersection with cars merging from all directions, I try to feel the flow of the traffic, and interject myself in harmony with everyone else. 

“This method of giving to others when it’s their turn, and driving with authority and confidence when it’s my turn makes the entire driving experience fulfilling and less stressful”.

Member comments

  1. I believe there are just 2 rules in the Italian highway code:
    1. Do not leave any space between you and the car in front at any time.
    2. You must overtake the car in front.

  2. Be vigilant at all times and most importantly try and anticipate their next move, such as opening a car door as you pass. They are often distracted by texting and start heading towards you be ready to take evasive action. These problems can happen on a regular basis. Tailgating is part of the culture just ignore it until you are ready to let them pass.

  3. I loved driving in Italy over the many years we lived there. Italian drivers are mostly very skilful and could give the drivers here in Western Australia where we now live a few lessons…

  4. I must admit coming from the UK were you could have a road rage incident every day i found that I became very calm about driving in Italy and never got angry once.

  5. Coming from South Africa where road rage (including guns) is the norm, stopping for someone who has just stopped in the road to pop into the bakery, is refreshing. There is a much slower pace in the countryside which is lovely. Only traffic jam I have experienced is a flock of sheep.

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Can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a manual car?

Some of Italy’s international residents need to take an Italian driving test due to the absence of licence exchange agreements – but do you have to be able to drive a manual car to pass the road exam or is there an option for automatic vehicles?

Can you only take Italy's practical driving test if you drive a manual car?

Driving in Italy is often a necessity as many parts of the country, especially rural areas, lack adequate public transport services.

While EU nationals living in Italy can drive on their EU licence until it expires (after that, they have to convert it to an Italian one via a simple exchange procedure), non-EU nationals have one year from registering as a resident to obtain an Italian driving licence.

Italy has bilateral agreements with a number of non-EU countries (find a full list here), meaning that their nationals can swap their licence for an Italian one without having to take an Italian driving test.  

But if you’re originally from a non-EU country that doesn’t have a bilateral agreement with Italy (for instance, the US and Canada), you’ll need to take a driving test to get an Italian driving licence. 

While the theory quiz is generally regarded as the most daunting part of Italy’s driving test – not least because it requires a significant amount of technical knowledge and cannot be taken in English – the road exam can also pose a series of challenges. 

READ ALSO: The key vocabulary you’ll need for taking your driving test in Italy

Driving a manual car (macchina con cambio manuale), where you have to change gears yourself, after you’ve driven automatic transmission vehicles (macchine con cambio automatico) all your life can be one of them.

But can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a car with a manual gearbox?

According to Italian licensing laws, candidates are under no obligation to drive a manual vehicle to pass the road exam for Italy’s Patente B, which is the licence for cars and motorbikes up to 125cc.

Circular 28819-2019 states that the exam must be “carried out in a four-wheeled, B category vehicle capable of reaching a speed of at least 100 km/h” but this doesn’t “necessarily have to be equipped with a manual gearbox”.

That said, while it is possible to take the road exam in an automatic vehicle, this comes with a serious drawback.

Candidates that choose to drive automatic during the road test will have number ‘78’ written on the back of their Italian licence (this is in reference to the EU’s licence code 78). 

This will prevent them from driving any manual vehicle, meaning they’ll only be able to drive an automatic car.

READ ALSO: ‘Don’t get angry’: Readers’ tips on coping with Italian driving habits

By contrast, candidates that choose to take the exam in a manual car will be able to use their Italian licence to drive both manual and automatic vehicles.

Holders of a driving licence bearing code ‘78’ can remove the restriction by retaking the road exam in a manual car (meaning they won’t have to resit the theory quiz).

For more information on taking the Italian driving test, see the Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) website or speak to your local Motorizzazione Civile office