German cabinet ministers approve sweeping tax reform plans

The German cabinet has passed a series of significant income tax relief measures and tax class reforms, particularly affecting married couples and civil partners.

A piggy bank full of euro coins and notes.
A piggy bank full of euro coins and notes. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hendrik Schmidt

The changes are part of Finance Minister Christian Lindner’s (FDP) second annual tax law, a wide-ranging package of tax reforms that will now move to the Bundestag for approval.

The reforms are intended to adapt Germany’s tax system to the current high cost of living and address some inequalities in how couples are taxed. 

“It is simply a matter of fairness to adjust the tax system to inflation,” Lindner said at a press conference when introducing the proposals in June. “The state must not be the winner when there’s high inflation.” 

One of the cornerstones of the reform is the increase in the tax-free allowance – the amount employees can earn without being subject to taxation. 

This amount will increase by €180 to €11,784 this year and rise incrementally to hit €12,336 by 2026.  

The child tax-free allowance will also see gradual increases over this period, starting with €228 extra this year and rising to €6,828 by 2026, while the child benefit (Kindergeld) will also go up by €5 per month from 2025. 

READ ALSO: How Germany’s planned tax shake-up could affect you

Lindner has also set out plans to combat ‘cold progression’: a phenomenon whereby an increase in earnings is eaten up by inflation but taxed at a higher rate regardless. This means the income threshold for each tax bracket will be pushed upwards next year, with the exception of the highest tax rate. 

The top tax rate of 45 percent will still apply to incomes above €227,826, but the thresholds for the solidarity surcharge will be raised.

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner arrives for the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner arrives for the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin on May 15th, 2024. Photo: Tobias Schwarz / AFP

Though Lindner managed to pass his reforms in cabinet on Wednesday, his centre-left coalition partners from the Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens have previously aired their scepticism about the reforms.

“You can’t demand drastic savings from other departments…and then demand tens of billions yourself without need,” Green Party finance expert Katharina Beck recently told Reuters, referring to recent budget cuts for departments like defence and infrastructure.

Describing the plans as “dubious”, Beck argued that they would primarily benefit the well-off. 

Changes for couples

A cornerstone of the reforms includes removing a loophole often used by couples with differing incomes to reduce their taxes. 

The current tax classes 3 and 5, which come with higher tax-free allowances and higher deductions respectively, are set to be abolished by 2030. Instead, couples will automatically be placed in tax class 4.

This change aims to distribute the tax burden more equitably between partners, reducing the need for end-of-year tax payments and addressing the perception that lower-earning partners’ work is undervalued.

However, the reform stops short of scrapping the marriage splitting system – known as Ehegattensplitting in Germany – which benefits couples with disparate incomes by combining their earnings for tax purposes.

READ ALSO: Ehegattensplitting – How did Germany’s marriage tax law become so controversial?

While many in the traffic-light coalition have spoken out against Ehegattensplitting, the FDP opposes its abolition, equating it with a significant tax increase for couples.

However, critics say the shared taxation helps perpetuate income disparity and part-time work among women.

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Who pays broker’s fees on property in Germany – and how much do they cost?

One of the major hidden costs of buying and selling property in Germany is the estate agent's commission, or broker's fee. We look at some of the unusual rules around it - and how much you can expect to pay.

Who pays broker's fees on property in Germany - and how much do they cost?

There are many areas of life in which things in Germany function just that little bit differently – and buying a house is no exception.

Though the buoyant property market in the Bundesrepublik makes it an attractive place to buy, anyone looking to get their foot on the housing ladder should consider the hidden fees they might incur.

Beyond interest rates, taxes and fees for notaries and translators, one major outlay is the estate agent’s commission, which can sometimes stretch to thousands of euros.

Here’s what to know about these hefty fees and how you might be able to lower them. 

Who pays commission on property transactions in Germany?

If you come from another European country or somewhere like the United States, you may be used to a system in which the seller pays the broker’s fee. This intuitively makes sense because the estate agent is there to market the property, liaise with buyers and ultimately get the best price for the seller – so it makes sense that the seller should pay for these services.

Until recently, however, it was the buyer who was responsible for paying the entirety of the estate agent’s commission in Germany. That meant that these fees – which could be as high as seven percent of the purchase cost – were added to the mountain of extra costs buyers had to contend with, from notary fees to land transfer tax.

READ ALSO: The hidden costs of buying a house in Germany

Luckily for buyers (but less so for sellers), this was changed under a law that came into force at the end of 2020. Since then, costs are generally split 50/50 between buyers and sellers.

However, there are some details that are important to note here. If the seller commissions the estate agent to help them sell their home, they are technically liable for the costs but must pay a minimum of 50 percent. 

If the buyer commissions the estate agent to find them a home, the same rules apply the other way around: the buyer is liable for the costs but can obtain a maximum of 50 percent from the seller.

In each case, the side that commissioned the broker must prove they have paid their share before the other side is liable to pay theirs. 

How much do estate agents’ fees cost in Germany?

Commission on property sales varies from state to state but is generally set at between 5 and 7 percent of the purchase price.

According to online portal ImmobilienScout24, these were the standard rates that applied in each of the federal states in 2024, with the number in brackets representing a 50 percent share of the costs:

Baden-Württemberg: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Bavaria: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Berlin: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Brandenburg: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Bremen: 5.95 percent (2.97 percent)

Hamburg: 6.25 percent (3.12 percent)

Hesse: 5.95 percent (2.97 percent)

Lower Saxony: 4.76 – 5,95 percent or 7.14 percent, depending on the region. (2.38 – 3.57 percent)

Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania: 5.95 percent (2.97 percent)

North Rhine-Westphalia: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Rhineland-Palatinate: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Saarland: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Saxony: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Saxony-Anhalt: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Schleswig-Holstein: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

Thuringia: 7.14 percent (3.57 percent)

If it’s hard to gauge how much this means in real terms, we can take the example of two properties: a €200,000 apartment and a €500,000 family home.

In the state of Hesse, a buyer splitting the broker’s fee equally with the seller would pay €5,940 to buy the €200,000 apartment and €14,850 to buy the €500,000 house.

In pricier Berlin, meanwhile, the same buyer would pay €7,140 on the €200,000 apartment and €17,850 on the €500,000 house.

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Here’s where it gets more complicated, however: under German law, you are technically free to negotiate the commission with your estate agent.

That means that, especially in areas with stiff competition, you may be able to secure a better deal. 

Do I always have to pay commission in Germany? 

Not always. In fact, as a seller, you’re perfectly free to sell your property privately without enlisting the help of a real estate agent.

The benefit of this, of course, is that you can potentially save thousands of euros in fees, both for yourself and any prospective buyer. 

On the flip side, though, you will need to take the entire job of the estate agent on yourself, from marketing the property to liaising with potential buyers and finally closing the deal.

Real estate agent Germany

A real estate agent talks to prospective tenants at an apartment viewing. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Tobias Hase

There can also be some upfront costs involved in commissioning things like floor plans and professional photography, as well as the time you’ll need to invest in learning all the procedures and preparing relevant documents for notary – to name just a few examples.

Ultimately, though, it’s up to you to decide whether the expense of working with a professional broker is worth it in the end. 

As a buyer, there are also some situations where you’ll see the words ‘provisionsfrei’ – or commission-free – written in a property listing.

This is fairly common in new-build properties, where the developer may sell the homes directly to interested buyers. More rarely, an existing property may be listed without commission, making it a more attractive proposition.

In both cases, it’s possible that commission has been built into the purchase price, so you may not necessarily be getting a better deal.

Another case where you’re likely to be able to avoid commission as a buyer are so-called Kapitalanlagen – or buy-to-let properties. 

READ ALSO: Should you think about purchasing a buy-to-let property in Germany?

These tenanted properties are designed to be bought as investments: buyers can enjoy additional rental income over time and, ideally, will also make money when they come to sell the property several years later.

For this reason, costs are generally kept slightly lower for the buyer by eschewing the standard broker’s commission.