7 wild stories from the Liberation of Paris

Eighty years ago Parisians rose up against their German Nazi occupiers, liberating the French capital on August 25th, 1944 after a wild week of strikes, barricades and street fighting.

7 wild stories from the Liberation of Paris
French soldiers play the Marseillaise next to giant posters of the general de Gaulle in front of Paris' City Hall, during the ceremonies commemorating the anniversary of Paris liberation from Nazi occupation. Photo by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

The liberation of the city is formally commemorated on August 25th with parades, speeches and wreath-laying – but the uprising against the Nazi occupiers began several days earlier, starting with a strike.

READ ALSO The bloody and chaotic weeks that led to the liberation of Paris

Here’s a look at some key moments from these dramatic days, some tragic, others more joyful.

Shot in 1944, died in 2005

On the morning of August 19th, Parisians first rose up. The police, who had been on strike for four days, reoccupied their HQ.

Police officer Armand Bacquer, 24, was arrested by the Germans and shot by a firing squad with a colleague on the banks of the river Seine.

While his colleague died on the spot, Bacquer, left for dead, was rescued the next day. He was operated on, survived and resumed his job as a police officer. He died in his sleep more than 60 years later in 2005.

Champagne in the park

On August 19th, Madeleine Riffaut who had been arrested, tortured and sentenced to death by the Nazis after killing a junior Nazi officer, was freed.

She was then sent on a mission to intercept a German train as it passed through the Buttes Chaumont park in northeastern Paris. With three comrades she pounded the train with explosives from a bridge over a tunnel, captured 80 German soldiers and then partied on the Champagne and foie gras the Germans were taking home.

“Let us say, we celebrated on that day: it was August 23rd. I was 20,” she said.

Aux barricades

On August 22nd, Parisians responded to the call of resistance leader Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy to go “To the barricades!”

The Parisians, determined to take part in their own liberation, erected a chain of 600 barricades, including paving stones, rails, bathtubs, mattresses, and trees, to block the Germans’ movement.

Sleepless night

“It was only on the evening (of August 24th) around 9:45 pm that the news broke across Paris: at 9:28 pm the first French tank, the Romilly, arrived at the town hall. Everywhere there was an indescribable emotion,” wrote Jean Le Quiller, journalist for the newly-created Agence France- Presse.

“Whole apartment blocks sang the Marseillaise, whole streets applauded in the night… A concert of bells filled the air… bringing tears to the eyes,” he wrote.

As allied troops entered from different sides of Paris, AFP wrote: “Now it is for sure: they are there. Paris will not sleep tonight.”

The next day Colonel Rol-Tanguy accepted the surrender of German General Dietrich von Choltitz, ending four years of occupation.

School battle

On August 25th, Brigadier Pierre Deville, who had just returned from Morocco, called his parents and said: “I’m on my way.”

With his platoon he went to the military school to the west of Paris where the Germans were holed up. It took nearly four hours to neutralise them.

Deville was then shot in the head. It was his 20th birthday.

Fireman’s revenge

On the same day, not far away, fireman Captain Sarniguet climbed the 1,700 steps of the Eiffel Tower.

It was sweet revenge for the man the Nazis had ordered in June 1940 to take down France’s tricolour flag from the top. He put up French flags, cobbled together with low quality dyes and sown in secret by the wives of junior officers.

So the French flag replaced the swastika which had been flying for about 1,500 days. “The only obstacle I met was the wind,” Sarniguet said.

Shooting at de Gaulle

On August 26th, French wartime leader General Charles de Gaulle made a triumphant return from exile in London, parading in liberated Paris. He arrived late for a prayer of praise at Paris’s Notre Dame Cathedral.

As he greeted the crowd in the square from an open-topped car, gunfire broke out. He brushed it off and carried on his way. He put it down to a coup by counter-revolutionaries seeking to sow panic and seize power.

The underground bunker from which Resistance leader Colonel Rol-Tanguy directed the battle for the liberation of Paris is now a museum – the Musée de la Libération Leclerc Moulin – which is highly recommended to anyone interested in French history of this period. 

Why you really should visit France’s WWII resistance museum

Member comments

  1. The 4th Infantry waited to enter Paris after the French Army, believing it was only proper that the French liberate Paris. My grandfather was the first American chaplain to enter Paris, and made sure he went in with the first unit. He was a short man with a mustache, and was in a Jeep marked “Chaplain”, leading people to point and call out “Charlie Chaplin!”

  2. Much more to tell, for example, that not all French citizens were opposed to the Germans, and some even betrayed their neighbors to the Gestapo. Also, for the triumphant march down the Champs Elysées, all soldiers were white, despite the fact that de Gaulle had recruited in African colonies, e.g., Chad, and many soldiers were black. it was apparently at the behest (or order) of General Eisenhower that soldiers on parade should be white.

  3. I am a funeral celebrant among other things, and a few years ago I had the modest privilege of writing and conducting the service of a long -retired British army officer (in his 80s when he died) who was the first British officer to liberate Bergen Belsen. Aged 23. He subsequently rode in the vehicle behind de Gaulle into Paris, so I presume it was the day of August 26th.

  4. There’s an excellent film made in 1966 called “Is Paris Burning” – “Paris brûle-t-il?” adapted from the book of the same name. Extremely authentic without any Hollywoodization, very amusing in parts despite the drama of the occasion, and highly recommended. Lots of sources on Google for streaming, downloading, CDs etc. in both languages.

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Thousands in France protest ‘rape culture’

Thousands took to the streets across French cities on Saturday to demand an end to rape and support the main plaintiff in a mass sexual assault trial that has shocked the country.

Thousands in France protest 'rape culture'

Gisele Pelicot, who is using her married name, has requested the trial of her ex-husband and 50 co-defendants since September 2 be made public to raise awareness about the use of drugs to commit abuse.

Dominique Pelicot, her partner of around five decades, has admitted to drugging her for years to rape her or watch her being raped while unconscious by dozens of strangers he recruited online.

The case has horrified France, especially as many of the co-accused are seemingly ordinary men with everyday jobs, and several of the suspects remain at large.

“We are all Gisele,” a large crowd chanted in the capital Paris.

“Rapist we see you, victim we believe you.”

A placard which reads "Angry Women" is displayed as protesters take part in a demonstration in support of Gisele Pelicot in Paris

A placard which reads “Angry Women” is displayed as protesters take part in a demonstration in support of Gisele Pelicot in Paris on September 14, 2024. (Photo by Ian LANGSDON / AFP)

In the southern city of Marseille, activists hung up a banner on the city’s court building calling for alleged perpetrators — not victims — to be ashamed.

“Shame must change sides,” it read, echoing Gisele Pelicot’s own words through one of her lawyers.

Justine Imbert, 34, had come with her six-year-old daughter.

“It must have taken huge courage, but it was essential” for Gisele Pelicot to request the trial be public, she said.

“It allows people to see the faces of her husband and all the others, to see they are not outcasts but ‘good fathers’.”

Retiree Martine Ragon, 74, said she was there too to “call out rape culture”, referring to an environment in which sexual violence is normalised.

“The media coverage on the trial will allow us to speak up about it,” she said.

‘Disgusted to be a man’

In the western city of Rennes, a young woman held up a sign with the sentence “protect your daughters” crossed out.

A protester holds a placard reading "1 rape every 6 minutes" during a demonstration in support of Gisele Pelicot on Place de la Republique in Paris

A protester holds a placard reading “1 rape every 6 minutes” during a demonstration in support of Gisele Pelicot on Place de la Republique in Paris on September 14, 2024. (Photo by Ian LANGSDON / AFP)

“Educate your son,” it read instead.

In the central city of Clermont-Ferrand, 26-year-old agricultural worker Stephane Boufferet said he hoped Gisele Pelicot would find justice.

“When I read the story, I was disgusted, even disgusted to be a man,” he said.

France’s cinema industry has been rocked by allegations of sexual assault in recent years, including several against film legend Gerard Depardieu.

But the trial in the southern city of Avignon has drawn attention on rape in everyday society.

Among the protesters in Paris was Charlotte Arnould, an actor who had accused Depardieu of raping her in 2018 when she was 22 and anorexic.

The 75-year-old actor has been charged with rape in the case since 2020 and prosecutors last month called for him to face trial.

Demonstrators in the capital also included the author of a book denouncing incest, Camille Kouchner, and lawmaker Sandrine Josso who last year accused a senator of drugging her with the aim of assaulting her.