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Swedish word of the day: röv

Today’s word of the day is best avoided if you’re put off by rude language.

Swedish word of the day: röv
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

The word röv in Swedish is a vulgar term for the backside, roughly similar in strength to English “arse” or American “ass”.

It originally comes from the Old Norse word rauf meaning gap, rift or hole, used in words like raufarsteinn (a stone with a hole drilled through it) and raufartrefjur (cloth filled with holes).

The word in its modern meaning exists in Swedish as röv, in Danish as røv and in Norwegian as ræv or rauv.

You can use it anatomically, to refer to an actual backside, or, like in English, as an insult. In both cases, it may be combined with the word hål (hole) to make rövhål. You can probably figure out what that means.

  • Don’t miss any of our Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading our app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

It also exists in the term rövslickare (which can be translated as “arselicker” or the less vulgar “bootlicker”), to mean someone who praises or is polite to another more powerful person, usually in order to get an advantage for themselves.

Less offensive alternatives to the word röv include rumpa, bakdel, ända, stjärt and gump

Röv also exists in a few phrases, which are considered offensive and shouldn’t be used in a professional setting. 

One of these is träsmak i röven (literally: “the taste of wood on your arse”), which is when your bottom starts hurting from sitting down for too long (if you want a family or work-friendly alternative to this, swap out röven with rumpan).

Another is suga röv, which is roughly equivalent to complaining that something sucks in English – i.e. that it’s particularly bad or unpleasant. Again, not a phrase you should really use in polite company.

Röv can also be used on its own as an interjection to express some kind of bad feeling, like anger, irritation or disappointment.

Don’t get it confused with the word räv, which means fox. Unless, that is, you’re speaking Elfdalian, the language of Älvdalen in Dalarna, where röv actually does mean fox…

Example sentences:

Förlåt, jag ska bara ta en paus i ett par minuter, har fått träsmak i röven.

Sorry, I have to take a break for a few minutes, my bum’s gone numb.

Hur gick din dejt igår? Inte bra, han var ett jävla rövhål.

How did your date go yesterday? Not good, he was a bloody arsehole.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.

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Swedish word of the day: nyanlända

Although today's word of the day technically means 'new arrivals', in practice it's used slightly differently.

Swedish word of the day: nyanlända

Nyanlända is made up of the word ny (new) combined with the verb anlända (arrive), giving the literal translation of “new arrivals”.

That used to be its primary usage – you could for example say en nyanländ turist (a newly-arrived tourist), or ett nyanlänt flyg (a newly-arrived flight).

  • Don’t miss any of our Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading our app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

Since 2016, it’s come up more and more in discussions about Swedish migration policy, so you would be forgiven for thinking it refers to all newly-arrived immigrants.

Somewhat frustratingly, it is rarely explicitly stated in policy proposals exactly what is meant by nyanlända, but in practice it usually refers to people arriving in Sweden either as asylum seekers or as family members of asylum seekers.

More specifically, it’s used to describe those who are eligible for the Swedish Public Employment Service’s etableringsprogram or “introduction programm”, designed to aid refugees and other people in need of protection in finding work, learning Swedish and becoming financially independent.

However, the vagueness in how it’s used in policy and debate can lead to confusion both for recently-arrived immigrants who are not in Sweden as asylum seekers (and are not referred to as nyanlända) and for refugees who have already been in Sweden for a few years, who are still sometimes referred to as nyanlända.

Example sentences:

Nyanlända kan få hjälp att hitta arbete i Sverige.

Newly-arrived [asylum seekers] can get help to find a job in Sweden.

Regeringen vill se en obligatorisk “Sverigekurs” för nyanlända.

The government wants there to be a mandatory “Sweden cours” for newly-arrived refugees.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.