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How common are lightning strikes in Sweden?

Eight people were taken to hospital following a lightning strike in the Stockholm suburb of Lidingö this week, but how often does lightning actually strike in Sweden?

How common are lightning strikes in Sweden?
A lightning strik near Åhus in Skåne last year. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

According to Sweden’s state meteorologists SMHI, thunder and lightning strikes occur on between 5 and 20 days per year. Now, that might not sound like a lot, but on days where lightning does occur, there can be thousands of strikes across the country. To put Sweden’s number of strikes into perspective, the area around the Amazon rainforest has around 250 lightning days per year.

The lightning strike in Lidingö, close to Stockholm, which hit a group of people at a youth football training session was one of a total 7,072 lightning strikes which occurred on August 29th. Sweden’s northwestern mountain ranges see the fewest strikes, while the west coast sees the most. 

Not all lightning strikes reach the ground, and many strike between clouds, so they don’t represent a danger to the population. SMHI’s lightning registration systems record around 150,000 ground strikes per year.

SMHI meterologist Per Stenborg speaking to SVT news in 2018 estimated the total number of people hit by lightning as between five and ten each year, with around 20 percent of those being fatal.

“That’s around one or two people a year,” he said at the time.

What should you do in the event of a thunderstorm?

Although the likelihood of getting struck by lightning is low, it can be a good idea to be aware of the best course of action if you do find yourself outside during a thunderstorm.

Emergency information website recommends that you stay indoors and unplug power cords from wall outlets, especially if your building has no built-in lightning protection, like a lightning rod or similar.

Concrete buildings are particularly safe to be in, as the reinforcing bars used inside the walls are made of metal, and are extremely effective at leading electricity down to the ground.

If you are outside during a thunderstorm, bear in mind that lightning will strike the highest point it can find, so you should avoid standing in open fields or standing near large trees.

It’s also especially dangerous to be on or in the water, as not only are you likely to be the highest point around, but water also conducts electricity, so you risk being shocked even if you aren’t particularly close to the site of the strike.

If there are no buildings close by, you’re generally safer in a car or motorhome than out in the open, although tents can be dangerous. Make sure you don’t touch the radio or other metal parts of the car during the storm.

Avoid carrying long metal objects, like umbrellas, golf clubs or canes, as these could act as a lightning rod.

Member comments

  1. If you are fishing, it’s also really dangerous as the graphite in the rod is a VERY good conductor of electricity.

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Sweden’s far north just had one of its hottest summers on record

New stats from state weather agency SMHI have revealed that, despite rain, wind and low temperatures in some areas, the far north of Sweden saw record-breaking heat this summer.

Sweden's far north just had one of its hottest summers on record

In Götaland and Svealand – central and southern Sweden, temperatures were roughly the same this summer as they were between 1991 and 2020. 

However, the average summer temperature was hotter further north. In northern Norrland, temperatures were “very warm, or even extreme,” the weather agency said in a statement.

Karesuando, Abisko and Katterjåkk/Riksgränsen weather stations, which have all carried out temperature measurements for over 110 years, all either broke or neared their previous temperature records, set in 1937.

Records were also broken at weather stations which started recording temperatures after 1937, like Nikkaluokta, Naimakka, Tarfala, all in Lappland, and Överkalix-Svartbyn in Norrbotten.

Kiruna saw the second hottest summer since 1937, and Pajala and Luleå, which both started recording temperatures in 1944, saw their hottest summers since 2002.

Despite this, the hottest temperature this summer was reported in Uppsala, where the mercury hit 32 degrees C on June 28th. Ljusnedal in Jämtland saw the coldest summer temperature: just -2.4C on June 7th.

That may sound low, but according to the agency it’s a “very high minimum temperature” for the summer season. The last time a similarly high temperature was measured during the summer was in 2022, when temperatures dropped to -2.2 degrees in Latnivaara in Lappland.

The only tropical days in the country – days where temperatures didn’t drop below 20C – were also recorded in Norrland, on June 24th and 25th.

In other areas of the country, like Norrköping and Gällivare, the summer months were wetter than usual, with the former breaking a record set in 2011. Gällivare saw the third rainiest summer since records began, just behind the summers of 1954 and 1961.

Gladhammar, in eastern Småland, saw the rainiest single summer day, with 88.8mm of rain falling on July 13th.