Swedish activist Greta Thunberg arrested at student protest in Copenhagen

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has reportedly been arrested in Copenhagen in connection with the occupation of a Copenhagen University building alongside the Studerende mod Besættelsen (Students against the Occupation) activist group, according to Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg arrested at student protest in Copenhagen
File photo of Greta Thunberg at a protest earlier this year. Photo: Thibaud Moritz/AFP

“Studerende mod Besættelsen and I are in the University of Copenhagen administration building,” Thunberg wrote in an Instagram story on Wednesday morning. “Police have been called [and have] violently entered the building with a ram wearing assault rifles. They are evicting everyone as we speak.”

Pictures from Ekstra Bladet appeared to show Thunberg in handcuffs being arrested by police. A reporter from the newspaper said that a number of other activists, besides Thunberg, were also taken away in handcuffs.

Danish police confirmed to Ekstra Bladet that six people, out of a total of around 20 protesters, had been arrested. They did not confirm whether Thunberg was among those arrested.

In a press release posted to Instagram a few hours earlier, Students against the Occupation confirmed that it was occupying Museumsbygningen, the central administration building for the University of Copenhagen, in protest at the university’s cooperation with Israeli academic institutions.

Member comments

  1. I once liked her, but now feels to me she’s totally lost, in far left ideas politics, not knowing what she’s protesting or fighting for.

  2. About time she did some studying if she wants to get ahead in life. She lost 20% of her school days for about two years when “on strike” every Friday. And now she doesn’t seem to have any further education or university presence lined up. It was all great fun to being with, but now starting to look rather sad.

  3. Forgot to say that she’s also gradually notching up an international rap sheet for civil disobedience and resisting arrest. Perhaps no problem if she wants to become a professional protester, although it could become an unwelcome burden in the long run.

  4. And why are the students demanding that their school stop cooperating with Israeli universities? You should have also mentioned that in your article. You’re not giving us the full information.

  5. Agree with Amir, why your title stopes short of mentioning the reason for the protest. This only shows one thing…

  6. isn’t it clear why they want their schools to stop cooperating with Israeli universities? it’s because of the awful antisemitism that’s been going on for a while now led by the unholy alliance of islamists and far left hand in hand against a democratic nation attacked by barbaric terrorism

  7. Thank you Greta for attracting attention to this important issue. Let’s call it what it is – it’s genocide and occupation .

  8. you probably might not know but that scarf thing around her neck that has become a cool leftist symbol nowadays is the symbol of Islamic suppression and terror in Iran. the supreme leader(great dictator) also likes it a lot. It’s so sad to see her in the trap of Islamists, taking sides with people spreading antisemitism.

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Pro-Palestine students stage new protest at Lund University graduation

Both student protestors and graduating doctoral students showed their support for Palestine at Lund University's doctoral graduation ceremony on Friday, where police had evacuated an anti-Israel tent camp a day prior.

Pro-Palestine students stage new protest at Lund University graduation

The doctoral graduation ceremony was held in the Lundagård park, where until Thursday, students had been camping to show their support of Palestine.

They were forcibly removed by police early on Thursday morning in order to make room for the graduation ceremony. According to police, around 40 people were taken into custody for identification.

On Friday, students shouted “stop the bombing, now, now, now,” as the university fired cannons to celebrate its graduating doctoral students, Sydsvenskan journalists, who estimated the number of protesters as “around 80”, reported.

One of the participating doctoral graduates walked in the procession holding a large Palestinian flag, with more of the country’s flags painted on his cheeks, which was met with cheers by protestors.

There was a large police presence during the procession, where the police had cordoned off a large rectangle for protesters to stand in. Both the procession and the protest were over by 4pm, with no reported issues.

Students told local newspaper Sydsvenskan on Thursday that they wanted the university to stop collaborating with Israeli institutions.

“We understand that it’s important for the university to hold onto its traditions, but today they should be prioritising the Palestinian people,” a group of anonymous students told the newspaper.

“There’s an ongoing genocide happening in Gaza and ongoing occupation on the West Bank. We want the university to stop collaborating with Israeli institutions. We think our demands are reasonable.”

Friday’s protest received a mixed reception from Lund locals, Sydsvenskan reported. One asked “what have the graduating doctoral students done to you?”, while another shouted “long live Israel.”