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What are the laws in Switzerland if you have a fireplace in your home?

A number of homes and apartments in Switzerland have a fireplace, which is a nice feature, but it does come with certain legal responsibilities.

What are the laws in Switzerland if you have a fireplace in your home?
A chimney sweep will clean out any residues from your fireplace. Image by Steven Helmis from Pixabay

There is nothing cosier in cold weather than a wood-burning fireplace.

In fact, during the winter of 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, sparking massive energy crisis and, consequently, higher heating costs, fireplaces were used more frequently as a source of heat — that is, until the price of wood pellets skyrocketed as well

But whether used for heat or general ambience, Switzerland has strict rules concerning the cleaning and maintenance of fireplaces.  And all of them involve the black-clad figure of a chimney sweep.

Here is what you should know

Called kaminfeger in German, ramoneur in French, and spazzacamino in Italian, you can’t avoid the presence of a chimney sweep if there is an active fireplace in your home.

Nothing is cosier than a fireplace in a home. Photo: Pixabay

Whether or not he (or she) really brings good luck is debatable; what is certain, however, is that if one shows up at your doorstep carrying various  rods, brushes, and vaccums, you have to let them in.

That’s because anyone who has a fireplace in their home (or a wood-burning stove, which is quite rare these days) must have it professionally cleaned periodically — usually once a year — by a chimney sweep who is officially recognised in your canton.

Usually, you will receive a note in your letter box letting you know the date and time when a chimney sweep will come to your home. If that particular date is not convenient, you can call or email the company to change the appointment.

You cannot, however, refuse to have the fireplace cleaned — not only because it is against the law, but also because you’d be putting your and your family’s health and safety at risk.

This is why:

Over time, an active fireplace gets clogged with built-up soot and dust, including a debris called creosote, which is not only toxic but highly flammable as well.

It is important to remove these materials so they don’t cause any damage.

That’s the most common scenario, but some people were surprised (and not pleasantly) to see parts of dead birds and other animals stuck in their chimneys, which were discovered during the cleaning process.

So having your chimneys and fireplaces cleaned once a year (or whatever frequency your canton requires) is a good thing; refusing to do so can result in a fine, the amount of which will be determined by your municipality.

What happens when a chimney sweep comes to your home?

If you are concerned that your house will be dirtied during the process, don’t be.

Chimney sweeps come equipped with protective sheets which they spread on your floors around the fireplace, and they will vacuum up any residues afterwards.

They will begin from the flue — a duct through which smoke leaves your fireplace —  and work their way up, ending up by the chimney on the roof.

How much does the ‘sweep’ cost and who pays for it?

The price is determined by the canton, and usually costs several hundred francs for a standard clean-up.

If unforeseen problems are discovered during the process, the chimney sweep will let you know the additional cost. Always get it in writing though, never just verbally.

As to who pays for this service, if you own your dwellings, then you will have to pay. If you are a tenant, your landlord will, unless your rental agreement states otherwise.

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Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

Sometimes you’ve just had enough, and it’s time to get out of a job that isn’t right for you. However, are you still able to claim unemployment in Switzerland if you quit? Here’s what to know. 

Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

The short answer is yes, you can claim unemployment if you quit your job in Switzerland, thanks to the compulsory unemployment insurance that you’ve paid into.

But, there are a few caveats you need to know about.

The first is that you must be on a ‘B’ or ‘C’ permit to be eligible for unemployment benefits- as are the majority of international workers in Switzerland.

Those on an ‘L’ permit are eligible to draw unemployment benefits, if they worked in Switzerland for 12 months.

READ MORE: What unemployment benefits are foreign workers in Switzerland entitled to?

You also cannot claim unemployment if you’ve been self-employed or a freelancer for the duration of your time in Switzerland. 

This is because you need to have been engaged in full-time work paying into Switzerland’s national unemployment insurance program for a year – earning at least 500 francs a month – to be eligible.

Finally, there will be a penalty applied if you quit your job and then immediately file for unemployment benefits. 

Specifically, there will be a holding period on your payments of up to sixty days, although this will depend on your unemployment advisor and the circumstances of your quitting. If there are medical or mental health issues involved in quitting, your job, these can be taken into consideration in modifying the period. Therefore, it’s a good idea to hold on to any doctor’s reports when registering.

READ MORE: What you should know if you want to quit your job in Switzerland

If you are eligible, and you have registered at your local Regional Employment Centre (RAV), you can expect to receive 70 percent of your previous salary, and 80 percent if you have a dependent under 25 years of age, or you have a registered disability. 

The maximum unemployment benefits distributed to an individual by the government are 148,200 francs a year, for a monthly payment of 12,350 francs.