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Swiss rent prices: How new renters are paying the price of the housing shortage

Switzerland’s housing situation has been dire for a while but, far from improving, it is actually deteriorating and renters are paying the price.

Swiss rent prices: How new renters are paying the price of the housing shortage
Swiss apartments are getting scarce and more expensive. Photo: Pixabay

The rental market in Switzerland is under increasing pressure, and the situation is becoming more dramatic with time, the new real estate report from Raiffeisen Bank indicates.

Even though Switzerland’s population has considerably grown in the recent years — now exceeding the 9-million-mark — which means that demand for housing has increased as well, the supply of available rental units has not kept up with this trend.

In 2022, for instance, only 33,532 apartments were approved for construction. This may sound llike a lot, but according to to the bank’s chief economist Fredy Hasenmaile, this is the worst figure in 20 years.

According to Raiffeisen’s forecast, the number of empty (and therefore available for  rent) apartments will soon fall close to, or even below, the 1-percent mark, for the first time in over 10 years.

Smaller is not better

And residential dwellings that are actually being constructed are often smaller than before: the number of rooms per apartment is falling.

For instance, newly constructed residential buildings in Zurich and Bern consist largely of smaller apartments, which means less living space for families. 

The proportion of newly built flats with more than four rooms fell from 79 to 42 percent between 2002 and 2022.  The number of two- room apartments, on the other hand, rose from 5 to 22 percent.

This trend toward small dwellings further exacerbates the housing shortage, real estate experts say.

Less housing equals higher rents

Housing shortage is reflected  above all in an increase in the rents.

Between April and June of this year, for instance, new rents were 6.4 percent higher than at the same time in 2023, recording the biggest hike in over 30 years.

Raiffeisen’s conclusion: “The asking rents are getting out of control.”

This upward trend affects mostly new tenants, as landlors sometimes raise rents after former tenants leave — a common practice, the ban of which will be one of the subjects of the November 24th referendum.

Why hasn’t housing shortage been resolved yet?

Several factors are at play here.

One is that due to Switzerland’s small size and topography (mountains), land for residential construction is scarce.

Another reason is lack of political action.

According to Hasenmaile, though the federal government has chosen the right approach to spatial planning, the actual implementation by the cantons has been slow — criteria for obtaining building permits are strict, which makes them often difficult to obtain.

READ ALSO: How Switzerland’s urban housing shortage is spreading to the countryside

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8 things landlords in Switzerland can never ask of tenants

If you have been looking for an apartment for a long time and finally found one you like, you may be ready to fulfil any of your landlord’s conditions. But Swiss law places clear limits on what a landlord can demand of new and existing tenants.

8 things landlords in Switzerland can never ask of tenants

If you are a new arrival in Switzerland (and even if you have been living here for a while), you may not be aware of what your landlord or their management company can legally ask of you.

The vast majority comply with the law and are not out to scam you, but you should nevertheless know what your rights are — and assert them if you are being treated unfairly.

Let’s start with the rental deposit

When you rent a flat or a house in Switzerland, you will have to put down an agreed-upon sum for your landlord as a form of security against damages and other mishaps.

The amount is spelled out in your lease, and can vary from one, two, or three months’ rent.

However, the landlord can’t ask you to put down more than the equivalent of three months’ rent.

READ ALSO: What you need to know about rental deposits in Switzerland 

The landlord can’t ask you for copies of your bank statements or tax returns

When you fill out your application, you will be asked to provide your salary statement.

That is perfectly legitimate, as the owner needs to be sure you are able to afford the monthly rent.

The landlord can’t, however, demand any further financial information such as your bank account statements, a list of your investments, or your tax returns.

Paying rent in cash

Most people in Switzerland pay their rent every month via a bank transfer; most likely, they set up an automatic ‘standing order’ online (Dauerauftrag in German, mandat permanent in French and ordine permanente in Italian), which is the most convenient way to pay recurrent bills.

READ ALSO: How do I set up automatic bill payments in Switzerland? 

Or, you may choose another way to pay your rent.

However, the landlord can’t demand that you pay rent in cash; that would be a very odd request and should set off alarm bells in your head.

Costs of major repair works

If your rented accommodation needs a major overhaul, ranging from maintainence works to essential repairs, the landlord can’t ask you to pay for them.

The only exception would be if you inflicted the damage yourself, in which case you’d be responsible for the repairs and payment.

The same rule extends to replacing broken appliances

If the oven or fridge in the apartment stops working due to old age and / or normal wear and tear, your landlord must replace them.

Here too, the only exception would be if you broke the appliances yourself through misuse, in which case you would have to pay to repair (or buy new ones) out of your own pocket.

The ‘no overnight guests’ rule

Under the law, when you pay rent for your apartment, you are entitled to enjoy it and not be limited by non-sensical (and illegal) rules.

Your landlord can’t tell you not to have overnight guests, or decide how long they can stay — as long as  the visitors obey house rules regarding noise or other nuisances to the neighbours.

Entering the apartment without consent

Your landlord does not have uninvited access to your home. 

They can’t enter at any time without first notifying you and then receiving your permission. Furthermore, they can come ‘by appointment’ only, that is, on a set day and at a set time.

They also can’t keep a spare key to your apartment and, even less so, use it. This ensures they won’t have access to your home even (or especially) when you are away on vacation — unless, of course, you have given them permission to go in during your absence.

READ ALSO: Can my Swiss landlord come to my flat unannounced? 

Changing the existing rental agreement

Once you and the landlord sign the contract, it is valid, in its present form, until the day it expires.

The owner can’t unilaterally or arbitrarily change any terms of the agreement in the meantime and demand that you consent to the changes.

Any modifications can only be made once the lease’s deadline is reached and a new contract is negotiated.