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EXPLAINED: How to understand your German tax bill

Germany's tax rules can be confusing, but understanding them is essential if you want to make sure you're paying the right amount. Here's what to expect from your German tax bill and how it's calculated.

German income tax statement
A pen lies on top of a German income tax statement on a desk. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

Especially for the self-employed, tax season can be a stressful time of year in Germany. Not only do you have to contend with the deadlines for submitting your tax return, but you may also have a nasty surprise if you receive a tax bill that’s higher than you expect.

That’s one reason why it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the amount of tax you’re expected to pay in Germany. 

Though this is usually calculated automatically for employees, you may have to pay additional tax on other income you earn from a side hustle or a rental property. Or you may submit a tax return offsetting some costs for work equipment and find yourself getting a juicy rebate from the tax office.

For freelancers or small business owners, understanding tax is even more important. You’ll need to have a rough idea of how much you owe the tax office in any given financial year and set this aside so you don’t run into trouble later on. 

That involves knowing what tax rate is likely to apply, how pre-payments are deducted from your tax bill, and what kind of information you’ll find on your Steuerbescheid, or tax statement. Let’s demystify some of these confusing aspects of German tax law so you can read your Steuerbescheid with confidence.

How much income tax will I pay in Germany?

Income tax, or Einkommenssteuer, is a tax levied on all workers in Germany, whether they’re freelance or self-employed.

The amount you pay will be directly linked to the amount you earn, and goes up on a sliding scale along with your income. However, not all of your income is taxed: the German government decides each year on a certain amount of money you’re allowed to earn before you pay tax on it.

To work out how much you might be expected to pay, you’ll need to work out the tax rate that applies to you, how much of your income is taxed, and how much you may have paid already.

In 2023, the Grundfreibeitrag – or tax-free earnings threshold – was €10,908 per year. In 2024, it was hiked to €11,784. This is the amount of your income that won’t be subject to tax. On top of this, people with children get what’s known as a Kinderfreibeitrag, which means they can earn up to €3,192 more per parent before being taxed. 

READ ALSO: Do employees in Germany have to declare tax on a side job?

Everything you earn above this, meanwhile, is subject to what’s known as a progressive tax rate. That means the percentage you pay increases as your income does and can be anything between 14 percent and 42 percent. 

Incomes between €11,784 and €17,005 in 2024, or between €10,908 and €15,999 in 2023, are taxed at the lowest rates of between 14 and 24 percent. 

A taxpayer marks a German tax statement

A German taxpayer highlights sections of their tax statement. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

Once incomes exceed this amount, the tax rate ranges between 24 and 42 percent. The highest rate of tax is applied to incomes over €62,810 in 2023 and to incomes over €66,761 in 2024. This tax rate then remains the same way up to incomes of over €277,826, when a new special rate of 45 percent applies.

If you want to get a sense of where you fall on the sliding scale, this graph produced by Duisburg-Essen University may help. It shows, for example, that an income of €20,000 per year would be taxed at around 25 percent, an income of €36,000 per year would be taxed at around 30 percent, and an income of €60,000 would be taxed at around 38 percent.

Alternatively, you can enter your income into an online tax calculator to get a breakdown of how much you’re likely to owe. 

READ ALSO: The best apps to help you track your German taxes

It’s worth remembering that your income refers to what you earned after deductions for things like office supplies and social security payments, and that married people and people with children also receive additional tax breaks.

When can I expect to receive a tax bill or rebate?

After you submit your tax return, the Finanzamt – or tax office – has up to six months to process it and send you your Steuerbescheid. However, this mostly happens a lot faster, with the average turnaround time standing at around 50 days.

If you submitted a tax return online via the government’s Elster portal, things also tend to move a bit faster.

You may well wonder why tax bills are processed so fast while residence permits and passport applications are so slow – and it’s a good question. But for now, all you need to know is that you could be getting that tax statement sooner than you think.

What information can I find on my tax statement?

Your Steuerbescheid contains a range of information that you should check very carefully, because mistakes do happen. 

When you recieve this document, you can expect to find:

  • Your tax number (Steuernummer): The top of your tax statement will include your tax number, which you should double check first. Be aware that this is different from your tax ID number and is linked to your place of residence
  • A summary of your tax bill or rebate (Steuerfestsetzung): Here, the tax office will lay out how much tax you owe – or are owed – in a chart at the top of your statement. This part will detail your income tax, solidarity tax and church tax (if applicable) and provide a total that you need to pay, or that you will receive as a rebate
  • Breakdown of tax calculations (Besteuerungsgrundlage): This section of your tax statement provides a far more detailed breakdown of how your tax was calculated, so you should read it carefully and cross-check it against your tax return. The tax office will detail how much you earned in that particular tax year, as well as any deductions for things like health insurance or pensions. Your income, minus deductions, will be recorded as ‘zu versteuerndes Einkommen’, or taxable income. This will be the basis for the amount of income tax, solidarity tax and church tax you are expected to pay
  • Additional information (Erläuterungen): In this final section, the Finanzamt will usually note down extra information they used in their calculations. For example, if you submitted your tax return late, they may include details of any fines you are likely to face. This part is particularly useful to read because it can usually explain differences between the figures in your tax return and in your tax statement

If you do spot any inconsistencies or think the tax office may have made a mistake, it’s important to get in contact with them as soon as possible.

READ ALSO: 8 unlikely tax breaks in Germany that international residents need to know

You’ll usually have a month from recieving your Steuerbescheid to raise any issues with the Finanzamt. After this deadline has passed, your tax statement will become final. 

What happens if I can’t pay my tax bill?  

If your tax bill takes you by surprise, the first thing to do is keep calm. Though highly stressful, this isn’t a particularly uncommon situation, and the tax office will want to help find a solution.

The simplest thing to do in this case is to submit a Stundenantrag, or application for deferral, which gives you a bit of extra time to find the money to pay your tax bill. If you’d struggle to pay it in a lump sum, applying to pay by Ratenzahlungen – or in instalments – is also a potential option.

Euro notes and coins

Euro notes and coins. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

Whatever you do, the Finanzamt is likely to give you a more sympathetic ear if you lay out your circumstances fully and show a willingness to pay as soon as you can. 

You can find more information on dealing with this situation in our recent explainer:

What happens if you can’t pay your tax bill in Germany?

Useful vocabulary:

Das Finanzamt – tax office 

Der Steuerbescheid – tax statement

Die Einkommenssteuer – income tax 

Die Einkünfte – earnings 

Der Steuersatz – tax rate 

Die Sonderausgaben – special deductions (usually social security payments) 

Der Steuererstattungsbetrag – tax refund amount

Der Steuernachzahlungsbetrag – amount of tax arrears 

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What’s considered a good salary for foreigners in Cologne and Düsseldorf?

Cologne, Düsseldorf and the surrounding areas attract many internationals who move to Germany. We look at what you can expect for salaries and jobs in the region.

What's considered a good salary for foreigners in Cologne and Düsseldorf?

North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany’s most populous state and home to several bustling cities, including Cologne, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Wuppertal and Dortmund to name just a few. 

Although only around 30 minutes apart, Cologne and Düsseldorf have a long-standing (and mostly friendly) rivalry, with each city famously taking pops at the other during carnival celebrations. However, due to their close proximity, many people live in one and work in the other, or in the surrounding region.

Cologne is known for its historic and cultural offering with nearby nature, while Düsseldorf is famous for its fashion and arts scene.  

Both cities on the Rhine river attract people from abroad looking to settle in Germany. 

Of the just over one million people who live in Cologne, around 42 percent of all residents had a migration background in 2023, and around one in five Cologne residents was non-German (20.9 percent), according to city statistics released this year.

Düsseldorf is smaller, with about 640,000 residents. Around 164,000 people have a foreign background, according to Statista figures for 2022. The city is also known for its vibrant Japanese community, with around 8,400 Japanese nationals making it their home.

Cologne is home to a large mix of industries and sectors covering IT, media, life sciences and finance, while Düsseldorf is known for fashion, trade and the energy sector.

Some notable employers in the region include Bayer, Deutsche Telekom, Deloitte, Douglas, L’Oreal, Adidas, E-on and Trivago. 

Although these are large and often multi-national companies, there are also plenty of smaller businesses and startups – many of which want to diversify their workplace and seek international talent. 

READ ALSO: The best-paid jobs you can get without a university degree in Germany

People attend Japan Day in Düsseldorf in 2023.

People attend Japan Day in Düsseldorf in 2023. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Henning Kaiser

What’s the average and median wage in Germany?

Firstly let’s look at the big picture. According to data published by Germany’s statistical office (Destatis), the average monthly salary across Germany in 2023 for full-time employees was €4,479. This corresponds to an annual salary of approximately €53,748 before tax.

The average is calculated by adding up all of the individual values and dividing this total by the total number of values.

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Another way to look at this is through the median. It is calculated by taking the ‘middle’ value, the value for which half of the salaries – in this case – are larger and half are smaller. Is is often thought to give a more realistic picture. 

According to career portal Stepstone’s 2024 report, the median gross salary in Germany is around €3,645 monthly, which works out at around €43,740 per year before tax. 

But salaries in Germany differ significantly depending on where you live. For instance, there are major income differences between eastern and western states nearly 35 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

What can you expect in Cologne and Düsseldorf?

According to Stepstone’s analysis released at the start of 2024 and based on findings from November 2023, the median gross salary (before tax) for full-time employees in Cologne is €50,000 per year. It is placed fifth in a ranking of large German cities. Düsseldorf comes fourth, with a median gross salary for full-time employees of €50,750.

The top three-earning cities in Germany, by the way, are Munich, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main. Munich is the city where employees get the highest salaries in Germany, with a median wage of €56,000. Stuttgart follows with €54,500 and in Frankfurt the median gross salary is €54,250, according to the analysis.


For a snapshot of how different salaries in Germany can be, the median salary in Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, is €39,000, according to this analysis, while in Berlin it’s €46,500. 

When it comes to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a whole, the median gross salary is €44,000. But people in management positions can earn around €73,750 and the median salary for academics is €56,500.

What’s left after tax?

Your gross salary (Bruttolohn) is your pay before taxes and deductions. So it’s important to think about what your salary will be after taxes (Nettolohn), which is what you’ll have left to spend. 

Germany’s tax rate starts at 14 percent for people earning just over the €11,784 threshold, but most full-time workers can expect a tax rate of between 25 and 42 percent on earnings over the threshold.  Your exact tax rate depends on how much you earn and other factors including your marital status and whether you have children or not.

You also have to pay social security contributions. As an employee, you pay a fixed percentage of your salary for social security membership, and your employer pays a fixed percentage as well. The amount you’ll pay will be split evenly between you and your employer. 

Meanwhile, if you are a member of the church, you will pay church tax to the tax office. 

READ ALSO: How to understand your German tax bill

Is cost of living high in Cologne and Düsseldorf?

There’s no doubt that high inflation following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has had an impact on most people’s lives in Germany. The cost of everyday goods and services have spiralled upwards, making activities like eating out a much more expensive business. 

Compared to other German cities, Cologne and Düsseldorf are not the most expensive – but that’s not to say that they are cheap. 

In this year’s Mercer Cost of Living survey, eight German cities were said to be among the 100 most expensive cities in the world, with Düsseldorf landing in the 51st spot. Berlin took the top spot as the most expensive German city, mainly due to the rising costs of renting an apartment in the capital. 

READ ALSO: Which German cities are the most expensive for residents in 2024?

Beer in Cologne

The iconic Cologne beer, the ‘Kölsch’. Photo: Carola68/Pixabay

According to cost of living site Numbeo, which compiles information from users and reputable sources, a single person in Cologne faces monthly costs of around €1,000 without rent, while a family of four’s living costs amount to about €3,425. 

A one-bedroom apartment in the city centre could set you back around €1,000 per month, and about €790 outside of the centre of Cologne, according to these figures. 

Meanwhile, a three-bedroom flat could be around €2,000 in a central location in Cologne, and about €1,300 in a less central zone. 

In Düsseldorf, Numbeo found that a single person has monthly costs of about €1,044 without rent and a family of four could see living costs of €3,500.

For a one-bedroom flat in the centre of Düsseldorf, it could amount to around €918 per month and about €813 outside of the centre, according to these figures. 

A three-bedroom flat in the city centre might set you back €1,900, and it could be about €1,465 on the outer zones. 

Which jobs pay the most or the least in Germany?

Stepstone’s 2024 salary report for Germany lists median salaries for a number of professions which gives a picture of what you can expect in different industries. 

According to the report, medical doctors earn the most with a gross median salary of €94,750 This means they earn more than twice as much as the national average.

Employees in the banking and finance sector, with €57,000 gross per year, and engineers with €56,000, are also among the top earners.

At the other end of the scale are retail, catering and hotel employees, with a gross median salary of around €35,500 per year.

Germany’s minimum wage (€12.41 per hour in 2024) amounts to about €26,000.

READ ALSO: What are Germany’s top paying jobs?