Valencia take action against Spanish footballer accused of sexual assault

La Liga club Valencia said Monday they have begun disciplinary proceedings against forward Rafa Mir after he was accused of sexual assault last week.

Valencia take action against Spanish footballer accused of sexual assault
Rafa Mir playing for his former club Sevilla. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

“Valencia football club wishes to reiterate its firm condemnation of any type of violence in any form, while respecting the legal presumption of innocence,” the club said in a statement.

Spanish police arrested the 27-year-old on September 2nd following a complaint from two women accusing Mir and another man of sexual assault at the striker’s home.

A judge ordered Mir’s conditional release during an investigation to establish if there is enough evidence for a trial.

“It is up to the judiciary to determine the timeframe and the proceedings to be followed with regard to the alleged facts for which Rafa Mir is being investigated,” Valencia’s statement said.

“However… Valencia football club has analysed the situation… and has decided to take disciplinary measures.”

Valencia said it would open disciplinary proceedings against Mir because “his way of behaving, in his time off, indisputably affects the professional performance expected of him as a player of this club; damaging, moreover, the confidence that our fans have in all its players”.

Mir, who has also played for Wolves, has denied committing sexual assault.

He joined Valencia in July on loan from Sevilla, who signed him in 2021.

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Spain seizes more than one million ecstasy pills

Police in Spain on Tuesday said that they had seized more than one million ecstasy pills and other narcotics worth more than €25 million.

Spain seizes more than one million ecstasy pills

They called it the biggest ever seizure of synthetic pills in the country.

Officers arrested nine people as part of the operation in the southern city of Málaga and the holiday island of Ibiza suspected of belonging to “one of the main criminal organisations involved in the introduction of synthetic drugs in Spain, which operated in different parts of Europe,” police said in a statement.

Police said the gang was headed by Italian nationals based in Ibiza, which is known for its beaches and glittering dance clubs where party drugs like ecstasy are commonly found.

They seized 1,071,327 ecstasy pills, 73 kilogrammes (161 pounds) of MDMA — the primary psychoactive chemical constituent of ecstasy — 212 kilogrammes of ketamine, 20 kilogrammes of cocaine, 21 kilogrammes of “pink cocaine”, which is a mixture of synthetic drugs, 10 kilogrammes of hashish and six kilogrammes of marijuana.

“This is the biggest seizure of synthetic pills ever made in Span,” the statement said.

Police suspect the gang used vehicles with false bottoms to smuggle the drugs into Spain.

The country is a main entry point for drugs into Europe given its close ties with its former colonies in Latin America, a major cocaine producing region, and its proximity to Morocco, a top cannabis producer.