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Is there light on the horizon for the Sweden labour market?

The Swedish labour market didn’t exactly jolt back to life as summer came to an end in August, but there are signs that it could be picking up pace after a slow few years.

Is there light on the horizon for the Sweden labour market?
Sweden is seeing its highest unemployment rate in a decade, excluding the pandemic. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Seasonally adjusted and smoothed, Sweden’s unemployment rate stood at 8.4 percent in August, the same as the previous month but higher than the same month last year.

But there’s a glimmer of hope.

“The development of the labour market appeared subdued in August. However, some positive signals can be observed. The seasonally adjusted and smoothed employment number is increasing, similar to the previous month,” said Philip Krantz, statistician for official number-crunchers Statistics Sweden’s labour force surveys, in a statement.

A total of 5,257,000 people aged 15-74 were employed in August, amounting to an employment rate of 69.2 percent, again seasonally adjusted and smoothed.

That’s an increase both in terms of the exact number and the proportion of employed people compared to recent months, noted Statistics Sweden in the report.


Youth unemployment remains high, with an unemployment rate of 23.8 percent among people aged 15-24 – or in other words, 164,000 jobless people in that age group.

So is there light on the horizon?

Yes, but so far just a flicker. The government warned last month that Sweden is seeing its highest unemployment rate in a decade, excluding the years of the pandemic, with Liberal leader Johan Pehrson calling on people to “make themselves employable”.

In the past year, several major tech companies have announced significant layoffs, with green transition star Northvolt the latest player to warn of a reduction to its workforce.

The market is still moving slowly, but on the brighter side, the current recession is expected to bottom out this year, which should have a positive impact on jobs.

Labour analysts have said they believe 2025 will bring about a turnaround in the labour market, but it is still likely going to take some time before Sweden is back to the same unemployment level as it was before the recession and cost-of-living crisis.

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Winners and losers: What are the tax cuts for Sweden in 2025?

A total of 27 billion kronor of Sweden's 60 billion kronor budget reforms will go towards lowering taxes. Let's take a look at the main tax cuts and who is set to benefit the most.

Winners and losers: What are the tax cuts for Sweden in 2025?

Who are the winners and losers?

Two high earners who have a joint income of around 180,000 kronor a month will get just over 3,400 kronor more in their bank account every month, whereas a couple of pensioners will only get 226 kronor more a month, according to banking giant SEB.

What are the tax cuts?

A new employment tax credit, a rebate given to everyone who has a job, worth 11 billion kronor. This will benefit everyone earning more than 16,000 kronor a month.

A rule that previously increasingly reduced the employment tax credit the more you earned will be scrapped. People earning between 778,000 kronor and just over 2 million annually will benefit the most. It’s expected to cost the state 4.7 billion kronor.

Taxes for pensioners are being lowered to the tune of 2.5 billion kronor, which means a median pensioner will see their taxes lowered by approximately 1,400 kronor a year.

The cap on who has to pay state tax will be raised to monthly salaries of 53,590 kronor. This cap is usually automatically raised every year in line with inflation, but last year the government suspended the hike due to Sweden’s rampaging inflation at the time.


Are you one of 3.5 million people in Sweden saving money in an ISK account? In the new budget, the fixed tax on ISK accounts will be scrapped for any accounts with a balance of less than 150,000 kronor, rising to 300,000 kronor in 2026.

Cutting Sweden’s aviation tax will cost the state 870 million kronor. It corresponds to around 80 kronor for a domestic flight.

A total of 3.2 billion kronor will be spent on lowering the tax on fuel for vehicles.

If you own a motorhome, you’ll get a tax cut of almost 7,000 kronor, as 90 million kronor of the budget is allocated to lowering taxes on recreational vehicles.

What are the reactions?

The centre-left opposition immediately accused the government of unfairly prioritising high earners, also criticising the fact there’s significantly less money earmarked for welfare in this budget compared to last year: down from 16 billion to 7.5 billion kronor.

“It not only makes a mockery of ordinary people, but is also bad for the Swedish economy,” said Mikael Damberg, finance spokesman for the Social Democrats.

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Pensioners’ association PRO also argued their members should have been compensated more in the budget. “We’re really talking ‘thumbs down’,” PRO chairwoman Åsa Lindestam was quoted by the TT news agency as saying.

Swedish Commerce, the association serving the trade and commerce sector, on the other hand welcomed the budget, as its members are directly affected by strengthening customers’ purchasing power – a key priority for the government in the bill.

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise also praised the budget for trying to speed up growth, get more people into work and strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness.