Wife wakes after husband shoots her in head

A 27-year-old shop manager, Margita P, who was shot in the back of her head and stomach by her 33-year-old Kosovar husband, has survived.


Margita P, a shop manager from Perlen in Luzern, was given only a 50-percent-chance of survival, so serious were her injuries. She was induced into an artificial coma, from which she only recently awoke.

“I’ve had a lot of guardian angels. It’s a wonder I’m still alive,” she said.

Margita was shot by her jealous husband, Martin P, on May 7, 2012, after she had told him that she wanted to leave him, online news site Blick reported.

“I remember that he suddenly pulled out a gun. I wanted to escape into the apartment and he fired,” Margita told Blick. “Then I was gone.”

Although happy that both she and her mother are alive, Margita feels sorry for her son, Dominic, who is only 18 months old.

Margita will now have to undergo intensive therapy.

“I can not move my whole left side and my right eye looks wrong,” she told Blick. 

The 33-year-old Kosovar man also shot at Margita’s mother, Gjyste T, before being chased from the apartment by Margita’s brother, Mikel T. Martin then turned the gun upon himself.

When asked how she feels about her husband now, Margita replies that she feels cold.

“Although he is no longer there, I’m still afraid of him. In my thoughts. It will take time. Perhaps it was meant to be that way.”

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Swiss probing 11-year-old over Islamist posts: media

Swiss police are investigating an 11-year-old boy believed to have been radicalised by Islamic extremists -- the youngest person ever to be involved in such a case in Switzerland, media reported Friday.

Swiss probing 11-year-old over Islamist posts: media

Swiss broadcasters RTS and SRF reported that police in the southern Swiss canton of Wallis had questioned the boy in June.

He was questioned in connection with “racist and discriminatory content” posted on social media, they said, citing the cantonal juvenile court.

The child reportedly admitted to having had contact with people involved in extremist movements abroad.

The court had not identified the extremist movements in question, but RTS and SRF said they had obtained information indicating they were Islamist and Jihadist groups.

Prior to this case, Islamist extremist cases on record in Switzerland have never involved anyone younger than 14, the broadcasters reported.

Wallis authorities have reportedly opened a juvenile case against the child, whose nationality was not divulged.

The juvenile court had stressed that the level of radicalisation had yet to be established and that the boy enjoyed the presumption of innocence.