Supreme Court refuses to hear Sjödin case

Former Social Democrat youth leader Anna Sjödin has been denied a hearing by Sweden's Supreme Court in her appeal over her conviction for assault.

Sjödin, the former chairwoman of SSU, the Social Democrats’ youth group, was fined after being found guilty by Stockholm District Court last October of assaulting a doorman at the Crazy Horse bar in Stockholm.

The court of appeal refused to hear her case; it is not usually possible to appeal convictions where only a fine is imposed.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court said that it would not hear her application for a retrial. Sjödin’s lawyer Leif Silbersky argued that the district court had not explained how it had evaluated witness testimony about doorman Babak Jamei’s actions after the argument with Sjödin started.

The Supreme Court’s decision not to take up the case was expected. Only 3 percent of applications for a Supreme Court hearing are granted.