SSU member swapped logins with Liberal

A member of the Social Democrats' youth movement, SSU, has admitted handing over login details to the party's internal computer network to the Liberal Party. In return, he was given secret login details to the Liberals' internal network.

Social Democrat treasurer Tommy Ohlström said that the login details had been exchanged by SSU’s Niklas Sörman and Niklas Lagerlöf, former chairman of the Liberal youth movement LUF.

Ohlström stressed that the Social Democrats had not used the Liberal login details. But the party has informed Liberal MP Christer Winbäck that his login information was in circulation.

Ohlström said he had a meeting with Sörman on Wednesday, at which the young SSU official confirmed that he had handed over the login details, as well as having using them himself on several occasions.

“This was naturally a seriously stupid thing to do,” Ohlström said.

“But this does not change the facts. A crime is a crime. The Liberal Party has systematically and over a long period had access to our databases.”