Two held after Stockholm riots

Two people were held overnight by police after a demonstration by the 'Reclaim the City' group descended into rioting in Stockholm on Sunday.

In total, 140 people were arrested during the day. The only two to be kept in custody were in their 20s.

At around 4pm supporters of Reclaim the City gathered at Odenplan, and around 1,000 people headed for Sergels torg.

The demonstration’s organisers had not applied for a licence and a large police presence watched over the procession.

As the demonstration headed down Sveavägen, there was increasing rowdiness as hundreds of protestors began running away from the crowd towards Sergelgatan.

“There were a number of windows broken. The crowd also started attacking police officers,” said Kjell Lindgren at City police, to TT.

Chairs from cafés were used as weapons against both windows and police.

Plain clothes and uniformed police struck back at the demonstrators, arresting 130 people on Sergelgatan. They were held at the scene until buses were available to take them to different police stations around the city.

“They are suspected of violent rioting,” said Lindgren.

After the mass arrests, the gathering continued in Sergels torg. By 9pm most people had dispersed.

However, a little later, more trouble broke out at Stockholm’s Central Station. One person was assaulted and three were arrested for vandalism.

“We’ve also had reports of vandalism of parked cars in Kungsholmen,” said Sven-Åke Claesson at Stockholm police.

TT/The Local