Trust in Reinfeldt and Olofsson declines

Voters' confidence in Fredrik Reinfeldt and Maud Olofsson is declining rapidly - but Reinfeldt, the leader of the Moderates, is still Sweden's most trusted party leader.

All Sweden’s party leaders except prime minister Göran Persson saw their confidence ratings fall in the poll by Sifo, published on Monday in Aftonbladet.

Of those who responded in the survey, 43% said they had great or very great confidence for the conservative alliance’s candidate for prime minister. That’s 5% less than Reinfeldt’s December rating, but still 10% more than Göran Persson.

Centre Party leader Maud Olofsson has slumped from 31% to 25% in the confidence ratings. Her support is mostly slipping among voters under the age of 30, perhaps as a result of the party’s controversial proposal to change employment rights for young people.

The least trusted of the four conservative opposition party leaders is the Christian Democrats’ Göran Hägglund, whose trust rating fell from 20% to 17%.

The outlook is bleaker for Left Party leader Lars Ohly, who enjoys the confidence of only one in ten voters, while 38% say they have absolutely no confidence in him.

Female voters express considerably less confidence than men in all the party leaders – with the exception of Ohly and the Green Party spokespeople Maria Wetterstrand and Peter Eriksson.

The percentage of voters who say they have great or very great confidence in the party leaders, along with the change from the last poll, is as follows:

Fredrik Reinfeldt (Moderates) 43% (-5%)

Göran Persson (Social Democrats) 33% (+1%)

Lars Leijonborg (Liberals) 28% (-2%)

Maud Olofsson (Centre Party) 25% (-6%)

Maria Wetterstrand/Peter Eriksson (Greens) 20% (-4%)

Göran Hägglund (Christian Democrats) 17% (-3%)

Lars Ohly (Left Party) 10% (-3%)

972 people took part in the Sifo poll.